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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. If I'm not mistaken, their get-out-the-vote efforts includes canvassing minority neighborhoods and hanging nooses from the lamp posts next to a photo of Trump.
  2. Yes, and these extremists are skinheads who want to do away with anyone who isn't white.
  3. Unlike you alt-rights who want to end all races except the superior skin-headed whites!
  4. Not even an inch into September, and you already have your blame button ready to be pushed. It wasn't us neo-Nazis! It was the cucked whites!
  5. You know what? He really doesn't. It's never the primary reason for his speech. There are no soundbites. Conservative pundits never tweet out his clever sayings. I don't see his attacks even on Fox. It's a footnote to him. And yes, I know how bad the media is. CNN is a disgusting mess right now. But this isn't just on the media. He's a drastically flawed candidate, which makes sense given he's, y'know, a Democrat.
  6. Seems like the best place to put this. Fun weekend reading from Time magazine. Born female. Trans to a male. But still can have a baby. And does. My Brother's Pregnancy and the Making of a New American Family Happy Labor Day Weekend, Everyone!!!
  7. Top 11 Hillary revelations in a nutshell...from the always reliable Ben Shapiro. And yet birdog and ...lybob/gatorman will be right there, hand on level, to make this historic...because they're with the oven mitt.
  8. Does anyone remember the comments Nancy Pelosi used to make when monthly job creation was at 150,000? CNN called today's report "respectable,' but I'm pretty sure that's not the phrase she used.
  9. Being reported from FBI Labor Day doc dump of Hillary emails that she had as many as 13 mobile devices sending date via her server. I'm old enough to remember when Hillary said she only used one device. Thirteen? Sheesh. Can you imagine being her 'get me a phone' B word?
  10. That doesn't mean he shouldn't use every opportunity to hammer her on this. But he doesn't. He gives her some Mad Magazine name like Crooked Hillary, mumbles something about her, and then changes his mind for the 18th time about what his immigration plan may be like from a digital, hypothetical, brick, licorice structure. All he has to do, over and over: I'll cut taxes and then...HIllary corruption. Hillary emails. Hillary Benghazi. Hillary Iraq war. Hillary and her husband the sexual predator on kiddieporn flights. Hillary and her health. Hillary in hiding. Then bring that to the debates, should they ever take place. But no. He has idiot surrogates out there spewing stupidity while leaving you able to count the number of campaign offices he has in swing states on the hand of a bad wood shop teacher.
  11. Getting a kick out of watching San Diego boo him every snap. Can someone tell Kap he has a better chance of being take seriously if he didn't look like the love child of Screech and Gabe Kotter? Get a haircut, clown. Or a mirror.
  12. If only she was running against a Republican this year, that candidate would be all over this. But alas...
  13. We don't. But he's an athlete who is covered by sports reporters...and there are two things we know, in general, about sports reporters: (1) they really hate athletes because they're young people making craploads of money and sports reporters are, well, absolutely not. And (2) they are mostly all leftists who enjoy watching the spoiled rich kid suddenly take up a social issue, which allows the sports writers to get the SJW message out and still have the added enjoyment of watching everyone pick on the young, rich kid that they hate.
  14. And one can only imagine how much time it takes every day to dress her in an oven mitt.
  15. His Che shirt must have been in the laundry. What an idiot.
  16. There was always some part of me that wondered what the voice of birdog or ...lybob/gatorman sounded like. Now I know. They sound like a valley girl. Fershur.
  17. Actually, medical marijuana is for anyone with $200 to get a web meeting with some remote doctor to approve your prescription.
  18. Damn, and that's how he looks after essentially spending all his time playing golf. Crystal meth is bad stuff.
  19. Damn, she looks absolutely horrible. That looks like one of those "This is what crystal meth will do to you" things.
  20. In fairness, it wasn't kap making that suggestion. It was some folks here who used the extremely small issue of voter fraud as an example of how the government oppresses blacks by making them get an ID to vote.
  21. I'm gonna go with "Be stupid enough to put his name to an article the ridiculous."
  22. It's kind of a running gag here that when another story is out reporting the predictable incompetence of Obamacare, one of us comments sarcastically "If only someone had warned us..." or "If only someone could have predicted this mess..." Unfortunately, we are heading quickly to "If only someone could have predicted this was designed to fail so it could lead to single payer." That'll be a sad day, indeed, because then the left will have reached beyond its hold on minorities as hostages who are excessively dependent upon the federal government for survival, and have reached the rest of us. By the time Hillary finishes her second term, the US will look more like Detroit than any assemblance of a free people.
  23. I agree with all of this. For TBD, it was one of the most civil off-topic political discussions I've ever seen here.
  24. Funny CNN editorial: I was on board with the Kap until he questioned Hillary Clinton Sidenote: Anyone know why they killed the Kap thread?
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