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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. Seriously. I'm old enough to remember when everyone here was thankful for the Pegulas keeping the team in Buffalo. Now he's a laughingstock and noone would want to take his millions to play or coach here. Dear whiners, please ensure you collect all your tears in an airtight container and send them to The Buffalo News attention: Timmah Graham. He drinks them to stay alive during the week. That is all.
  2. Did any of you see Hillary's comments tonight. Holy crap she looks so weak...physically weak. You leftists really have to be schittin' purple Twinkies right now. Someone let Granny Maopants get her full 12 hours of sleep, yahearme?
  3. Probably just a bunch of confused homosexuals. It could take years to untangle the motives.
  4. Olbermann reporting in GQ? I haven't seen a fall that bad since Timmah Graham ended up in Buffalo.
  5. Blumenthal. Blumenthal. Where have a I heard that name before? Baskin, does it ring a bell to you? No? Damn. I swear I've heard it before. Oh, wait. Wasn't he the Clinton surrogate who started the birther issue on Obama long before Donald Trump? Isn't he the one the Obama's told Hillary as SoS not to hire because he's such a dirtbag, and she hired the dirtbag anyway? And had him providing counsel on foreign affairs? Oh, well, if those emails exist, I'm sure they don't really have any dirt to them.
  6. It's almost as if Hillary is unaware that there is this thing called 'the internet' which lets people globally share information almost immediately. Anyone who supports Hillary and carries her water on "I had nothing to do with the start of the birther stuff" let's you know they care only about doing what they're told. Thinking doesn't get any lazier than that. Unless you're mocking a man and his seven-year-old daughter who continue to grieve over unexpectedly losing their wife/mother at a young age. That's really is the laziest thinking around.
  7. Here you go, dumbass. Bloomenthal asks McClatchy to investigate Barry's birthplace. You know. Sidney Bloomenthal. Hillary's second husband. Oh, hey, gee...here's a NYT article about this as well. We'll skip to the easy part for you... Wait, baskin, let me guess...New York Times is a useless source for you, right?
  8. Nothing is ever good enough for baskin because he'll never be honest enough with himself to accept he is wrong about anything. It was probably different back when he was a full-fledged card-carrying Reagan Republican.
  9. Relax. She probably started it back when you were a die-hard Republican.
  10. I've always been skeptical of Hillary's weaknesses in the public eye, but Clinton, ABC and CNN are all pushing his old birther stuff right now, and even the most casual voter can't help but see that Hillary must be in a crapload of trouble in the polls. The ONLY people who care about this are people who have nothing else to talk about. Are we actually watching Hillary collapse before our eyes?
  11. It's the Butane Lighter Show Loophole that is to blame.
  12. INdiana? I barely know Diana.
  13. Given what we witnessed them doing with the Occupy movement, I suspect they'll probably give you a hug and welcome you to the movement.
  14. They refer to it in Twitter world as Voxplaining. Though at one point yesterday, you could go to CNN and see a headline like "Powell says Trump Poisonous" and go to Fox at the same moment and see a headline that says "Powell Says Clinton Greedy, Out of Control!" Powell probably wishes he just gave speeches and shut the hell up.
  15. Leaked Email from Clinton donor: Dem Senator told me she can barely climb podium steps. I had no idea so many people on the left were sexist.
  16. Wow, you sound like you listen to Bill Nye, too! He's so great. He's on TV. And wears a bow-tie. And little kids love his volcano experiment. No idea why the world doesn't take him more seriously.
  17. Hey, now, it's not like there are dozens of buildings and roads and bridges and courthouses named after that him because surely the left, which insists it abhors racists, would never stand for that, right? Right?
  18. Not CNN, who, apparently, has done research to the extent that the news organization specifically printed that those who DO agree in global warming cooling climate change ARE correct. So again...who says they're correct? CNN? Let me guess, they're citing Bill Nye again?
  19. Who said they were correct about this?
  20. I think, too, the left is desperate to say they elected the first female president, much like the were desperate to elect the first black president with a guy who can barely operate a vending machine if you spot him the correct change.
  21. Sorry. I meant daughter. She's the one who pressed him on the maternity leave issue. And 100% of Hillary Clinton thinks KKK grand pooobah Robert Byrd was the heart and soul of America. You dumbass.
  22. Every single one of them. From Hannity to Ingraham to Coulter. Half the day on Twitter featured people re-tweeting all their old jabs at Sanders' plan. But now...why, it's really only fair, y'know. Why, it's almost like Trump and his wife were life-long far left liberals before becoming 'conservatives.'
  23. This is supposed to be from Nov. 1999. Kinda funny.
  24. I guess this means NCAA will let men and women teams merge. Shouldn't be a problem there.
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