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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. Why is was just yesterday I heard Cuomo tell everyone that people are now fleeing other states to move INTO NY. I trust Cuomo on this. He knows best. Think how smart he is to be the first to recognize that you can't get Covid if you sit at a bar AND order food. He's a model of genius.
  2. It was totally a misstep on his part, which is unfortunate, because it's another in a line of verbal missteps that small minded leftists will now repeat over and over and over and over because they simply lack anything else of substance to comment about. It's no different than the way the right (myself included) mocked Obama for his inability to count how many states are in the US, or how he was simply not smart enough to understand how to pronounce corpseman. These aren't exactly bright people we are electing to POTUS, they make verbal mistakes, and it's red meat for their respective bases.
  3. So are incorrect predictions okay now? Phew. Thank goodness.
  4. This article really breaks down what The Lincoln Project is all about. Bookmark it and then post it every time some moron on the left posts a LP tweet and insists the GOP is turning on Trump.
  5. One of the dumbest things I've seen making the social media rounds from the usual leftists is this meme suggesting teachers should quit their job and get hired by parents to home school their children, insisting they'd triple their income and work with less kids. All that does is show how little people know about home-schooling.
  6. You're talking about the same NY braintrust that insists you have a higher rate of avoiding Covid if you order a drink at a bar WITH food than if you order a drink WITHOUT food. Truly the geniuses of our time. Just ask Jennifer Rubin and the Lincoln Project!
  7. Most of the loudest teachers are just doing their union's bidding. What they're not grasping, and likely will never grasp, is that many parents are not in a position to quit their job so they can stay home with their third grader because a teacher is afraid they'll be part of the 1% of Americans who die from Covid. This could end badly for public education, long term, which is why you see the unions doing everything in their power to crush charter schools, private schools, or any kind of school choice. Parents are simply not going to understand why they have to quit their jobs AND pay for teachers to stay at home. I'll be curious to see how the red states handle this as we all know the blue states will hit their knees to the unions faster than Kamala Harris at a Willie Brown fundraiser.
  8. Jennifer Rubin; The Lincoln Project before the Lincoln Project was cool to leftists. This is a woman who thinks Cuomo did a great job in NY with Covid.
  9. So ridiculous. "Thousands across the country..." You can find thousands across the country attending a Furry Convention. I desperately hate the way the media controls the narrative.
  10. I'm actually kind of embarrassed for guys like him. We know they have the ability to wake up, feed themselves food, turn on a computer, and navigate to this website where they can actually log in and post a thought...and yet after all that they're simply too stupid to realize the error of the garbage they're posting. How can any thinking person NOT understand the two points he posted have literally nothing to with each other...and even worse, it's posted as if he's dunking on everyone. It's either pure stupidity on his part, or catering to the purely stupid for likes and clicks, which isn't any less pathetic.
  11. This board right now is very indicative of social media as a whole; a handful of people trying to have rational conversations and an increasing number of hate-filled far-left bots and nutbags going full Gary on every comment that doesn't suit their desires. Couple that with the sheer embarrassing number of people who simply repeat as gospel something they heard on some stupid talk show, and it's clear we've pretty much lost any chance we ever had at having rational, production conversations for a long, long time.
  12. Pretty sad state of affairs. This shouldn't even be a consideration, and yet here we are, watching a local government grab guns and charge homeowners while letting the 'nonviolent protesters" who tore down their gate and threatened to kill them be seen as the victims. I'm very glad to not be living in that schitthole.
  13. You draw a conclusion of a double standard by trying to tie two things together based on literally nothing more than a personal assumption on your part. Yeesh.
  14. Assuming this hasn't been determined, part of me feels like a big sticking point for players is what happens to a player who decides to opt-out of playing for health concerns. What happens if Patrick Mahomes or Tom Brady* or Lamar Jackson or Gronk* or Drew Brees decide their (fill-in-the-blank reason...pregnant wives, children, etc.) are more important than playing this season? Does the NFL really want ten prime time games with Chad Henne and Blaine Gabbert under center? I'm gonna say no. I can see the NFL sitting on this to ensure their stars, so to speak, are aligned with the prime time games. But then again, I'm just a Bills home who loves the game, so I can be completely in the wrong here.
  15. Yes, but the Communists in America are going to do it right this time!
  16. Let me explain. When you express an opinion that a leftist does not agree with, you're a Trumpian who lies to protect the president. People unable to think for themselves often struggle with people who can. Independent thought is foreign to leftists...an oddity...an ancient myth...like personal accountability. And Keyser Soze.
  17. Based on what I've seen from the left, if Ginsberg starts to significantly decline and she is found to have difficulty functioning both physically and mentally on a daily basis, the next course of action will be to have her retire from the bench so she can be Biden's running mate.
  18. It's been a while since I've seen something so egregious, so clearly in the open, with so many people on social media upset about it...with literally no one in an elected capacity doing anything about it, let along speaking out on it. It's clearly horrifying, yet no one on the right or left says a word. I would love to know why.
  19. Why, it's almost like a bunch of sports journalists were trying to get a lot or clicks by embellishing a story!
  20. You damn Trumpians just refuse to the see the truth! Oh, wait...
  21. It really was. I mean, once your married, with property and children, you need to protect yourself in CA because they'll hold you up forever. I really feel for people who can't afford to get that trust done.
  22. It turns out Idaho laws are MUCH better at protecting you and your property by default. We re-did our Trust when we moved and the cost didn't even include a comma.
  23. CA was horrible. I spent over $5K getting my trust set up, and that was a drop in the bucket compared to what CA does to your assets if you don't have one set up.
  24. NOW you think this rhetoric is divisive? NOW? Good thing the left has been so unifying through all of this! How did we miss it?
  25. There are few things funnier than watching leftists melt down in the face of their own rhetoric. Are you suddenly leary of liberals insisting ALL Trump supporters are racist? Are you suddenly tired of liberals insisting ALL Trump supporters are white supremacists? Are you suddenly questioning liberals insisting all Trump supporters are Nazis? NOW you don't like that all-inclusive rhetoric? Color me shocked.
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