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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. Were you this stupid when you were a Republican?
  2. Oh, no! Now Stephen King is going into hiding!
  3. I regret to admit I'm kind of enjoying this liberal meltdown. I haven't had this much fun watching people go crazy the day after a major event since this...
  4. Letting Jimmy Carter one day rest in peace.
  5. Absolutely none. She's been in a bubble so long, she simply is unable to recognize the concepts of right and wrong. There is simply Hillary and those who are wrong.
  6. Christie is poison. He needs to just fetch water and tea.
  7. It's simply impossible for me to comprehend just how bad of a person (and a candidate) Hillary Clinton has to be to lose...and lose badly...to a nutbag like Trump. This past month she was Leodis McKelvin, Warren Moon, Mighty Casey and the 2016 Cleveland Indians stuffed into an adult diaper, wrapped in a Chairman Mao outfit, and set on fire in front of 300,000,000 people.
  8. Rule of law, Hillary? How precious.
  9. My first year in college, Reagan is in the first year of his presidency. The movie "Deer Hunter" was playing on campus, so a few of us got high and went to watch it. The movie just crushed our mood and we left the theater, walked to the bar on campus, no one saying a word. We run into a friend who literally took one look at our faces and asked "Oh, crap. What did Reagan do?" Hillary spent so much time warning everyone that Trump would start a nuclear war, it's no wonder her congregation is worried.
  10. What are you talking about? Hillary lost.
  11. He didn't need to outrun the bear. He only needed to outrun Hillary.
  12. Interesting stat that supports the whole "Trump didn't win so much as Hillary lost."
  13. She'll make herstory, dammit, even if she has to fill a park with dead bodies.
  14. Maybe she'll be able to stay home and take care of the baby she quickly pushed out to cover for Weiner after he got busted the first time.
  15. Now, now...I was loud and I was obnoxious...but there's no way I was louder or more obnoxious than Greggy. He COULD do it, but he will go into his first two years with control of the House and Senate, and it's my understanding from 2008 that he'll get nothing done while holding all the branches because the Dems will block his every move.* *Amazing how stupid that sounds from the back of the bus, eh?
  16. Well then tell us, oh all-knowing swami...you don't like the Trump team, you don't like the Obama team.... Pick your team. Let us know your A list.
  17. Perhaps you should consider that those YOU may consider to be the " veritable A-list of wise leadership and self-respecting statesmen"...Podesta, Jarrett, Blumenthal, Kerry, Holder, Hillary, Sebelius, Lynch, Obama, Biden...are all pretty much single-handedly responsible for the ass-kicking that took place this morning. Just sayin'...
  18. You might say Trump made Herstory!
  19. This means nothing to anyone, but I caution the football spiking by anyone on the right.
  20. Chris Matthews, of all people, was doing the same thing last night. Maddow was embarrassing herself with anger, stunned that white men would beat down a woman like that, and Matthews had to lay down the lumber about how poor of a candidate she was. One of his points was that she never took seriously her loss of Michigan to Bernie. Hillary assumed she had it vs. Trump, so she ignored that the issue was more about her.
  21. Yep. Wrong about the election doesn't mean wrong about Trump.
  22. This seems as good a place as any to genuinely admit how brutally wrong I was about this election. Whatever the reasons are, there is no way I thought I would wake up today to find Trump elected as our next President. He did it without a ground game. He did it without spending a gzillion dollars. He did it without Jayz, Beyonce and Madonna blow jobs. I think the irony of it all is that the left finds themselves this morning making a similar argument that people like myself have been making incorrectly for the past three months: I've repeated said the GOP would handily win this with anyone but Trump, and I'm certain that is what the left is going to say today about Hillary. They forced a horribly flawed, entitled, lying money-launderer on their party, and are paying for it today. That said, you are all free to remind me of how wrong I was on this the next time I think I'm clever enough to make stupid predictions about things of which I know very little. Lastly this, while I gladly admit how wrong I was about the election, time will tell if I'm wrong about Trump. Those are two different things, and I will fight against him the moment he starts thinking he can behave like a king. For now, it is my hope he uses wisely the majority he has as his disposal to genuinely correct a lot of the wrongs Obama made with his pen and phone. First up...Obamacare.
  23. Podesta goes full Wizard of Oz...pay no attention to the witch in the sky... the wizard has everything under control.
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