This seems as good a place as any to genuinely admit how brutally wrong I was about this election. Whatever the reasons are, there is no way I thought I would wake up today to find Trump elected as our next President.
He did it without a ground game. He did it without spending a gzillion dollars. He did it without Jayz, Beyonce and Madonna blow jobs. I think the irony of it all is that the left finds themselves this morning making a similar argument that people like myself have been making incorrectly for the past three months: I've repeated said the GOP would handily win this with anyone but Trump, and I'm certain that is what the left is going to say today about Hillary. They forced a horribly flawed, entitled, lying money-launderer on their party, and are paying for it today.
That said, you are all free to remind me of how wrong I was on this the next time I think I'm clever enough to make stupid predictions about things of which I know very little.
Lastly this, while I gladly admit how wrong I was about the election, time will tell if I'm wrong about Trump. Those are two different things, and I will fight against him the moment he starts thinking he can behave like a king. For now, it is my hope he uses wisely the majority he has as his disposal to genuinely correct a lot of the wrongs Obama made with his pen and phone.
First up...Obamacare.