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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. As far as I'm concerned, they can pretty much do what they want but the key will be to ensure the very poorest of people keep whatever coverage they got through ACA, and find a way to carry coverage for existing conditions. Eliminate the left crying about taking these two things, and you'd be hard pressed to get much opposition because EVERYONE is feeling the pain of this law. Except the people who passed it, as they exempted themselves from it...a point the right needs to remind everyone about.
  2. You should remind her to capture her tears, and the tears of all her friends, as the saltiness makes an excellent brine for her Thanksgiving turkey.
  3. Yes. Bernie was MUCH more about free stuff. But in the end, he pushed the idea of free stuff...especially college...because people are stupid and actually believe it would be free. Kinda like birth control today. Picked up my wife's prescription the other day, and there was no charge. I briefly thought "Wow. It's free." And then remembered, "No. No it's not." I'll stop busting his chops about free stuff when he stops referring to it as being 'free.'
  4. In the next decade's episode of "Who's Running For Office," the role of the Clintons will be played by the Obamas. Michelle in 2020. Then Malia vs. Chelsea in a the 2024 DNC Primary. Malia will win and run against Ivanka Trump.
  5. My point is, she lost. You can stare at the numbers however you want, and try to feel better because Trump didn't really win so much as she lost...but she still lost. That's it. You don't get a medal for second place here, though, y'know, I give the Dems time before they try to make that a law.
  6. Bernie would have crushed Trump. And me. Because winning an election by calling everything 'free' is a crappy way to win.
  7. Why do you folks keep bringing up the total vote count? Do you genuinely feel like it carries any weight? If you do, then look at a map of what counties voted for Trump and what counties voted for Clinton. That map is so red, you'd think he won in a landslide. None of it matters. Only one thing matters. In the words of Barack Obama, "You lost. We won." Wipe your tears and go back to work.
  8. Yeah, since I wasn't writing exclusively to you, I figured with this particular topic, other readers understanding the age of the kids is important. The discussion has a huge difference from 7 to 12. And I'm glad you remember how old he is because I keep forgetting.
  9. If that were my child, the first question is "Where did you get that idea?" Seriously. Did it come from her parents, teacher, friend...which friend? Where did your friend hear this? Etc. This leads to a discussion about the need to question and verify before you believe, and the value and importance of independent thought. Because I only have one child, we don't shield him from much of anything. We talk to him about the entire LBQTLMNOP world, and trans 5-year-olds, and drugs, and sex, and politics. He's almost 12, he's really very smart, and he gets it to a large extent, but we are a Christian home, so it's pretty easy for him to understand how to behave anhd respond in most any of those arenas. But again...as others have said...if you're a parent and you're asking "What am I supposed to tell my children?" about pretty much anything, maybe you should stop reproducing because we have enough snowflakes.
  10. Just how badly did I govern this country the past eight years to bring us to this point?
  11. That is where all of this crap belongs. At the state. Repeal Obamacare. Reduce the childish regulations Barry set up for his legacy. Cut spending. Protect the borders. Build the military. Slash entitlements. In fact, the first thing we should do is return unemployment benefits back to pre-Obama days.
  12. Further to your comments is this article from the NYT examining why she 'really' lost, and in the end, her campaign refused to listen to Bill, who was pleading with them to go into those area.They They thought they'd get the black and female vote to compensate...because, y'know, they're Democrats. This was my favorite part of the article...especially Dunn's comment with the use of the word 'yet.' So telling.
  13. We're not broke. We're just having a cash flow issue, but it will all be better once the high-speed rail is completed in 2037. Besides, not only did we legalize pot, we got the 10-cent per grocery bag law passed. A guy in line at Costco tried to convinced me yesterday that the money the state brings in from marijuana will make the state flush in no time, and he was really excited about it. "Look at Colorado!" I just kind shook my head and paid for my 97 rolls of Charmin.
  14. These aren't people with a gripe. They're hired protesters per the usual liberal temper tantrum. Half of them barely know why they're there. Occupy Wall Street. The 99%. All of them paid to do a 1%er's whining. End their paycheck, end their noise. Just that simple.
  15. Oh, please. you carry the holier-than-thou, you're-wrong-because-you-disagree-with-me flag like every other entitled leftwing nut who 'really is more of a libertarian.' If you're going to raise the point of how many times he used EO, you're going to get called out for it regardless of what other point you're trying to make.
  16. It seems like only last week that all the leftists were arguing how the right thing to do would be to accept the results of the election, regardless of what Trump thinks. But now they don't want to accept it? Freaking pansy-ass snowflakes.
  17. If you don't have the experience or facility to debate on the topic, perhaps it's a good idea to think twice when trying to push a talking point that has been proven hollow over and over again by the very people who are discussing this with you. You're trying to argue that his EOs couldn't be bad because he didn't sign as many as the other guy, yet simultaneously have no freaking idea the extent to which his EO affect the country. Why would you ever TRY to defend something of which you have so little knowledge? Just say, "Hey, maybe you guys are right and I should look into a bit more before I try to argue for something of which I know so little." Try it. It'll fit ya like a glove.
  18. When I think about that thin-skinned narcissistic loon, I think of all the passive aggressive comments he made that riled people up, and how he proudly walked the line between imply and infer, blaming everyone for his problems and failures, taking photos of himself to honor other people and events...Cops acted stupidly...Trayvon could be my son. We won. It's the law. On and on and on. I let that turd get under my skin. But if someone asked me three years ago what it would take to make me feel better about how crappy it has been watching Obama's attitude during his presidency, the only answer I could have come up with would be "That a Republican wins all branches at the end of Barry's second term, and competely undoes all the smug, crippling, skinny jeans crap he forced on this country. Never thought it would happen. Ever. So I have that going for me. Which is nice.
  19. Yes, but it's more fun watching their circus freak lose in such an embarrassingly bad manner.
  20. Back of the bus you go, people...
  21. I hope they stream this on Netflix or Hulu.
  22. Okay, Anthony...I'll take the interns and you take the 15 year olds.
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