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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. Likewise, using bad behavior to justify bad behavior is best left to the leftists, who take every criticism of their candidates and argue how it's okay because someone else did it before them.
  2. I suspect the Obama administration is doing whatever it can to have some kind of legacy beyond "everything he touched turned to schitt."
  3. Except that Bannon, the "outsider," is a committed alt-right skinhead like Ozy, so that'lll quickly make things worse for people who try to argue that Trump isn't a racist. Bad, bad, bad move by Trump.
  4. Keep this up and he's not going to show you the special Skinhead Brotherhood handshake.
  5. Looks like Trump is ready to move forward with those conservative principles we've been hearing about. Trump unveils student debt pan that makes Bernie's plan seen unfair. Perhaps the protesters should listen to what Trump has to say. They will probably be surprised to find out he's every bit as left as Bernie or Hillary.
  6. Really good article here that kinda makes you shake your head at the behavior of the left, not because they're violent (they're always violent), but because the hypocrisy is at fever pitch.
  7. Oh, please. Republicans would never behave like the left is right now for one simple reason; they already have full-time jobs and don't need the extra money. You're watching a George Soros hissy fit. That's it.
  8. This guy drops a bunch of F-bombs, but he speaks truth to the left, who will no doubt ignore the hell out of what he's saying.
  9. Let me save you the trouble. He will tell you what he took away from this is that THIS is the reason he is no longer a member of the (fill in the blank) party.
  10. This is an interesting article on Clinton's loss. I genuinely don't know anything about lives within the political orbit, outside of what I watch in movies, etc., and that ain't much. But what I really don't know is just how many people will be affected by Hillary's loss. This article does a nice job of giving that side of the story a bit of a face. It's beyond the Podestas and Mooks, but people on the lower rungs who hitched their line to that star to be a part of something historic. Whether it's sports or politics, many times the worst, hardest hits -- the de-cleaters -- are the ones you don't see coming. This was a total de-cleater for the left. I think a very small part of this election turned a bit the day Eric Cantor lost his seat. That was a really big deal because no one saw it coming, and it changed the way many Republicans ran their next elections. Simply assuming you were going to win wasn't going to work. Mailing it in -- as Cantor did -- was a bad idea. I have to believe that played at least a small role in many of the down ballot races. Then again, I thought this would be called for Hillary before I cracked my second beer, so what the hell do I know?
  11. You're asking baskin for specifics? This should end well.
  12. I spent election night listening to the left cry on two specific lines: Trump got elected because (a) his voters are racist and (b) his voters were white males who wanted to shut down any notion of a female president. Frankly, I'm okay with this because sticking to their echo chamber talking points is a large reason they lost this election. They simply refused to believe that America would NOT vote for Hillary. So all you leftists...keep on believing. It was racism. It was misogyny. That's what it was. Keep believing that.
  13. Gee, everything sounds so amazing, it's hard to imagine how Hillary lost. You would think the world would be BEGGING for four more years of Obama's policies! Stupid racists. Stupid misogynists. Stupid rednecks. If only you could see all the beauty that baskin sees!
  14. Before you return home to Berkeley?
  15. Exactly. I'll be laughing up until the moment his true colors as a Democrat comes out.
  16. You've reached the point of babbling gibberish. Even at the height of the protests against Obama, the left could only make up stories and edit video to make everything seem worse than it was. "The're spitting on black congressmen! The whities have a gun with them!" All of it made up to scare people, except the only people you scared were yourselves. Now look at you. Leftists all over this country are throwing what is nothing more than a destructive hissyfit over the simple fact that you all can't believe you got your ass beat. Crybabies, all of you.
  17. Yes. Yes he does. But he'll also tell you he has nothing to do with the far left lunatic fringe that is currently beating people up, destroying businesses and burning cities.
  18. Oh, you're independent now! My bad! So you voted for Johnson? Stein? Write in?
  19. Insane to watch the left melt down the way it is. There is NO way I thought they'd be THIS pathetic. Quick...give those kids a nipple and ball of dough! STAT!
  20. Working out great. Never been so happy to be so wrong. It was the best wrong I've ever been. If my prediction were a country, it would be called Wrongtopia. And even in Wrongtopia, you nutbag leftists would still be crying, whining and burning stuff, because you precious snowflakes will never, ever be able to take defeat graciously. Oh, wait. This is probably where you tell us you used to be a Democrat, but the party left you, and now you're a Green Peace Libertarian!!!!!
  21. Prior to ACA, I covered all of my employees and their families. Now I don't because it was bleeding our profit and my business does not allow me to bury those extra costs into my product. My own insurance has gone up from 20-35% each year since it was passed. I have a small business (seven employees) that does a lot of work with other small businesses, and we constantly share info regarding small business issues, health care being one of them. They have all cut back on full coverage for employees. All of them. Given how firmly entrenched you with your party, I am not surprised to hear you saying it hasn't affected you. Not surprised at all.
  22. The left is ALREADY burning schitt, and he hasn't even been sworn in yet. Do you honestly think the left will get on board with ANYTHING he does? Please. They'll kill him before they work with him. Which is too bad, because the reality is that Trump is a Democrat, and he'll probably try to do some infrastructure crap, etc. But listen to me now and believe me later...the left, as a whole, will NEVER work with him. Ever.
  23. I dunno. They like big butts, and they cannot lie.
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