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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. Exactly. It didn't used to be like that. It was one of the first websites I'd hit each morning. Andrew epitomized everything I wanted to see someone do to the opposition, and he did it fearlessly. Once he died, the purpose quickly died with him. By the time they turned on their own contributors, I couldn't take it any more and killed it. Interestingly, shortly thereafter I killed Drudge as well.
  2. So white college-educated women don't want to see white college-educated women be successful because they secretly hate white college-educated women? Man, you leftists are going to ensure this loss will be the gift that keeps giving for months.
  3. You know what's ridiculous? Low cost is not the only reason Uber is successful. It's important, but the sizzle is the app (so you can see where your car is, who is driving it, when it's going to be there, driver rating, etc.), PLUS he ability to get in, get out, and not have to reach for your wallet, of have them break out the old credit card slide machine crap. If the taxi companies would just do the self-billing app portion instead of making people stand around waiting for a taxi to come by or make a phone call, they'd get more business. But hey...momma don't take my Kodachrome away.
  4. When I saw this article a few days ago, I was stunned that Buffalo would not permit Uber, which simply tells me the union holds the council in check. It's time for taxi companies to compete or die away. Or they can follow the Eastman Kodak model, I suppose.
  5. To be fair, Breitbart has all the integrity of a used mop. They are straight up a skinhead-rich newsletter now. Nothing more. You simply can no more find it a viable publication than you can Think Progress or DailyKos.
  6. Fair enough. She's a nut. Just like Trump. She would make a terrible press secretary, but now I genuinely hope he appoints her just so you can see more of her than just a youtube video. Oh, and my mother died of cancer when she was in her forties, leaving six children behind, ages 5-18. So y'know...Tom ain't my phucking mother, you idiot.
  7. Listen. I was something of a Katrina Pierson fan when she was challenging Pete Sessions in the Texas primary. In the end, she's a flamethrower, and we can't have a flamethrower as press secretary. She needs to do what she's best at: making the media rounds and reciting Trump talking points against liberals on the same show. I actually like Laura Ingraham because she strikes me as much more level-headed and genuine. Press secretary? I have no idea, but pretty much anyone would be better than Katrina Pierson.
  8. And I think that's the freakout foundation, really. I said it months ago and it bears repeating now; just how unbelievably horrible must you be as a presidential candidate to lose to Donald Trump? This woman spent her entire life getting to this moment. She has more money and more contacts that possibly anyone in the global political arena. This was the electoral equivalent of a t-ball "at bat." The entire time I kept expecting grandma to schitt her Depends, it turns out she was more focused on schitting the whole bed. EDIT: Now I'm reading that Barbara Boxer -- on her way out the door -- filed a bill to scrap the electoral college. Absolutely insane with this statement...
  9. And honestly, it's the fevered pitch of their panic that is so unbelievable. The "get an abortion now" stuff is just a microcosm of the larger freak out. And that's really what it is. A freak out. Can anyone here even come close to remembering the last time so many people freaked out about a loss?
  10. "If you got the curves, baby, I got the angles." I do love me some Guess Who.
  11. I would love to see him as AG, but my reasoning is not sound: after watching Eric Holder become a social justice warrior, and move in to take control of many cities' law enforcement, it would be the ultimately schadenfreude as he goes after HIllary, and undoes all that Holder did with respect to local police departments.
  12. Frankly, I think most people find abortion to be ethically or morally problematic. But the left has turned abortion into a cash cow for their campaigns, so it's financially to their advantage to yell about abortion during elections so their base will open up their purses again.
  13. My wife has been out of the country since just before the election, and returns tomorrow night. I sat here Tuesday watching the returns, and when it became clear Trump may win, I turned to MSNBC, and it was SO bad...they were SO pathetic...that I actually recorded the rest of the night so my wife could watch it unfold when she returns. I simply can not believe how unbelievably panicked the left remains even a week later. Get an abortion now? Really? You think come January you're suddenly not going to be able to get an abortion? Stunningly pathetic is this group.
  14. What you initially wrote was " Abortion, and the belief that life begins at conception are not Christian (religious) beliefs," That's wrong. They are. I think what you're trying to say is they are not exclusively a religious belief, and that would be true, too.
  15. Let me preface this by stating I am in no way an authority on the Bible or even Christianity, but the idea that life begins at conception is absolutely the belief of Christians who believes the Bible is God's inerrant word, because they believe, as the God's holy word tells them, that God plays a roll in the creation of every fetus. And since God considers that fetus as his child, killing that child is murder. Again, I'm talking about Christians who follow the Bible as God's word, not people who think they believe in God as a way to hedge a bet on their eternal life like they believed in Santa; "just in case."
  16. She probably misses the days when her husband was taking crotch shots to send to 15-year-olds while their child was in bed next to him.
  17. There are few things online I hate as much as opening up a website that simultaneously launches three different videos so you get three different audio feeds at the same time. So freaking annoying.
  18. Oh, I'm pretty sure Huma has multiple well-padded bank accounts from helping the Clintons launder all that cash. She'll probably clean out Weiner's accounts as well, and have a high-profile roll at the Clinton Foundation. And let's not forget. Now she can spend time with the baby she spit out to show everyone that she and Anthony were still in love.
  19. A lot of this comes down to faith. You clearly are not a Christian, and that's cool because it's your choice. So your first belief is that the blob in the belly is just a blob, and it's preferable to slice up and terminate the blob than it is to bring the blob into the world where countless families stand in long lines to adopt the blob to a home. I'm curious, though. Are you equally dismissive of other religious doctrines? Or are you ready to call someone Islamophobic because you feel they are not being cordial and understanding to Muslims and their doctrine, which may or may not include killing as many Americans as possible? Just an honest question.
  20. It depends on which 'right' you're talking about: the right who actually thinks Trump is a Republican or the right who knows he's not.
  21. He needs to keep Katrina Pierson in charge of picking out curtains. Someplace where she can keep her mouth closed because she is one dumb sumunabitch.
  22. At least not from a liberal.
  23. He'll probably not last long. The anti-Jew stories are already coming out. He's a skinhead like Ozy, has admitted that Brietbart is the site for all things Alt-Right, and if the press is eager to attack Trump right out of the gate, he's the guy to go after.
  24. All well and good, but if no one but the woman should make that decision, then no one but the woman should pay for it.
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