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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. Onion nails it...
  2. Didn't watch the whole thing, but I question if anything was funnier than the 6:05 mark where he's coming to terms with the fact that Hillary's victory won't come as a landslide.
  3. In all fairness, if that happened to a Democratic president, the right would be cheering. Granted, if a white actor started to lecture Obama from the stage, the actor would be wandering around Orlando in a fake Elmo outfit, but that's not the point. Frankly I find the whole thing ridiculous, but in the end it's just another burning tire thrown on a week-long country-wide left wing hissy fit. As one person mentioned on Twitter, there are worst things that could happen then having a bunch of conservatives run the government for the next four years while Trump and left spend their time trolling each other.
  4. So permit me to piggy back here on this topic as I'm coming in for the Jags game and planned to Uber to the stadium, which is apparently not an option. I don't want to cab it, so I'll just drive and park. That said, how bad is the parking set up at the Ralph these days? How early should we arrive to get parking, or should we just look for nearby off-stadium parking?
  5. No, I mean OTHER than all of this... Seriously, a thoughtful post. What I fail to believe is that he simply will never improve at any of these things. Normally I'm a go-along-to-get-along Bills fan. I recognize two facts: (1) I genuinely have no control over what the team does and (2) I simply can't quit them. So I tend to go along. The Tyrod thing kind of bugged me because I didn't feel like EJ got a square deal. (EJ lost me in London, so we're good there.) But I've watched Tyrod get better and better. Yes, he has crappy games, but every quarterback does. Yes, there are times he throws a ball that makes me scratch my head. I am stunned how difficult it appears to be to turn and throw a quick out, which turns into a bouncer. Yet I saw Drew Brees do the same thing last night on his very first play. I just feel like the leap of faith from 4-year-backup to NFL speed is pretty significant, and the game needs to slow down for him a bit more before he even begins to hit his ceiling. The one thing I'm unable to do is see the extremely limited body of work make progress, and then come to the immediate conclusion that we've seen his ceiling. But then again, I loved JP Losman, so what do I know?
  6. The left is always obsessed with the color of your skin. It's essentially one of the first things they look for when judging someone. Weird. What's that called again?
  7. It's still the razor's edge between imply and infer. Obama is a master at it. We'll see if it's something Trump does regularly. The no harm. no foul stuff I am okay with. It's when they ride that edge to push more spending that I get cranky.
  8. Yes, he does. Global warming cooling climate change data is what "hand-selected" scientists provide to leftist politicians who give the scientists millions of dollars in federal money to create the data to scare people so they can collect campaign funds from lobbyists that allow them to stay in office so they can continue to give the scientists more federal money to develop more data to scare more people...
  9. It's ridiculous, really, but while i don't relish the Trump presidency, I genuinely enjoy the way he trolls the left. This was something of an Obama move, making a big deal about something that was happening anyway, and many on the left were going apeschitt over his tweet last night. No harm, no foul, plenty of chuckles.
  10. Do me a small favor: list Tyrod's limitations that will keep him from getting much better than he is right now, and then explain to me why he will never overcome those limitations. Please be specific.
  11. Let me get this right: every time a media outlet makes an incorrect 'according to sources' story, this translates to incompetency on behalf of Trump?
  12. Something tells me Barry's ego will not let him quietly sit on the sidelines (like Bush did). I, for one, will welcome this.
  13. Protesting high school kids beat up 15-year-old wearing a Trump hat. You know his parents must be so proud.
  14. Wow. Someone is in a charitable mood this morning.
  15. Dems don't run for guns and ammo when they're panicked. Starbucks and diapers, no doubt, but never guns and ammo.
  16. Fixed that for you.
  17. More to the point, those are all questions he's asked over and over and over the past year or so, and people have responded with thoughtful answers supported by links to docs, breaking down specific plans with goals and budgets...to which baskin always replies "That's no plan!!!!" before he disappears for another month or two before returning to ask the same, embarrassing questions. I disagree with this. I would not be surprised to find out Hillary saw her presidency like some little girls see their wedding. From their first Disney princess movie, they know where they'll get married, who will be in the wedding party, what the cake will look like, where bridesmaid gifts will be, what font and card stock her invitation will be. I wouldn't be surprised to find out Hillary not only had all 4,000 jobs filled, but business cards already created, a fresh new personal server on which to communicate, all while creating a few hundred more jobs as parting gifts to life-long kowtowers.
  18. Hey, hey, hey you immigrants...stop messing with the far left's dreamworld! They have freaking Ikea, dammit! IKEA!
  19. Haven't you heard? He's not a liberal anymore. He's a libertarian. Just look at his position on things.
  20. You're trying to compare a ceiling we've all seen to a ceiling we can't possibly know.
  21. Wait a minute. I thought we were blaming white college-educated women like who don't like white college-educated white women to be successful.
  22. Thank God you're here. We were running out of doomsday-panicking left wing talking point robots. Clown show! Dumpster fire! The only dumpster fire and clown show I've seen lately is the party that couldn't even beat this meandering chucklehead at the ballot box.
  23. Unlike, y'know, Romo.
  24. Yes. Lyft and Uber drivers are generally the same people. I go to Uber first, and if it wants to charge me a premium rate for whatever reason, I go to Lyft, and they are usually a few beats behind the reason there is a premium charge.
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