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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. The American left -- that is, the chattering heads, politicians, media, etc. -- is almost exclusively about skin color. How many times in the past eight years have we seen "Fox News is so white" or even recently, from HuffPost, "Mike Pence and House Pose for the Whitest Selfie Ever." Why did Obama have trouble getting things done? Answer from the Reid, Pelosi, Schumer, Boxer, etc? America hates their black president. Yes, the same black president that white American elected into office twice. What happens when a white cop shoots a black suspect? A leftwing schittstorm! What happens when a black cop shoots a black suspect? A leftwing schittstorm...until everyone realizes the cop and his chief are black, at which time they all shut up. What did Van Jones call this election? Whitelash. The American left is simply unable to look at anyone without first looking at color first. Period.
  2. I challenge any liberal -- or anyone at all, really -- to break down for me what progress was made on race that doesn't involve the complete deflating of the word "racist." You can't. The left took the first black president and used the color of his skin to either advance his ideas or shut down the opposition. You will find no greater collection of racists than inside the American left. Everything is about skin color. Everything.
  3. Great article here that perfectly gathers all the leftist intellect and cobbles it into written form.
  4. Good time to catch up on all your Oxygen shows, is it?
  5. You're asking him to give up on one of the big plays that got him this far? While I think he needs to give up his phone, railing against the media is an arrow in the quiver he'll never give up, and people will dig him for it.
  6. The national plant would be kale, no doubt.
  7. I suspect every person who came into their open border country would get a jar of play-doh and some essential oils.
  8. Thanks. So far, so good. Interestingly, she was at the hospital with her mother during the election. She couldn't believe how friendly and helpful everyone was, and said everyone was thrilled when they heard Trump had won. I asked my apolitical wife why, and she said they all were afraid of Hillary winning because it's well known there that she and Obama are very tight with the Muslim Brotherhood, and everyone in Egypt is under the impression that the Muslim Brotherhood comprises very, very bad people. Not sure why. I recall Obama telling us America has no greater ally. Something about always punching above its weight.
  9. I saw that, and man did he suck. Did anyone see Vernon Butler dance during the Panthers game? He's a natural. We should have picked him. But no. We let him slide to Carolina while we get fragile ballerina with no rhythm. Screw you Buffalo! You can't even pick a top 10 dancer. I'm so done with this team!!!!
  10. Not to mention...she's done come January. The only logical reason for submitting the bill is that lobbyist group gave her a "retirement" check to make a point.
  11. Every year my wife and I host Thanksgiving at our house for her side of the family. They're virtually all right of center, so talk about politics has never been an issue, except last year when one of my wife's cousins started in about Trump. He was a complete Trump Davidian, and we all pretty much let him know that he was crazy and Trump would never make it past the primaries. This year, my wife's mother, who lives in Cairo (Egypt, not NY), has been very sick, and after having just returned from there after two weeks, my wife may have to go back, so we cancelled Thanksgiving at our house this year. I appreciate my mother in law taking one for the team, because the cousin is unbearable WITHOUT politics.
  12. I'm a bit confused. You liked the draft pick even though you "don't have a lot of faith" in him and believe he likely will never see the field?
  13. Kinda like how the Colin Kaepernick supporters stopped coming out of the woodwork once they were all reminded that he's a crappy quarterback.
  14. This article was buried in a separate article someone posted yesterday, and it speaks to your question. I'm surprised it didn't get more viral time among the right side of social media because it is probably one of the most honest post-mortems of the election.
  15. Because people who predict failure are lazy. Let's face it: most quarterbacks are likely to fail. Most football teams are likely to miss the playoffs. How freaking difficulty is it to predict that your QB will suck and your team will not make the playoffs? These are people who genuinely don't care about the QB or the team. They care about those wonderful moments they can go to an obscure message board to tell everyone "I told you so." It's just lazy.
  16. Not like it? They're going to LOVE IT. From November 1st...
  17. Trump 306 Hillary 232 She lost by over 60 electoral votes. Chin up. Maybe Soros can buy back some of those votes and Hillary can still win.
  18. Because what would Monday morning after a Bills win be if someone wasn't standing with his dick in his hands ready to piss in everyone's Cheerios? Answer: the offseason.
  19. Because what would a Sunday afternoon be without Bills fans whining after a win? Answer: the offseason.
  20. Yet everyone is talking about Hamilton and absolutely no one is talking about Trump's $25M settlement. I suspect this time his team knew how to throw the frenzied media into a tailspin to avoid the more important story.
  21. Like I said, some people just need to be miserable. Just that simple.
  22. So if you know how the story ends, why are you wasting your time here while spreading your misery to everyone else? I mean, I get being criticial, but I haven't seen this many whiney-ass hissyfits since...well, since last Wednesday.
  23. A steaming pile of a second year QB missing his top two receivers and LeSean McCoy. That's not defending TT. That's defending common sense.
  24. Without Watkins, McCoy and Woods. But...let's complain!!! I swear, some of you dudes just love to be miserable. You need to be miserable. You MUST be miserable because...why exactly?
  25. Bipartisan agreement on Sessions, but Fauxcahontas wants Trump to drop him. Warren probably thinks she's the left's best hope to have the first female president, and I'm certain she thinks that pathway requires her to go much farther left than Hillary ever would.
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