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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. Because he simply doesn't have the guts to openly admit here what he believes: that the second amendment should be abolished and all guns should be confiscated except from police and military.
  2. But we should disarm everyone else right? Go ahead. Say it. It's okay. You can't run the US like a true progressive until you disarm the people, amirite?
  3. Say what you will about President Obama, but there are 2M people who are going to have better healthcare this Christmas. [/lberals in 2009] Listen, if you guys embarrass us, I'm gonna be pissed. You can't rail against Solyndra but be happy for 1000 Hoosiers. You can't rail against Obama paying off Iran for hostages but be happy that Trump just paid off Carrier. I recognize there are plenty of differences, but in the end, he's doing the one thing true conservatives hate: getting the government involved in stupid stuff that has a very limited sparkle rate. On the upside, he's apparently the Democrat many Republicans always wanted.
  4. While I won't pretend to know what is going to happen with the Chargers, I can at least point out that this statement doesn't make any sense. Use of the word 'meh' aside, the idea that San Diego is an affordable vacation spot only by people who don't care about another $20/night is just wrong. In fact, if you do it right, San Diego is one of the best vacation values you can find. Granted,if you stay at the Hotel Del or want a beachfront property, then yes, you're right, but that's true anywhere there is oceanfront property. But most any family that takes a vacation can stay in the Carlsbad area and get a nice hotel reasonably priced, and have easy access to downtown (which is beautiful, with tons of great food and culture), Sea World, Legoland, La Jolla, Dana Point, Temecula, etc.
  5. Damn. All you needed was one period and you would have developed a full sentence completely on your own. So close. Keep trying, gator. You're almost there.
  6. The funniest thing to me from the cheap seats is trying to square the idea that our nation can take out Hussein, Gaddafi and Mubarak, but NOW everyone has a problem with a foreign nation undermining someone else's government? I know it's not that simple, but maybe it's not that complex, either.
  7. In all fairness, after spending the last six months arguing with a racist Nazi skinhead, I kind of welcome the simplicity of mocking a person who is so bereft of original thought that he has to copy/paste FB comments in order to communicate. Actually, my concern now is whether he'll stay around long enough for us to watch his mind implode once he realizes that most everything Trump will try to do over the next year will prove out, once and for all, that he really is a Democrat.
  8. Lemme tell ya, when I was a kid I really wanted to fill her growler.
  9. I've only recently been paying attention to the Standing Rock story because I have friends of friends of friends (SoProgs as far as the eye can see) going there, and they are all concerned because Obama has given orders to shoot rubber bullets to get them off the land. They are all stunned that Obama is flipping them off on this, and quite honestly, it's very funny to watch. Oddly enough, these same SoProgs will continue to vote as they are told, no matter how many times they are spit on, because they will never, ever, ever be smart enough to think for themselves.
  10. Took my son to SEAR after the game Sunday. Let me premise this by stating in a previous life I spent years taking customers to high end chop houses (because I could expense it). Bob's in Dallas remains, to me, the finest in the country. You're eating the very best cut of beef, the freshest sides,etc. I get it. But SEAR is WAAAAAYYYYY over priced for where it is and what they're serving. We started with the shrimp cocktail, each had 6 oz. filet mignons, shared potatoes and mushrooms, and there was literally nothing put in front of us that even a relatively competent home chef couldn't make on their own with ease with an Anova sous vide and a Costco membership. To make matters worse, our waitress was also handling a table in their private room for one of the SEAR owners (the agent dude), who she said was with Pegula and Brandon. Why in the holy hell would you let that server handle any other table than the one with the owner? Once our meal was delivered, we were ignored, which was particularly disappointing since they knew it was my son's birthday. (He's 12, Chef.) There's more to a chophouse than an overpriced steak, and the restaurant has a crapload of work to do to stand out.
  11. This just in: after weeks of arguing that there is no rigged election, there is no such thing as voter fraud and the results of this election must be accepted by Trump, the left is now arguing that the election WAS rigged, there WAS voter fraud in three key states (WI, MI, PA) and the left MUST NOT accept the results of this election. And who better to bring that message than...Joss Whedon and Debra Messing? Celebrities unite! (Unless you're Susan Sarandon.)
  12. Don't confuse my mocking liberals with your desire to exterminate everyone who doesn't look and think like you.
  13. You may want to save this post because I have a feeling it's going to come in handy when birdog, ...lybob/gatorman, etc. return to complain about Trump.
  14. Those weren't Mexicans. They were white Hispanics.
  15. Then why do they get all the casinos? Oh, you mean the 'other' Indians...the ones who greet Joe Biden at the convenience store.
  16. Remember how upset the left was when Obama released his own photos from important meetings with international guests, and distributed them to the press instead of allowing them in the room? Yeah, me neither.
  17. Did you see the game in Mexico City the other night? Am I the only one who was surprised to see so many people wearing sombreros in the stands. I thought that was racist, or culturally oppressive, or at worst a really bad idea for a Halloween costume. Maybe Mexico doesn't find it racist like the American left does.
  18. When I was a kid, my father made me get my own science-based numeric emissions reductions. Uphill. Both ways. With a warm potato in my pocket that served as lunch. Kids today. Harumph.
  19. You want a motto that will stand the test of time. That motto may not make it to February. Still...a Republican minority female on the international stage has to confuse the crap out of leftists. I'll be curious to learn what happens with her governor's seat.
  20. Y'know, I follow BN on Twitter, and I was kind of surprised to see how far left of a bend it has. Granted, I was a Rochester guy, so it's probably been that way for years, but it was NYT-level anti-Trump, pro-Hillary with pretty much everything that was related to politics.
  21. The only thing missing is how you were the only one here who remarkably thought he was a conservative. But hey....it's not like you to miss an opportunity to whine about something.
  22. Right. When I think of kooks, I think of Ozy. The people I listed are/were in tremendous positions of power and leadership to ensure their narrative was gospel.
  23. Seriously. A white freaking hispanic, for crying out loud. And you better be afraid, because Joe Biden says they wanna "put y'all back in chains!!!" Joe Biden is a kook? Barack Obama is a kook? What about EJ Dione? Sally Kohn? Rachel Maddow? What about the guy who was leader of the US Senate for years? Or the woman in charge of the house? Sheila Jackson Lee? She's a kook? And give up your second point. There are bad guys everywhere. MY POINT is that the American Left is the most racist group period because they see skin color first. You simply can not deny it, or cover it up by trying to marginalize all of them as 'kooks.'
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