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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. One of the problems the left faces these past dozen years is that it is never, ever able to make its case without drama. Everything has to be over the top. Everything. Slow the rise of the oceans. Grandparents will be pushed off a cliff. Children will starve. We will all die from climate change. Guam will tip over. Once your party is based almost exclusively on hysteria, it's kind of difficult for anyone to take you seriously. Which is why after eight years of Obama-driven hysteria, they are left in charge of two states, six counties and a small ruling majority on the Greater Macungie Utilities Commission.
  2. Yes. Except they no longer bother with things like, y'know, swimsuits.
  3. I gotta hand it to you. When it comes to copy/pasting your political talking points, no one is as good as you. I bet you have two Rovers now. Good work. Well, off you go to the Fox News message boards!
  4. My kitchen was a graveyard to cooking pans for years until I got a cast iron skillet. It's almost as involved in my cooking as my knives. Get one on your Christmas list. Lodge is the name you're looking for, but wifey got me one with Bobby Flay's name on it on sale at Kohls about 5 years ago and it's every bit as as solid as the person who could take Giada from her husband.
  5. I think they know precisely what happened, but can't say it out loud. Think about the one thing pretty much everyone knows about the core of the establishment DNC: no self-accountability. Nothing is ever their fault. Obama, who is particularly adept at casting blame elsewhere, is actually stupid enough to argue they lost because Fox News dominates the airwaves in dive bars and bowling alleys. Obamacare failed because they couldn't get GOP help. Recovery act failed because someone didn't understand what 'shovel ready' meant. Solyndra failed because someone else didn't tell the truth about the company's books. Terrorist attacks happen because of Youtube videos. Or global warming. And terrorist attacks in the US aren't even terrorist attacks. They're workplace violence. Or misunderstood homosexuals. When you are unable to accept responsibility, how can you ever expect to fix what doesn't work?
  6. I guess shovel-ready was not...uhhh...as shovel ready as we expected. Over 830 BILLION dollars, most of it laundered to 2008 Obama backers. And little else to show for it but road signs planted where nothing ever happened. But hey...you're doing a great job pushing that whole 'fake news' narrative. It's really working for ya.
  7. It's interesting to me we keep seeing article after article about how the left needs to understand what happened in November, and yet all we hear is that Hillary and Biden are already thinking about 2020. At least they managed to get Pelosi out of her position of power. Oh, wait...
  8. Who are three people who have never been in my kitchen?
  9. Anyone who thinks that a US president is directly tied to how much they will enjoy sex absolutely, positively needs to just STFU and hide in their closet.
  10. So yesterday, Colin Kaepernick played 45 minutes of football, actually had one more sack (5) than he had yards passing (4) and for some reason, I don't hear about his kneeling any more. So strange. Can someone find the SJW and ask them why so quiet about Colin?
  11. Okay, I vote that no one is allowed to post conspiracy videos that use the word "coinkydink."
  12. Okay, see, once again...if someone is going to be gatorman enough to directly tie Trump to something a dozen of his obscure nutbag fans are doing, there is no upside to responding by pointing out something stupid that Hillary supporters are doing.
  13. Okay, first of all, I would not start with a roast, but rather individual steaks...preferably the thickest filet mignon you can find (think Costco), or ribeye. Put a slab of butter on top of meat before vacuum sealing. That's all. Leave it for 2-3 hours at 130 degrees. Cast iron skillet in the middle of an oven at 500 degrees. Put the skillet in before you start up the oven, and leave it in at least 15 minutes after oven reaches peak heat. Remove the steaks and pat them as dry, then press heavy salt and pepper on each side. Open stove, slide out shelf holding skillet, drop a slab of butter in the middle per steak, and as soon as it's melted, put steaks on butter, push in shelf, close oven. Wait 1 minute, open oven (it will be very smokey, so be ready to be quick), flip steaks, close oven for 1 more minute. Remove skillet from oven, remove steaks to set and redistribute juices about 15 minutes, then put another slab of butter top of each steak before you serve them. Good steak doesn't need anything but butter, salt and pepper. However I like mushrooms, so use this recipe. Best simple mushroom recipe I've found. You can use the skillet as is while the steaks set. Welcome to sous vide. It changes your cooking habits completely.
  14. Conservatives defending liberal policies. And in fairness, it's not really conservatives, per se, but people who I thought were conservatives. Now they're just stammering nutbags just like the SoProgs. No principle. Only blind support. And here's one of my favorite fake conservatives finding out that Pence will work with Paul Ryan on an immigration plan. Not your fault, you bag of bolts? Really? You're turning into a bigger dumbass than Dick Morris.
  15. That sounds remarkably like "If the Affordable Care Act can help one person..."
  16. What is this right wing media of which you speak?
  17. We take everyone on death row, or anyone convicted of spousal abuse, child abuse, or making kiddie porn, or anyone in charge of making movie sequels, give them each a cop uniform, and make them wander around the inner cities for a few weeks.
  18. Was that the same summit where Paul Ryan had a copy of the ACA to discuss it and Obama called it a prop? Or the same summit where he told John McCain to give it up because he lost? Or was it the summit where he thought having a beer on the WH lawn would make people forget that he thinks cops are stupid? I always get these Obama summits confused.
  19. Again..not a fan of Trump, but how he gets the left to piss themselves is hysterical. By the time they realize he really is a Democrat, they'll be so confused they won't know whether to crap on a police car or burn down a minority-owned business.
  20. I didn't see this anywhere, but it'd be cool if kids could order replicas, especially as sneakers.
  21. When you've lost Sarah Palin...
  22. It's impossible to explain what a moron you are, but this post by you is pretty damn close to doing it.
  23. What the hell, people? Look, I understand the battle lines are drawn. Progressives like gatorman just spent the past eight years creating excuses for Obama's lack of leadership and protocol. It's natural to want to take that kind of fight back at them. But this Carrier thing is PRECISELY the kind of thing you DON'T want your president doing. He should have absolutely NOTHING to do with this. Why the hell is that so difficult to understand? Cripes, if this were Obama, you guys would be pissing yourselves right now. Stand for principle, wouldcha?
  24. That's not the point. This is the point. I don't always agree with TYTT, but I do wish I had his brevity. I mean, I'm no OC, but still...
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