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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. The other stupidity tied the that false equivalent is that -- policies and laws aside -- in places where you ARE free to hang Church of Satan posters, you wouldn't need a person of authority to decree against it because most people simply wouldn't tolerate it and would take it down, much like you see bikers to line up to protect grieving families from the Westboro nutbags. And the reason the Church of Satan banner would never fly is because a majority of Americans believe in God, but the number of Americans who vow their souls to Satan is second only to the number of people who actually believe Benghazi was started because of a Youtube video.
  2. That's like telling Kim Kardashian she has a big ass. She knows it. She loves it. She flaunts it. Ozy loves how vile he is. The more vile the better.
  3. I don't think you understand. I actually LOVE the fact that you are following the party line. I LOVE the fact that you genuinely believe that Hillary lost because of lies. Love it. Love it. Love it. Keep up the good work.
  4. Oddly enough, those same dumbasses who feel triggered by a reference to Christmas are the very first ones who look forward to their paid federal Christmas holiday. Says the guy who worries that people will be indoctrinated by a 50-year-old Christmas cartoon.
  5. This is an admission of stupidity so deep, I didn't even think YOU could be capable of it. One day the party to which you blindly tie yourself will suddenly realize the biggest reason you have been left in charge of California, Detroit and the Greater Macungie Utilities Commission is because you consistently believe that none of what happens to your party is at the fault of the party. It's always a witch hunt. Or too many bowling alleys putting Fox News on the TVs. Or something...ANYTHING but your party's inability to recognize extensive -- even deadly -- errors, own them, and attempt internally to right the ship. But hey...there's lots to like about Macungie...so keep up the good work!
  6. If Ozy sees Trump with a black guy, he's gonna go all Geraldo on everyone.
  7. Ozy...the early years.
  8. Is there even the slightest part of you that has a problem with your love of all things Nazi? I mean, doesn't the idea of murdering millions upon millions of innocent people bother you even in the least?
  9. I took a dump this morning that is smarter than you.
  10. He can barely read your sentence let alone answer it.
  11. It seems like only yesterday that Hillary was telling us that not accepting the results of the election would have dire consequences for this country.
  12. She wouldn't sign the pre-nup, huh?
  13. Global Warming Cooling Climate Change: Is there anything it can't do?
  14. A three word post using only three syllables, posing what appears to be a question, completely FUBARed and lacking even the slightest hint of basic grammar afforded to a pre-schooler... And yet still infinitely more intelligent than anything collectively posted here by gatorman or baskin.
  15. Believing that a song from 1944 uses that line to suggest the male slipped a date rape drug in the female's drink is to believe that the male is also a cannibal because of the lyrics "Gee, your lips look delicious." And for the record, quite possibly the best recording of this song is from Zooey Deschanel and Leon Redbone.
  16. Snowflakes now have a problem with the lack of consent in the song "Baby, It's Cold Outside." I literally want to go to Minnesota, find these pathetic idiots and burn their phucking piano. Who the hell finds these nutbags?
  17. http://youtu.be/6oSicfdfmFU
  18. Did you guys know that the government is likely to shut down tonight because the Dems are holding things up? Me neither. Sheesh, I'm old enough to remember the days when the media ran giant doomsday countdown timers on their websites, predicting all the holy hell that would come if the GOP didn't get in line. Times sure have changed.
  19. The funniest part of all of this right now is reading that Obama wants to investigate who hacked into the DNC systems. You see, the problem isn't that the emails showed the world what a bunch of elitist, condescending, racist nutbags the DNC comprises. The problem is that someone SHOWED the world what a bunch of elitist, condescending, racist nutbags the DNC comprises...and that person must be found. I don't know who they are, but they should avoid visiting any parks in the near term.
  20. You keep telling yourself that, skinhead.
  21. Some models of the Foodsavers have a "marinate" button that allows you to pump air out of bag with meat and marinade, but then stop it at the right moment to seal it. This is the one I got. It's expensive, but WELL worth the extra dough. I use these Foodsaver Zipper bags because I'm constantly prepping meals for the freezer, and these bags make work VERY quick and clean. The biggest benefit of the sous vide, to me, is being able to put frozen pouches in of prepared meals, and to that end, these tools are worth their cost.
  22. Rush Limbaugh? Really? Will a day ever come when you will produce even a whiff of an original thought? You can't. And neither can your entire party. But hey...you'll always have California, Detroit and the Greater Macungie Township!
  23. You know what's ridiculous? That you cite all those items as being over-the-top rhetoric that cost the Republican Party its majorities at every level of government (which was my point about the DNC rhetoric), when they just won the largest majority of every level of government in a bzillion years. One of these days you'll hesitate long enough to think before you type. But today's not that day. And quite honestly I wouldn't expect much from you tomorrow.
  24. But tomorrow he can be a winner...and you'll still be an idiot.
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