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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. One has to wonder to what extent the Obama WH has managed to push away otherwise stalwart Jewish Democratic voters. To the joy of the very far left, he has managed to piss all over Israel while simultaneously giving millions of dollars to Iran to build nukes. Even your more die-hard Jews have to see that the left will never, ever be a friend to Israel, and yet they keep voting for leftists each and every term.
  2. If I read that correctly, there is a decline in the number of students who want to be history majors, so in order to remain relevant, the history department will no longer be about history, but instead will be a specialist in providing a liberal arts degree, but under the name of the history department.
  3. I never understand why anyone would give a flying crap what other people think about the sports team they specifically choose to follow. If you think the team is a joke, you really only have to ask yourself a couple of questions to stake your position. 1) Can you change it? The answer is no. You literally can do nothing that will change the current trajectory of the team, and this comes from a guy who spent a brief period of time convinced that Norwood was right right because I chose to wear a new Bills hat that day. 2) Since you can't change it, can you live with it? If the answer is yes, then it's your choice and what other people think should bounce off you. If the answer is no, well, then, you know what you need to do. Just that simple.
  4. The truth is, when you're good at reporting while hiding your opinion, people take notice. I've read more than my share of John Wawrow opinions on this message board, but never in his articles. So when I see an article written by him, I am quick to read it. Because when it comes to being a sports writer, his ego doesn't need to get fluffed by online basement dwellers who love to see their team fail so they can yell "I told you so."
  5. See it? He regrets he wasn't there to wrap the rope around the neck.
  6. On the other hand, there are countless people who need to say "I told you so," and they are the ones who appoint chumps like Sully and Graham as their band leader. I told you Tyrod would suck as QB. I told you Rex would suck as coach. I told you the Pegulas would such as owners. Individually, these people don't have much of a megaphone, so they rely on local bylines to do their work, and happily march behind guys who simply have a larger platform on which to shout "I told you so" while also hoping for the added bonus of getting a band leader response to one of their tweets.
  7. Is there anything funnier than watching a local sports writer explain how pro sports owners are bozos? If only these owners held the real key to success: sitting in a cubicle eating leftover holiday fruitcake while sipping lukewarm coffee from a recycled, washed-out Hortons cup while typing judgmental thoughts about people he could never, ever come to understand. If only local sports writers were in charge..then and only then would the world be beautiful.
  8. "And if I did, I would have had more than one person verify the Russian translation of 'Reset.' " "Oh, and also, I can get James Taylor to do whatever I ask so long as he can be hunched over in a chair as he does it while I stand by his side staring at him lovingly."
  9. I remember when true grassroots protests against ACA were taking place, and the left shoved that law through in spite of all evidence that it was going to suck balls. Gonna be funnyt watching the left pay people to yell about something that makes their lives worse, only to have it be just more wasted money on protests. But hey...maybe the leftists won't burn buildings or take dumps on police cars this time.
  10. "I didn't let a Youtube video kill anyone."
  11. If they're selling you a bag that is used for the water immersion method (lower the bag into the water to remove the air), then it's like like buying a can of air. Any Ziploc-like bag that is BPA free will do the same thing.
  12. I'm not sure how you read my comments about Timmah and come to the conclusion I'm sexually attracted to him, but there's no accounting for what remains at the forefront of people's noggins. Meanwhile, he's a thin-skinned peddler of all Bills things gloomy. He's the low-hanging fruit of sports writers, first in line to amp up the misery among die-hard fans so he can click-bait them to job security while occasionally taking up a cause (like pretending he's coming to the aid of an 11-year-old) when he could not give one rat's ass whisker about anything other than the sound of his own thoughts. He's excessively rude and disrespectful to any Bills fan who even questions him (he once told a Bills fan who disagreed with him on Twitter to "go hump a fist") and it happens in part because not enough people are willing to call him out for his lazy, tiresome act. As long as he finds a salary mocking Bills fans, I'll spend my free time calling him out for what he is: a John Wawrow wannabee stuck in a Jimmy Olsen job .
  13. Everyone is already outraged after Trump's announcement that Muslim outreach will no longer be the primary goal of NASA.
  14. No it doesn't, but again, it's their product. They can do what they want with it, even if it will drive buyers away. There should be no problem understanding that. And they do it because most Bills fans -- myself included -- are a bit like Apple fans. Yeah, they'll B word about not being able to plug in their earbuds, but they'll still be standing in a downpour of elephant piss to buy the next product they sell.
  15. It's a product. A product you can choose to either buy or not buy. No one is making you stick with the product. Someone pointed that out to Timmah on Twitter, who responded with: You see, Timmah is always in the majority with his thinking. Differ from him? You're in a tiny minority. Tonight on Tim Graham Radio: Do The Buffalo Bills Love To Make 11-year-olds Cry?
  16. Oh, man. Now Timmah Graham is going to spend the entire day driving through every Wendy's in Orchard Park to add a second guest to his show! No one stands up for the common drive-thru window clerk like Timmah Graham!!!
  17. It's not so Billsy. It's so Timmah! So very, very Timmah!
  18. Headline: 11-year-old to be on show hosted by 12-year-old.
  19. Just out of curiosity, what does my admitting I made a mistake have anything to do with what I posted? Oh, wait. I know. Absolutely nothing. Dumbass.
  20. Three things I hope disappear with 2016: America's incessant need to cast blame, demand apologies and yell "I told you so."
  21. If only a black man could have been president the last eight years and done something to make life better for minorities!
  22. Why do you think he should be nowhere near nuclear policy? What do you expect will happen?
  23. Frankly, one of the reasons the Tillerson pick is so great is because it triggered an amazing number of leftwing nutbags' heads to explode. I have no control over anything, so that's good enough for me.
  24. You DO know that the FBI wasn't the one initially looking into Weiner, right? And you DO know that Clinton and Huma lied when they said they turned over everything to the FBI, right? And you DO know that lie was uncovered as a result of the NYS investigation into Weiner, which led them to find out Weiner's laptop had Hillary and Huma emails on it, right? I mean, you DO know these facts, right? Perhaps Comey wouldn't have had to do what he did if Clinton and Huma didn't lie.
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