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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. Mark Lamont Hill is going to wake up next month with his only employment options being a DailyKos columnist and an alter boy for Rev. Wright's Wednesday night service.
  2. And...you can CHOOSE to die young. You can CHOOSE to not use health care. You can do whatever the hell you want because that is what free people can do...make their own choices. Unless you're gatorman. Or baskin. Or PastaJoe. Or birdog. Or any other far left crazy who can't wipe their ass without getting toilet paper from the government.
  3. Barack Obama's "Throw The Gun" Legacy Procurement Plan is in full swing.
  4. The funniest thing will be Hillary looking at all of them thinking, "Where the hell were all you people when I was holding a rally?"
  5. Who you calling a domus?
  6. Smart is a relative thing. This has less to do with smart and more to do with you not understanding why you are wrong when you attempt to justify the forced purchase of health insurance by equating it to the optional purchase of auto insurance. Especially when one of your arguments is "Everyone needs it eventually," which is literally no argument at all. Forcing a free people to buy something as designed by the government, simply because you were born here, remains one of the biggest frauds of the ACA. When you force free people to do something against their will simply because you think they should based exclusively on your ideology, you get what you deserve, which is eight years of politically losing every nook and cranny of every part of this country except California, Detroit and the Greater Macungie Utilities Commission. You lose because you stick to your ideology, and your ideology is simply too ridiculous to successfully push on a free people.
  7. The dude is better with "Yes or No" questions. I wouldn't count on much of a response going with multiple choice.
  8. From Twitterverse today, regarding the confirmation questions for DOE nominee Betsy DeVos.
  9. Get paid for doing nothing? Not a problem. First, however, you must change your voter registration to Democrat.
  10. I have no problem with that. As it stands today, they are left with California, Detroit, and the Greater Macungie Utilities Commission. Popular vote aside (because thinking people know that was just California), they have lost touch with the American people. You can not, for eight years, force your will on them and their communities by... making them buy inferior products they don't want suing nuns into submission shuttering local businesses based on religious beliefs pretending every terror act is simply a misunderstood person or workplace violence penalizing and shuttering political dissent through government agencies forcing people to pay into their money laundering scheme ...without the American people finally, collectively understanding that, as a political party, the Democrats have only one interest: forcing their ideology on the public. As a representative republic, the country ultimately WILL adjust to what it wants, not what the Democrats want to force on them. Hence,
  11. Now, now. Don't get ahead of yourself. Stay focused. Yes or no. This one is easy. Can you can choose to not buy auto insurance by choosing not to own a car?
  12. Okay. Good job. You answered with a yes or no and were even correct. Next question. Yes or no. Does the government force you to buy car insurance if you do not own a car? Take your time. Think it through. You can do it.
  13. Unless you're an illegal immigrant in California, in which case, no car insurance, no problem. Let's see if we can work your noggin' to think slowly and properly. Try this. Simple yes or no questions even you can accomplish if you try. Ready? Does the government force you to buy a car?
  14. Tell me how the government requiring people with cars to buy auto insurance is the exact same thing as the government requiring everyone to buy health insurance. Use your own words. We'll wait.
  15. Otherwise known as "Another day being a leftist."
  16. Are you seriously so desperately stupid that you're dusting off the auto insurance analogy? If you don't have a car, are you forced by the federal government to buy auto insurance? C'mon. Think it through. You can do it.
  17. Funny thing about leftists. You find the death penalty to be hate-driven, but you find the murder of three dozen trapped homosexuals at point-blank range nothing more than a guy with a lot of phone apps having an off day struggling with this sexual confusion.
  18. The number of people attending the protest will be precisely proportionate to the amount of money Soros and his friends are paying the protesters. When they're done, life will go on without any change. The bigger question should be, how big of a mess will they leave behind? Every time the left has a big protest, they turn the earth into their personal trash can.
  19. Yep, though recently she was the reason Hairspray Live was any good. She was nowhere as good as Queen Latifah was in the movie, but in the end, she's just someone looking for her next gig, and she must be denied because the left wont stop until everyone is made to think like them. They're easy to spot. They're the ones who still think Hillary lost for reasons other than that she's Hillary.
  20. TMZ: Jennifer Hudson Canceled Trump Inauguration Performance Because of Death Threats The tolerant left. Do as we say or your family gets it.
  21. Not to throw this thread off, but as it has become something of a "cooking" thread... I got an Instant Pot for Christmas. I've never used a pressure cooker before, and it takes some getting used to, but lemme tell you...it kicks ass. A very nice tool for fresh, healthy weekday cooking without sacrificing flavor and texture (like you do with a slow cooker).
  22. This story is almost as embarrassing as the story about the leftist who was afraid of his plumber exclusively because of his own assumptions about the plumber. I keep waiting to find out that while looking for the plumber to verify the story, they would never find him...cut apart and stuffed under three planks of flooring in the author's chamber! A tub had caught all! HA! HA! Nutbags.
  23. Once Chelsea couldn't have access to the military, it was just a matter of time before the money dried up.
  24. Sheesh. Xenophobic, FBI? Why can't they see she was clearly the unwitting pawn in a plan executed exclusively because her husband was having difficulty coming to terms with his homosexual tendencies?
  25. Buckle up, America. You're about to watch the left throw its biggest temper tantrum yet. It should go a long way to fixing this
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