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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. "...the Affordable care act will create 4 millions jobs, 400,000 almost immediately." N. Pelosi.
  2. And a vagina. Participation trophies and a vagina. And this ashtray. And that's all she thought she needed.
  3. Debbie Wasserman Schultz. Nancy Pelosi. Barack Obama. Robert Gibbs. All did this. All of them. And NOW you're upset? Damn good thing you're not partisan.
  4. They used "crowd scientists," which I can only assume are scientists who got bored making stuff up about the climate and thought, "hey...look at that crowd of people who don't believe us."
  5. It doesn't require spin because on Monday, everyone goes back to work and Trump is still president. By Friday, everyone will have forgotten because the news is just getting started with its new chew toy and moved on from the story.
  6. Probalby the most embarrassing part of her rant is that she somehow has convinced herself that the first thing Trump is going to do is to take away all choices women have about their bodies. If she and all the other women in this country REALLY cared about women's rights, you'd think they'd discuss what happens to women in the ME. I guess not all female lives matter.
  7. So you think that the crowd of women who flew to DC to march in the name of women's rights also chose not to vote for the only women on the presidential ballot? Stupid should hurt. Do us a favor and let us know when they're going back to clean up the mess they left behind.
  8. You are correct. CNN has fully come out of the closet and gone full MSNBC, who already had called Trump Hitler by Tuesday night. The irony here is that CNN, and the other usual suspects (ABC, CBS, NBC, etc.) screwed up by giving Trump millions of dollars worth of free air time leading up to the election, to get him the GOP nomination because, surely, he would lose to Hillary. The temper tantrum you are watching right now isCNN beginning to realize how badly they miscalculated, and how little they (and everyone on the political left and right), truly understand middle America.
  9. It appears it is literally impossible...yes, impossible...for anyone to explain to you how ridiculously stupid this topic is. No matter how many showed up for Trump...no matter how many showed up with pink hats...only one thing matters as it relates to all of this: the DNC got FUBAR'ed at the polls in November. FUBAR'ed. You have no WH, no Congress, no Senate. You are barely holding control of the Greater Macungie Utilities Commission. And when you wake up tomorrow, the pink hats will be gone, and..get this simple point...everything else will remain for the next two years. But hey...big crowds today. Really. Nice work. If only they showed up, y'know, when it mattered.
  10. They had to show the Trump rallies because no one was showing up at the Hillary rallies.
  11. This has to be the single most petty and juvenile criticism of anyone, let alone Trump, and it's this very elitist mentality that explains why Trump is president and a woman who admits she hasn't had to drive herself anywhere in 20 years is unemployed, and left to spend her days with a rapist husband and a legacy that begins and ends with money-laundering corruption and her inability to stand on her own without people holding her up. But hey..look at Trump. He uses tape on his tie! What a fool!
  12. This is why people mock you here. Because you can't even post a cartoon that is relevant. And please...don't make us break out Obama's 57 states, or the way Joe Biden says the word "jobs" is a little three-letter word, because we can do this ALL WEEKEND LONG.
  13. How come anarchists only show up when the left is protesting? When hundreds of thousands protested Obamacare in DC, I don't remember seeing them there, either. They only show up when leftists are butt hurt, and right now leftists are butt hurt worse than I've seen in my lifetime. Let me put it in a way a devout leftist like you can understand: not all leftists are anarchists, but all anarchists are leftists. Oh, and really, you should drop the Putin thing. Because...well...reset button.
  14. BREAKING: On Monday, you'll count the number of people who genuinely care about this on the hand of a bad woodshop teacher. Take it from someone who was quick to protest with the Tea Party groups. It won't take long before all those women go home, get some emails about how to follow up, and then realize that greedy, stupid people will take over their movement, split it apart, change the focus, and everyone marching today will go back to remembering they really don't care that much anyway.
  15. They've already started rounding up the Jews here, and executing them in the street. On the upside, we probably won't get any other episode of "Two Broke Girls," so we have that going for us. Which is nice.
  16. What state do you live in? Let me get this straight: leftists are destroying buildings and burning cars and punching anyone wearings a MAGA hat, but you think the people who didn't vote for Hillary are the angry ones? That's just tremendous.
  17. Oh, I remember that one. That was the one Harry Reid referenced when he told the world that Mitt Romney didn't pay his taxes for ten years. Reid. He defined faked news.
  18. The entire Obama WH website was taken down, you stupid cluckschitt, just like every other president that ever has a WH website. Quick. Tell everyone how Trump also threw out the MLK bust that was in the WH. That's another BS whiney ass leftist rant tonight. I'll save you the trouble with a Greg Gutfeld quote: the only bust thrown out of the WH tonight was 8 years of Barack Obama.
  19. And the concensus of the entire world is that Hillary was so flawed on so many levels -- and long before Comey, had unfavorable that were impossibly worse than Trump's -- that she couldn't actually beat him. For all their money...laundered and otherwise...the entire left got its total ass handed to it from coast to coast, city to city, and state to state. But you keep blaming Russia. Please. Don't stop.
  20. Or what thinking people call the California Landslide!
  21. I thought Clinton was leaving town tonight.
  22. Keep up the good work, leftists!!!
  23. I love how the dumbass went back to one of his signs and added a word properly using the caret mark.
  24. None of this would even need to be discussed if the founding fathers had only done the one thing to ensure harmony: build an Ikea factory.
  25. Get back to me next Friday and let's count all the people who actually care about this.
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