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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. And unfortunately, if you're not addressing the problem and ONLY addressing the symptoms, the problem gets much worse over the long term. Addressing the problem has to be the priority first and foremost.
  2. That doesn't solve the problem. In fact, it ultimately makes the problem worse.
  3. It's almost like he was a Democrat for the past 40 years.
  4. It like the last eight years are a blur to you. He's Obama V2.0. That you're too stupid to figure this out is kind of funny. Were you this bent when it was Obama doing the distractions? I'm gonna go with 'no' since you're only now resurfacing.
  5. Define what you believe to be 'quality of life' and then tell me what guarantees you would like everyone to receive.
  6. Would you do us all a favor? A very small favor? Post what you want. Link what you want. But for the love of Pete, would you PLEASE stop telling everyone you're not partisan? We're asking nicely. We already have a baskin.
  7. I guess the larger question is why are you, or anyone, surprised by this? Did you somehow think a guy who acted like this right up to geting tapped the most powerful leader of the free world was then going to suddenly STOP acting like this? I need to get a bumper sticker that says "I was mocking Trump before mocking Trump was cool."
  8. So you're arguing that she can consciously do something that she knows can lead to the creation of new life, but still be able to kill that life if she chooses? Some would argue that if you're too irresponsible to practice safe sex, and your answer to your irresponsibility is to end a life that you created because of your irresponsibility, that maybe she shouldn't be left to making any more decisions. But those are people are believe all lives matter. You apparently think they only matter sometimes.
  9. But you're no partisan!! Are you now going to tell us that Benghazi WAS caused by a YouTube video? Are you now going to tell us she was okay as SoS with having ONLY a private server? Are you now going to tell us the Clinton Foundation was not a money-laundering operation for foreign countries that support terrorists? Is this NYT story fake news?
  10. You've completely missed his point. He's arguing that they should NOT have the right to end the pregnancy because to him, ending a pregnancy is ending a life, and you have no right to end a life. You seem to be arguing that the live human inside the woman is not life, in which case you guys need to be having a different conversation.
  11. And if Stevie Johnson catches the ball in the endzone vs. the Steelers, the Bills win three in a row. We can pretend woulda/coulda/shoulda all day long. You'd think after eight years of Obama you'd know what it's like to have a egocentric thin-skinned dumbass in the WH.
  12. That's just the loser talking. While there are probably more right-leaning than left-leaning active posters on any given day, the truth is, a significant portion of the discussions by the right-leaning posters during the lead up to the election were genuine discussions about the GOP candidates. The more Trump gained steam, the more diverse those discussions became among the right-leaning because you had genuinely different layers of support: Love Trump Like Trump, but prefer someone else Hate Trump, but still preferable over Hillary Hate Trump and Hillary, prefer Sweet Meteor of Death Hate Both, But Trump will be entertaining and blow things up Whereas while there are fewer left-leaning active posters, it was much closer to a circle jerk of like-minded people because there was only one layer of support: Yessah, mastah! Whatever you say mastah! I pretend to like Bernie, but Hillary it is, mastah! So I'd check yourself, but then, we both know you are nowhere near mature enough to even consider such a truth.
  13. Why that very basic, simple, undeniable truth is lost on so many people is mind-boggling.
  14. And yet here we sit, with the undeniable truth, that even with the "insane person the GOP vomited up onto the nation," the DNC was simply unable to find anyone -- anyone at all -- the country would prefer more. Man. That's gotta sting.
  15. Not just more qualified than Trump. More qualified than anyone. In the history of forever. But hey...don't call him a partisan.
  16. One thing I learned from the internet: even this guy can get a girl to bed.
  17. Anyone who would write that Hillary Clinton is the single most qualified Presidential candidate in the history of forever is a leftist.
  18. I worked one time for a woman who insisted that she be treated special because she was a woman. After all, she was a woman -- just like Hillary -- but she was seemingly incapable of telling the truth about the simplest things. And if you ever challenged her, she reminded you that as a woman she did not need to put up with your behavior. She had a ridiculously high turnover rate in her department, and every time someone would leave,they would tell stories about what a horrible ogre she was. This woman genuinely could not understand why everyone didn't love her. As such, she went on to lie about pretty much everything that went wrong under her leadership. She hid emails and made up stories about why people were leaving her department. After about 10 years of this, the company finally realized that regardless of gender, she was was such a horrible representation of their company that that actually hired an orange monkey to do her job, and everyone was willing to give the orange monkey a chance simply because she was such a flawed leader. True story. Take 2. Dumbass.
  19. You didn't just compare her to Trump. You said she was the best Presidential candidate ever. In the history of forever. But tell us again how you don't view the world through the lens of a political partisan.
  20. Then it's a good thing this wasn't one of his first executive orders. https://www.yahoo.com/news/m/d8ba985d-b2e7-3a4b-b3f2-71678b9302c8/ss_trump-executive-order.html I'm not arguing the merits of what he did. I'm just explaining why some people would argue that he's totally anti-abortion.
  21. I've said it before but it bears repeating because Hollywood is simply too stupid to connect the dots. What happened the last time Hollywood went on strike? Reality TV. Whose profile was elevated globally becausee of the birth of Reality TV? Donald Trump. It's amazing to me just how stupid the left constantly shows itself to be.
  22. Are you genuinely unaware she used her position as SoS to launder foreign funds through the Clinton Foundation in exchange for favors to countries that support terrorists? Are you not familiar with this little deal? You honestly believe that in the history of our great nation, this lying, corrupt, deceptive ("you mean, like, with a cloth?") money-laundering pig is better positioned to be president than literally ANYONE? Man. Good thing you're not a partisan.
  23. Which science is settled? Climate science or crowd science? I always get them confused.
  24. I used to get upset by this kind of stupidity because, as was noted, someone like Waters makes this stupid statement, the copy/paste minions of the left repeat it all over the place, and by the time it's debunked, it's already considered fact in Facebook memes, etc. But this election has convinced me that Average Joe America has had enough of these leftist tactics. They're tired of being lied to AND tired of being told to their face that they're even stupid enough to accept the lies. From the "shovel-ready" jobs to the "keep your doctor" Obamacare to an American ambassador murdered because of a YouTube video...it's just one long string of lies, and America finally said, "Yes, the Circus Peanut scares us, but we'll take actually take the Circus Peanut over pretty much anyone on the left...at virtually every level of government...because they only ever care about their own agendas."
  25. Because the temper tantrum must continue.
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