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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. Which, oddly, was an off-shoot of the much-feared Apple Dumpling Gang.
  2. Saginaw's Sunny Side Gang? Someone needs a better marketing director.
  3. If only your city were governed locally by people elected to their positions to help the city prosper and be safe.
  4. And yet still beat Hillary Clinton. SAD!
  5. Oh, yeah. Obama tried really hard to get them to participate! Yes, he did! No partisan here!
  6. So the answer is "Yes" you are in favor of cheap illegal labor to drive down wages and undermine unions. That's all you had to say. I'll remember this the next time you wear a pussyhat demanding higher wages.
  7. So you're in favor of illegal, cheap labor to drive down wages and undermine the unions? Do your overlords know your position?
  8. Wasn't Barbarism the Queen of the Galaxy? Jane Fonda, I think, right?
  9. Just out of curiosity, what is your point for all this? Do we have no perspective if we haven't been to a predominantly black area lately? And further, what is it you think you see in those areas, and how do you believe they got that way?
  10. Frankly, all you'd have to do is tell them you only get funding for one child. Period. For every child after the first, we reduce the amount you receive by 25%. Faster, and less controversial.
  11. Please. A carp could write a better sentence than ElI.
  12. But never fear...Obama gives CA a reprieve before he splits. What's an extra five years among friends?
  13. You don't have to imagine. He did it to CA with the Recovery Act money because CA's budget cut wages to unionized health care workers. Naturally, Arnold, the staunch "Republican" that he was, quickly folded for the 'free' money so no one ever said a word.
  14. I'll see your Husker Du and raise you a Joan Jett and the Blackheads RIP, Mary. You were always on my TV because I couldn't stop staring at you.
  15. Dear Nutbags Who Demand A $15/Hour Min Wage In The US, Be careful what you wish for. Sincerely, The People You Are Tired of your Schitt
  16. That was literally CNN's headline this morning: Despite No Evidence, Trump to Investigate...
  17. In all fairness, though, I suspect Canada is still waiting for the influx of celebrities who promised to leave if Trump won, so let's not rush to do anything with Canada until everyone gets there safely.
  18. Interesting concept coming from someone who illegally raided a house to protect more Planned Parenthood videos from being released.
  19. My hope is that when you do, you'll be on the Mexican side. In the meantime, tell me this: If he actually builds a wall and actually gets Mexico to pay for it, what is your problem with that? Why would you possibly be opposed to that? Use your own words. We'll wait.
  20. Some levity for everyone: Bad Lip Reading - Inauguration Day
  21. In all fairness, doing this probably makes his post more coherent.
  22. Good ol' gatorman. If it's not at DailyKos, it didn't happen.
  23. Next you're going to tell us it mostly provides mammograms.
  24. I confess to not having complete answers here, but in my mind, that is absolutely step one. The left's Have More Babies Incentive Program has become a generational thing, taught from parents and grandparents as a way to live. By the time you glorify it by giving teen moms their own TV show, it just spirals out of control. Today, 72% of black children are born out of wedlock. It's absolutely heartbreaking. Another important step is to break that cycle so children being born into homes without two parents can see and learn a new way to view marriage and parenting. Making it easier and less expensive to adopt would be a great start. There are also a lot of programs that work within the poorest parts of the cities to give a hand up, but they're not all legitimate, which only adds to the problem. In the end, I don't see a smooth landing out of this problem. What I do know is providing a federal guarantee that we'll give you everything you need to succeed out of the womb is just another incentive program.
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