I confess to not having complete answers here, but in my mind, that is absolutely step one. The left's Have More Babies Incentive Program has become a generational thing, taught from parents and grandparents as a way to live. By the time you glorify it by giving teen moms their own TV show, it just spirals out of control. Today, 72% of black children are born out of wedlock. It's absolutely heartbreaking.
Another important step is to break that cycle so children being born into homes without two parents can see and learn a new way to view marriage and parenting. Making it easier and less expensive to adopt would be a great start. There are also a lot of programs that work within the poorest parts of the cities to give a hand up, but they're not all legitimate, which only adds to the problem.
In the end, I don't see a smooth landing out of this problem. What I do know is providing a federal guarantee that we'll give you everything you need to succeed out of the womb is just another incentive program.