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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. Here's what's making the rounds today... Clinton sounds a lot like Trump does. It's scary how the DNC has been overtaken by open border socialists today. http://youtu.be/4384XQR44yM
  2. I try your approach, but because his posts are so ridiculously stupid, I can't help but point it out. Ignore will be better for me, I'm sure.
  3. It's not, really, a "whatever" thing when the JournoLists orchestrate the message the way they did. The press is really getting excessively embarrassing right now. Yes, from both sides. You would never, ever, ever publish a story without at least two credible, quotable sources of verification. But the need to be first has trumped all else, and it's only adding to the cacophony of bitching that finds its way into virtually every aspect of one's life. Now you have a president who is piling on, and it only makes things worse.
  4. Yeah, I'm in for ignoring him. Not sure why I waited because it worked so well when I started ignoring EII. Who's with me?
  5. So maybe he's more like Obama than Reid. I remember Obama reneging on the debt deal he made with Boehner after fellow Dems whined about wanting more revenue.
  6. Looks like Schumer plans to carry the Harry Reid Lie Torch proudly. Color me not surprised.
  7. Dear Nancy, When did intentionally funding abortions become the Lord's work? Sincerely, People who are able to think for themselves.
  8. I was thinking of starting an official "Ignore gatorman/tiberius Day." We all together take one day and put him/them on ignore to see how it goes.
  9. Wait. As SoS, Clinton laundered foreign funds into her 'foundation' in exchange for a uranium deal with Russia, but THIS is what got your panties twisted? Do yourself a favor and pace yourself because you're going to be eating 8 years of hypocrisy in one day if you keep this up, and it's just not healthy.
  10. He doesn't just hate the environment. He hates the environment AND he wants to shoot the people committed to protecting it. With a gun. And not just ANY gun, but a gun he got mail order due to a gun show loop hole that let him buy it from a vending machine for a quarter. That's right. The ol' mail order gun show vending machine freedom act, that Trump signed his second hour in office! When will the insanity end?
  11. Interesting read from USA Today. Women's March on Washington Honors Soviet Tool Like I said...no matter what happened in that March, once it's done, it will be taken over by people who will ruin it's intent.
  12. Not to mention, everyone knows who is responsible for blocking streets, holding up busses and ambulances, etc. Everyone knows it's the Democrats. So no matter how many times they discuss the need to learn how to listen to, and speak to, flyover country, the truth of the matter is, at day's end, most people just want to get home. They don't care about people wearing vaginas or people calling Trump a Nazi. They just want to get home to their family, and when the left thinks it's a good idea to disrupt the one thing people want at the end of the day, then...well...Greater Macungie is what they're left with.
  13. As were the people at the State Dept. But apparently the news media didn't wait to verify the story and just ran with "Everyone Just Walked Out!"
  14. We kinda watch both of those. Crazy Ex Girlfriend is pretty damn funny, but we only started watching it because my wife is originally from West Covina. Didn't see anyone post it, so I apologize if it's a repeat, but "This Is Us" is some of the best TV has to offer right now. So many great characters, story lines. The entire cast is outstanding. Oh, and "Life In Pieces" is some of the funniest stuff around right now. Period.
  15. Protesters in Portland block street. Police show up. Start beating protesters. Onlookers cheer. Leftists are fun to watch sometimes.
  16. The reason everything you write is incoherent is because you lazily think that because I identify as a conservative (I guess that means I can share a bathroom with other conservatives), that I must be a Trump supporter. I am not. I didn't vote for the guy. He's a crazyloon nutbag leftist, and anyone being honest knows this. That said, the idea of building a wall along the border of Mexico...even if it could be done...would take, by federal government standards, a billion years. A single state (CA) can't even build a simple bullettrain track without increasing costs by 100X and extending the deadline by 25 years. What the hell does anyone think is going to happen when the federal government tries to build a freaking wall across multiple states? DT is a dangerous amateur and a living schittshow? No schitt, Sherlock. So was Obama. So is Clinton. And yet here we are. The only difference is now I get to laugh at you precious leftist nutbags acting like a bunch of 3-year-olds, and I'll be honest, I started to water my yard with liberal tears. They're awesome. Grass is really green. Keep 'em coming.
  17. Oh, no! This is bad!!! A doomsday clock that really isn't a clock but rather something scientists use to scare people into thinking the end is nigh just moved 30 seconds closer to imminent disaster! You leftists have all gone full gatorman.
  18. Plenty. I work at a desk all day. Who is running your city?
  19. If your city isn't run by locally elected officials, who is running it?
  20. Ok, so in addition to being a racist, you're also no swami. Go find some of Ozy's art work posted on the board.
  21. And all you need to know about this wall is this: the left wants open borders and no self-accountability, and as a result your party has been left in charge of California, Detroit and the Greater Macungie Utilities Commission. Your party, candidates, ideas, plans and vision have roundly and repeatedly had their ass kicked for the past eight years. But you keep trying to sell that Edsel, baskin. You've got Hollywood on your side, so you've got that going for you. Now, now. I remember right after the election, CNN had a lead story about a random Republican voter in Florida who said he wanted Trump to leave ACA. That one voice rose up and put a complete halt to... Oh, no. Wait. That's right. Nothing happened. Consider this, gator: If the president of Mexico were to cut off all relations with the US in every way...no more imports, no more exports, and no more US funds to Mexico of any kind, who is more likely to get by just fine? The US or Mexico? That's all you need to know when it comes to these types of situations.
  22. Okay, so first, you have no way to show why you incorrectly think Obama tried to get the GOP to help with ACA, and second, you're saying "yes," you judge people almost exclusively on the color of their skin. Good to know. You should get to know Ozy. Lots in common. Kinda.
  23. Link? What did Obama specifically do to include Republicans? What was the GOP response? We'll wait for your evidence. Or is this one of those times again when you say something embarrassingly ridiculous, and then challenge everyone else to prove you're wrong? Oh, and why are you so obsessed with the color of a person's skin? Are you a racist? Do you judge everyone based on the color of their skin? That's pretty offensive.
  24. Good news, leftists! Third time will be the charm! Hillary tells donors: "I'll be back." Plans a TV show to be used to launch her 2020 campaign.
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