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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. PastaJoe, and pretty much the entire left, is in full meltdown panic mode right now. Their strategy is, apparently, to flood the world with criticism of every single thing that Trump does...or doesn't do. It's great plan. Really great. I mean, it's work reall well so far this election...
  2. Are you genuinely in such a hurry to post that you can't even bother to check that your sentences include actual words?
  3. Well, if you have a penis, you better hope you don't show up to court with this judge presiding.
  4. This is astounding. In the last 24 hours, Democrats are suddenly concerned about (1) someone in the military being killed and (2) Jews. Why the sudden care for these people, Nut? (I hope you don't mind me calling you by your first name.)
  5. Has the left's temper tantrum already morphed all the way to "I know you are, but what am I?" You nutbags need to step away from the internet until you come up with original material.
  6. Does Debbie Wasserman Schultz even have a law degree?
  7. You keep telling everyone Hillary lost because of the FBI. Everyone you meet. Please.
  8. Your weekly reminder: Democrats are a special breed of people.
  9. If only Trump would do things the Democrats approve of: like texting photos of his 'Weiner' to underage girls. Or going on trips to Pedophile island with his buddy Jeffrey Epstein.
  10. No. It just means that when Ted Cruz gets a lifetime seat to SCOTUS from 51 Senate votes, you address your thank-you note correctly.
  11. This is the absolutely epitome of the phrase "Be careful what you wish for..." This will be your legacy, Harry. Well done.
  12. Frankly, I'd love to see it be Ted Cruz, approved by the Senate with a majority vote. Every stitch holding Nancy Pelosi's face together would tear away faster than Bill Bixby stubbing his toe.
  13. Agreed. I feel like a lot of this comes down to next Thursday, when he announces his court for SCOTUS. Will he give the right what they want? Probably. But not because it is in the interest of the right, but because the media schittstorm to follow will be pretty epic. Conservatives, yes. Republicans, not so much.
  14. Gee...no one saw that coming. Dear leftists, pretty much no one takes you seriously when you dress up like a vagina. Just ask Tiberius.
  15. So is Trump. The left just hasn't wanted to admit it.
  16. No. But do you remember Clinton getting 'foundation' money from Putin for selling uranium to Russia? Probably not.
  17. Hey Wawrow...please, I'm begging you, find the Shift key and use it. Don't be so lazy.
  18. Hey...look who suddenly cares about Americans getting killed overseas. This is embarrassing, even for you.
  19. It's almost like Trump does this because he knows the leftist publications will misrepresent what he's doing. Pace your anger, leftists. You've been yelling and crying and whining so much in the past week, I doubt anyone will bother listening to you come April.
  20. I agree. In fact, I genuinely hate this kind of stuff. Is anyone following around the author, Laura Italiano, in hopes of getting an unflattering photo of her against which to write an unflattering article? She should probably hope not.
  21. Never saw this coming, but I'm good with it.
  22. And now a fake story from the New York Observer about how the WH had Trumps' hand photoshopped in a photo that was in the background during the ABC News Trump interview? You leftists have completely lost your minds. You have four years left. Pace yourselves.
  23. Okay, so now a leftist on CNN is complaining that Trump didn't turn and wave when he boarded AF1 for the first time? Best leftist meltdown ever.
  24. And now it's reported that Trump basically did what Bush and Obama did. Buried in the NYT article: What a mess the media has proven itself to be.
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