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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. Shumer statement. You'll want to click on it to enlarge. It's like he slept through the last eight years.
  2. We keep telling him 'whiny libtards' is redundant, but he calls them that anyway
  3. Here's the thing. The reason the only people who take you seriously here are gator and baskin is because you can't, in all honesty, post what you wrote above with a straight face. Barack Obama was giving out lifetime appointments as Flea Catcher Czar for anyone who donated $100 and a Twinkie to his campaign. His entire first year was handing out titles and cash to everyone who helped him. And yet, who here remembers how concerned Pasta Joe was about this? Anyone? Bueller? If this REALLY mattered to you, you'd have been upset eight years ago. But no.
  4. Washington Examiner reports the GOP will introduce a National Right To Work legislation tomorrow that would keep workers from being forced to join a union. While I'm a big fan of state's rights, I'm also a big fan of liberal heads exploding, and I don't see a downside to this, at least on the surface. Remains to be seen. Story here.
  5. This. But worse...she is a Christian who donates much money to Christian private schools. It's like the double whammy for leftists. Two things they hate: private schools and people who believe in God.
  6. Have you seen the main page at CNN.com? It's actually a bit frightening how far, far, far off the ledge they've gone. Trump Watch? Really? Sheesh.
  7. Based on what I see from your typical social media leftists, this really seems to be the case. Some have started calling for the GOP to unite with them before all hope is lost. David Brooks at NYT: GOP Must Abandon Ties to Trump Before It's Too Late. Van Jones Twitter: Van Jones ‏@VanJones68 Jan 30 More This is no longer "left v right." The #Resistance is now a pro-democracy movement against a would-be authoritarian regime. Dems & GOP unite! Debra Messing on Twitter: Thank you, @MaxineWaters ! We need to STOP DJT/Bannon now! We canNOT afford to let this get to martial law & tyranny! Liberals worried about tyranny. That's some funny schitt right there.
  8. Independent Journal Review says it confirmed the pick is Neil Gorsuch; would be one of the the youngest in history.
  9. Sheesh. Video now of Liberal protesters beating a preacher at Portland airport, calling him a nazi...standard liberal fare.
  10. It's funny to me that the left has grand plans to gather people together to boycott and protest and yell and scream and B word and moan. If only they were able to gather all those people together where they needed them to vote for Hillary.
  11. No. But you can feel the steam rise off the heads of our resident leftists as they realize the rhetoric they've used for years to shut down meaningful discussion by labeling/accusing can be used against them. They're too stupid to realize their mass hysteria about everything-Trump is hurting their cause, so I may as well toss some logs on that fire to really get it blazing.
  12. Less spending. Less power. I read yesterday Corey Booker is trying to organize a Tax Day protest. Am I getting this right? Are liberals the new teabaggers? Edit: Now they're birthers?
  13. Holy shmoly. Do you genuinely believe this? Let's start with a simple question: Do the words "Shovel ready" mean anything to you? Ring a bell? Anything? Nothing?
  14. One of the bigger head-scratchers near the end of Barry's term was realizing RBG wasn't gone to retire. She looks like she could break every bone in her body just by stubbing her toe. The left has probably assigned people to hold her up wherever she goes. You know, kinda like they had to hold up Hillary.
  15. Doesn't mean we haven't been urging it for years. It's just nice to see the left finally understanding the value of it.
  16. Perhaps, but there is nothing I can do about it. It's out of my control at the moment. So I will just watch the liberal schittshow and laugh at them all. They don't like what's happening? Simple. Do what we've been urging for years: reduce the size, reach and power of the federal government.
  17. It's like they've completely forgotten Obama's first month.
  18. There is one thing more pathetic: staying with him just so she could be president one day. I sure hope Melania never does something that pathetic.
  19. Ouch. Someone tell PastaJoe it's time to grab the salt because his people are starting to eat their own.
  20. The only thing Bush about Obama is the league he plays in. So petty. So childish.
  21. The irony? The best way for the left to stop the madness...is to work to reduce the size and reach of government in their lives.
  22. You're posting on a message board while on an elliptical? How long have you had a membership to Curves?
  23. Hey Nut...are you a leader of the meltdown movement, or just an eager participant? Because the threads you're starting are pure epic meltdown stuff. I mean truly epic. Keep it up. Sincerely, Trump/Pence 2020
  24. Man, I haven't seen a meltdown like this in years. It's epic. Absolutely epic. You're all melting down on FB and Twitter and message boards and it is an absolutely beautiful sight to behold. Thanks, leftists. I knew you wouldn't let us down.
  25. Hey Nut...you're doing a great job piling on with this global left-wing meltdown. You're a real pro at this.
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