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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. I'll tell you what it doesn't mean. It doesn't mean it's a red line that can be crossed with no ramifications whatsoever while they gas their own people.
  2. We collect them in CA and use them to water our lawns. The drought is over!
  3. Are these the same polls that said Hillary in a landslide?
  4. Probably the first thing he could do is begin performing late-term abortions on the WH lawn. The left would love that. Probably even pay to watch it.
  5. And she doesn't have a staff! How can a first lady be a first lady without a staff??? Does anyone have Huma's resume' handy?
  6. Oh, no! CNN is wondering: Whither Melania? She's Not Been Seen For 12 Days!!! The last line below really dives into the important details.
  7. Newsflash: I didn't vote for Trump. I'm married to nothing poltically. Yet I'd still rather be married to the Trump madness over Hillary because I'm not a big fan of having our country run by a money-laundering whore.
  8. I think the race issue is best explained in this Op-Ed from a Penn State student. "Privilege Does Not Exist To White Penn Professors"
  9. This will make you laugh. Unless, you're one of those people who thinks Trump's travel ban is responsible for the death of a 75-year-old woman who died five days before the ban.
  10. Remember when everyone was left to die in Benghazi, he immediately went to a fundraiser in Vegas.
  11. Regardless of the fact that a website literally lied about POTUS killing a 75-year-old woman? Really? I'm serious. You guys are giving us the best meltdown ever. So let me get this straight. You're worried about someone from RIT being stuck at an airport, but had no problem with protesters holding up thousands of people from making THEIR flights in LAX and Portland? Let me guess. One is wrong and one is in the name of progress, right? This is why your side has been losing so incredibly.
  12. The very last sentence of that article:\ This must be what they mean by Fake News.
  13. If you like Shatner and haven't caught up with "Better Late Than Never," you should really give it a try. Some seriously funny stuff.
  14. I'm not sure what the problem is. These people are uber-rich super tech gzillionaires. They have plenty of money. More than anyone needs, really. They should just cut a check to have it fixed.
  15. Decent article here from HotAir's Duane Patterson.
  16. You need look no further than Harry Reid. He spent eight years largely (and successfully) slo-mo skull-phucking the GOP by changing rules and lying to everyone's face. When this SCOTUS nod makes the history books, the chapter name will be "Harry Reid's Legacy."
  17. Viva La Resistance!! Tim Kaine: "...fight them in the streets..." \ Be careful what you wish for, Tim.
  18. You need Bob Loblaw!!!
  19. Dems should absolutely, positively listen to this man.
  20. I don't know that I agree or even understand this, but damn if it didn't make me laugh out loud. This is the way people now see you, leftists. Enjoy.
  21. Common sense would suggest the left would just let this go and gear up to battle the replacement for Ginsburg. But when was the last time anyone used the words Pelosi and common sense together. CNN: Dems Gear Up For FIght
  22. I sure hope they clean up their mess when they're done. This cracked me up a bit: The left mocked John Boehner crying for years, but suddenly now it takes a real man to cry. You pathetic nutbags.
  23. Nebraska Sen. Ben Sasse is becoming one of my favorite politicians simply because of his sense of humor. His tweet from last night:
  24. Best. Meltdown. Ever. If I thought you guys would go batschit crazy like this, I'd have actually voted for Trump.
  25. The fastest way to make me ignore something is to use "it's a long read..." and "The Atlantic" in the same sentence.
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