I don't particularly look forward to your first one, especially if you're home with the wife and kids.
The reason I'd take a massive snow storm over an earthquake ANY DAY is two-fold:
First, one of them almost always comes with plenty of warning. You can take precautions with food and shelter, and even mentally to the extent that you can watch it come, sometimes in amazement.
The other one does not give you a warning. At all. They don't start small and get bigger. At least not to the layman. They start big, and they're loud, and depending on where you stand, you can literally feel the earth roll under you while photos and dishes crash all around you.
Which brings us to the second reason; I've never felt more helpless for my family than during an earthquake. Depending on where they are in the house, you barely have enough time to get to them...and even then, which way do you go first? Kid #1? Kid #2? Your wife? By the time you can even process it and you're moving toward someone, it stops. Until you get an aftershock. Or two. Or three. Or four. And you are reminded constantly that you have absolutely no control over an earthquake beyond some stupid preparedness kit in your garage.
They don't happen often. But yeah, I'll take the snowstorm any freaking day.