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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. This just in: large majority of people who have used Obamacare believe it sucks donkey balls. Damn you, Gallup! Damn you to hell!!!
  2. Hey Nut...look on the bright side. The income of union workers can go up over $2K a year now that they're not forced to give that money to the union. So some of them will actually get a raise! Plus, it's always been a liberal demand to get big business money out of political campaigns. Buy reducing the amount that unions are able to shake down from employees, this definitely helps reduce the role that big companies like SEIU plays in getting people elected. Sounds like a great idea. You should be thrilled with it. Oh, wait. Let me guess. How can we help the average working joe if we can't force him to belong to our group and pay us money to have a job? Yeah. Shoulda known.
  3. I'm told this is all a plan by Trump to make us not trust the media. He's making them post stories that haven't been verified! This is yuuuuuge. Bigly, even.
  4. Couldn't wait 40 minutes to verify your report? Then, yes, you're an embarrassment. From NBC News:
  5. I love how the left relies on Perez Hilton for their political updates.
  6. Insanity in the media right now. This is really pathetic.
  7. Like I said: He's Obama V2.0. Thin-skinned, insecure, narcissist, lifelong Democrat, forever more concerned about what people think of him than anything else.
  8. Confused homosexual workplace violence strike again.
  9. Wow. Just when I thought the meltdown couldn't get any more stupid.
  10. You threw baskin a question. That's funny. It's like throwing garlic at a vampire.
  11. I don't particularly look forward to your first one, especially if you're home with the wife and kids. The reason I'd take a massive snow storm over an earthquake ANY DAY is two-fold: First, one of them almost always comes with plenty of warning. You can take precautions with food and shelter, and even mentally to the extent that you can watch it come, sometimes in amazement. The other one does not give you a warning. At all. They don't start small and get bigger. At least not to the layman. They start big, and they're loud, and depending on where you stand, you can literally feel the earth roll under you while photos and dishes crash all around you. Which brings us to the second reason; I've never felt more helpless for my family than during an earthquake. Depending on where they are in the house, you barely have enough time to get to them...and even then, which way do you go first? Kid #1? Kid #2? Your wife? By the time you can even process it and you're moving toward someone, it stops. Until you get an aftershock. Or two. Or three. Or four. And you are reminded constantly that you have absolutely no control over an earthquake beyond some stupid preparedness kit in your garage. They don't happen often. But yeah, I'll take the snowstorm any freaking day.
  12. This is all anyone needs to know. Period. Nothing more. Nothing less.
  13. You keep telling yourself that. Spread that word to the rest of your party. We'll help if you need it. Say it over and over.
  14. Or, y'know...silence.
  15. Frankly, if it were up to me, the halftime show would be Frank Zappa. Singing Dynamo Hum.
  16. So is Trump, and yet here we are. Too bad your party didn't fight harder to win the election. I'm told they have consequences.
  17. No one is on your case for criticizing Trump. We're on your case for criticizing Trump, but NOT having criticized the last president for doing the exact same things. To turn a phrase the left LOVED to use the last eight years..."Where was your anger when Obama was doing this?"
  18. I read somewhere that the mayor gave a stand down order to police. Will try to find a link. Now you're catching on. Shoe meet other foot.
  19. Winning!!!!! More Winning!!!!
  20. You didn't. Ever. And if you truly came to this side of the message board because you were upset about the president spouting off about promises he'll never keep, you WOULD have mentioned Obama. A lot. For the past eight years. But no. Trump is the problem. Dumbass.
  21. You lefties have gone full retard, you know that? It's like you missed the past eight years of a president talking 'stupidly' about all the things he was going to do, but never got around to doing. Wait. Let me guess. He only didn't get to them because the GOP obstructed him, right? Oh, yeah! The need to be liked! The Sally Fields Foreign Policy Plan. Worked like a charm the last eight years, amirite?
  22. Link? Oh, wait. I found it here.
  23. It's a damn good thing Milo didn't ask them to bake him a cake.
  24. Set their own college on fire to stifle free speech. Yep. Sounds like Berkeley.
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