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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. Gotta hand it to the liberals, though. They know how to get people to vote for them. Here's $15/hour for the incredibly challenging task of wrapping a hamburger in paper. Here's some free health care. Oh, here's a free phone. We're currently working on free college and free wifi. Please stand by. Hey, who's up for a trip the beach? With a quick stop by 420 Central for supplies? And these people somehow pretend like they care for our public school system.
  2. While competing in a midget toss competition. I don't see Trump resigning. But then, I never saw him winning, either, so pretty much anything is possible. It'd be damn funny, though. Worth noting: if he does quit, probably no one will be more excited for it than DC Tom. He'd be one of the very few Trump voters who got precisely what they were looking for with their vote.
  3. She's just the kind of hypocritical mouthpiece SoProgs absolutely adore. Like Sanders, she has made hundreds of thousands of dollars through her position on the Senate, but constantly yells about how unfair things are for the little people, and about how the rich man is trying to bring you down. I get a kick out of responses to their Twitter accounts, though. Every time Bernie says something like "It's just not fair that you have to pay for college!", someone inevitably responds, "Which of your three houses are you tweeting from, Bernie?"
  4. It's a shame poor minorities can't afford to see that. Much like they apparently can't afford to go to a beach that is, y'know, free to everyone.
  5. It's rare that you opine so extensively on something, and yet still be consistently incoherent. In what world do you honestly believe public schools are responsible for curing inner-city social ills? Tell us, please...what does the public school system do to cure autistic children? What does the public school system do to cure physically handicapped children? What does the public school system do to cure children with learning disabilities? What does it to to cure other social ills, like, oh, say, that 78% of black children being born out of wedlock to a woman who's only interested in more wefare money? Oh, wait. I remember. They hand out free condoms and make abortions something to cheer. And given the horrific state of our public school results right now, you should be GLAD there is someone involved who isn't another union-paid NEA knobgobbler. We've seen their handiwork, and it's undeniably abysmal.
  6. Having read Boysts posts for a while, it's pretty clear what it means: Head Necrophiliac In Charge. I spend a lot of time on this board and don't recall anyone saying this. Can you provide a link?
  7. Dear Liberal Protesters, Thank you again for your generation contribution, Sincerely, Trump/Pence 2020
  8. In fairness, the left believes anyone who doesn't agree with them belongs in prison, and every who does agree with them should live without borders. This would be no exception.
  9. Apparently these elected officials have never been to the Santa Cruz boardwalk. Or walked around Santa Barbara Pier. Or pretty much visited any other public beach in CA. There has never, to my knowledge, been a shortage of poor Latinos.
  10. Remember how upset baskin was when those took place? Neither does anyone else. You're a lame ass hypocrite, baskin.
  11. Or what PastaJoe calls "workplace violence."
  12. You know what's particularly funny? Look at this link. A bipartisan letter from the House Oversight, signed by Chaffetz ® and Cummings (S) to Government Ethics calling out Conway's stupidity Can you imagine a world where, if someone who worked for a Democrat spoke like she did, that ANYONE on the left would sign a letter like that? Of course not. Because the one thing everyone knows about the nutbag party of baskin and gator and exiled is that they only ever care about themselves. Nothing more. Nothing less.
  13. Perhaps he should start with a simpler goal. Like, say, coherence.
  14. That's not something that will be understood by someone who turns to Slate for their news.
  15. Punish her!!! Punish her!!! Make her wear the scarlet letter "N" for Nazi!!! Best. Meltdown. Ever. Keep 'em coming, snowflakes!
  16. Something of an obvious article, but it genuinly sums up why the left has gone full retard over DeVos. Two words: union money. The entire money-laundering scheme stands in the balance. It's time for vouchers and school choice for everyone. Time to put an end to education unions completely.
  17. Asking baskin a question. Like throwing holy water on a vampire.
  18. Only the best guitar player in the world! Self taught! No lessons! Thank you very much, Pop!
  19. Based on current mood in the DNC, it would seem Manchin sleeps with the fishes tonight.
  20. Guy probably looked at the divorce papers and thought, "Holy crap! I didn't think he'd make America great again THAT fast!"
  21. Wow. She looks like Nancy Pelosi with some stiches undone.
  22. Overlooked in this discussion is the fact that tomorrow, he'll do something else and we'll all talk about that until, y'know, he does something else. He has people running in circles every which way. And you know what?
  23. Fauxcahontas/Booker. Can't see Booker making the top of the ticket when Fauxcahontas gets the bigger megaphone.
  24. Regardless of what anyone thinks about what he wrote, what happened to him, or anything in between, the bottom line is this: our country is the most divided it's been in probably 20 years, and the media has played a role. This guy will get a job at a publication that hates Trump. He'll probably make more money. He'll be gloriously surrounded by like-minded people who all believe what he believes, and he'll be pampered and loved and appreciated by those like-minded people until he dies. He'll get a Debra Messing autograph, and he'll make the rounds on late night TV, and probably even be on SNL in one capacity or another. He'll write columns for HuffPo and DailyKos and get a private invitation to the Grammys, to sit with Beyonce and party with Jay Z. It's a bold career move and will pay off in spades.
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