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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. That's just damn funny.
  2. The only thing missing from this story is Steve Carell in an ark.
  3. First, I would like this thread to stay here for as long as possible because PPP does not reach to the broader Bills football fan, and pretty much all BIlls fans come here to weigh in on "Hot for Teacher" threads. Let's avoid the typical PPP arguing and discuss this like football fans. The NFL has decided it does not like a proposal by Texas to ban transgenders/transexuals from using whatever bathroom they damn well please. Story here. We saw this unfold in NC, but now the league itself has jumped in, stating that the NFL is all inclusive, and such a ban would be considered a reason to take future events away from the state. Look. I watch the NFL because it allows me to escape the stupidity of politics. Kaepernick was messy enough, until everyone was reminded that he is a crappy quarterback, but this move by the the league itself is disheartening to me because now it means the topic will make it into the broadcasts, and everyone will be picketing at games and calling each other names and, well, I'm not up for that again. I'd rather watch something with less drama...like WWE. How about you? Do you care? Yes or no?
  4. So, Cisco is kinda like the Bose of routers?
  5. Or probably moreso because Cisco wrote the security requirements for the federal government.
  6. Commissioner Gordon...to the Koch Phone!
  7. This is an interesting way to bring up a point. Tell me...both Clinton and Obama were big fans of shutting down illegal immigration by building a border wall and clamping down on anyone who tries to get into the country illegally. By your way of discussing things, Trump is merely pushing for a long-standing liberal position on immigration. So why aren't liberals cheering Trump's plan? Obama was adamant about banning travel from the same countries that Trump is banning? That seems to me to be very liberal/progressive plan. Why aren't liberals cheering Trump's clearly liberal plan? We'll wait.
  8. The days of animated movies being just for kids are long gone. I'm not a Seinfeld fan, but "Bee Movie" is pretty damn funny. A bee finds out humans are keeping bees in camps just to make honey, so he sues the honey industry. By the time he gets Sting on the stand...well...it starts going down the road of Critical Bee Theory.
  9. And, apparently, very successful. She jumped last night to the top of Amazon's digital albums, and hit #7 in iTunes. Gotta love how music artists are able to do their own thing without the mighty hand of record labels. This dude from last night, Chance the Rapper, won a Grammy, and did everything on his own via the internet, but he was mostly following the lead of Lindsey Stirling, who literally created her success on Youtube after being told no one wants to see a dancing electric fiddler.
  10. Hillary 2020 - Maybe This Time!!!
  11. Hey, if you're really up for street violence, don't just do it for free. Contact Soros. I'm told he pays at least $15/hour...upwards of $20/hour if wear one of his masks, and up to $25/hour if you promise not to destroy a Starbucks.
  12. In all fairness, no one in London has ever owned a gun. Ever.
  13. Use this doll to show us where the tom bot is abusing you.
  14. And here I thought the angry white people were Trump voters.
  15. Oh, crap! That's hysterical.
  16. This headline and photo will even make a liberal laugh.
  17. Well, it looks like the left finally figured out how to get more poor people to the California beaches.
  18. You know what's going to be really funny? When Trump is no longer president, he'll make strides to undermine whomever the Dem president will be, and the left will start burning down more Starbucks over it.
  19. This is ridiculous. I don't remember there being a lot of angry white guys at the polls voting for Trump. In fact, I don't remember seeing many angry white guys at all. At least not until Trump won. Then I saw a lot of this: Now THAT'S angry! If only Hillary went to visit them in rural USA.
  20. What in the world are you guys complaining about? Millennials are going to be awesome. According to baskin, public school has cured them of their social ills, so they should be ready to enter the workforce gung-ho and ready to work. Right after their afternoon nap. Posted before, worth it again... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KHPfgsTVTjA&list=RDKHPfgsTVTjA
  21. Hypocrite! You say a pusssy hat doesn't bother you when we all know how quickly you're bothered by an asshat!
  22. I bet you could beat this guy:
  23. I suspect by suffering she meant job opportunities for African Americans will drop to their worst level in years, and teen unemployment will skyrocket, and the search for a simple job will be squashed by Trump hamburger vending machines, and US student performances will not even surpass those in Zaire. Health insurance rates will skyrocket for everyone. Billions will be spent on infrastructure work that doesn't exist, and travel bans will be put in place against people from the ME while we cozy up to Russia, and the gap between the rich and the poor will get even greater as the top 1% grab all they can from laundered federal funds to keep for their own "foundations" while our military overseas will be left for dead at US Embassies. It's going to be horrible, and there will be nothing the American people can do but gather together to vote out the ingrate who made all this possible. Hey, waaaaaaait a minute...
  24. Never one to defend boyst, but perhaps don't try so hard to piss on Trump with every sentence you type. It borderline sounds like "Went to dinner with wife last night and had a tremendous steak, unlike the leader of the US, who will never be tremendous or a steak."
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