First, I would like this thread to stay here for as long as possible because PPP does not reach to the broader Bills football fan, and pretty much all BIlls fans come here to weigh in on "Hot for Teacher" threads.
Let's avoid the typical PPP arguing and discuss this like football fans.
The NFL has decided it does not like a proposal by Texas to ban transgenders/transexuals from using whatever bathroom they damn well please.
Story here.
We saw this unfold in NC, but now the league itself has jumped in, stating that the NFL is all inclusive, and such a ban would be considered a reason to take future events away from the state.
Look. I watch the NFL because it allows me to escape the stupidity of politics. Kaepernick was messy enough, until everyone was reminded that he is a crappy quarterback, but this move by the the league itself is disheartening to me because now it means the topic will make it into the broadcasts, and everyone will be picketing at games and calling each other names and, well, I'm not up for that again. I'd rather watch something with less WWE.
How about you? Do you care? Yes or no?