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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. Mike Flynn didn't spend weeks telling the country on every major news network that Benghazi was caused by a Youtube video?
  2. Here's some free advice from some one who watched the first year of the Obama administration -- incompetently rolling out ACA (nice website), Cash for Clunkers, a billion dollars for shovel-ready jobs that didn't exist -- and along the entire way kept insisting "it's all unraveling." Nothing is near as disastrous as you are begging for it to be. Most of the world doesn't live in your Keith Olbermann/DailyKos/MSNBC bubble that micro-analyzes every sentence spoken by Trump. Most of the world is at work, trying to earn a living and get home to their families for a nice dinner and maybe watch Jeopardy. The only thing unraveling is the left, in the midst of the most epic of meltdowns ever.
  3. Or lately what we call "days that end with a y."
  4. Okay. Here's the thing: pretty much the entire foundation of being a Christian begins and ends with faith. If you eliminate faith, you pretty much eliminate your side of your relationship with the triune of God, Father and Holy Spirit. So the conclusion we're coming to here is you believe anyone who truly is a Christian, is also a Jesus freak. And you don't want a Jesus freak running the country. Which brings us to what you should have said in the first place: you want a president who does not believe in God.
  5. So keep your religion to yourself, but stop, say, feeding homeless people?
  6. Utica Curling Club? I probably don't have to guess the official beer of this group.
  7. So you're okay with people who believe in God. You're just not okay with them believing in God the way God expects them to?
  8. Do me a small favor: define "Jesus freak."
  9. Why is Pence no good?
  10. Quite honestly, I wouldn't mind seeing them bring down Trump. The absolute worst thing that could happen to the left would be to wake up to find out Mike Pence is now president.
  11. I swear Facebook has become like a digital version of Thunderdome where leftists battle with each other to see who can post the most Liz Warren and Keith Olbermann videos. The only thing you need to know about how phucking stupid these people are is to realize they are blowing a gasket about having a reality TV personality elected president, and then choose as their leading voice of reason a guy who couldn't even keep a job reading sports scores.
  12. Former Obama Officials, Loyalists, Waged Campaign to Oust Flynn
  13. Oh, well. Then that makes it completely acceptable. You can piss and moan about Trump all you want, but you're watching the left launch his re-election campaign in tremendous fashion.
  14. Every time I think the left is finally calming down, they come back out with some of the most incredible stupidity. I've seriously never seen any group of people in such a collective, epic meltdown mode.
  15. If Goodell believes that the LGBT community may be an area of growth for the NFL, he has bigger problems than taking a stance on cross-dressing men peeing the girls' bathroom. Everyone knows there's only one sport where the LGBT community is considered an area for growth: NASCAR!
  16. Which is, y'know, sort of the point of me creating this thread. I'm curious if the NFL spending its time directly involved in voicing political preferences is something that would drive fans away.
  17. Nice deal at Woot! today for this FoodSaver. It's similar to the one I have in that it has the retractable accessory for marinate mode, easily removed drip tray, etc. If you were on the fence, this is pretty good deal.
  18. So then why simply threaten? Why not tell they owners they need to designate LGBTLMNOP bathrooms at their stadiums specifically for the LGBTLMNOP community?
  19. Actually, the whole point of the transgender discussion is to create division to create agitation to create distractions. There is no problem with protesting laws. Goodell is welcome to stand in the streets and block traffic so transgenders can use whatever bathroom they choose. That he finds it necessary to bring it to the forefront of the place I go to avoid these stupid distractions is where I, personally, have a problem. The Kaepernick nonsense really made me realize that when that wall of entertainment is broken down by the people who live to agitate and distract, I have to find a new place of entertainment and hope the distractor/agitators don't find their way there, too.. Goodell pretty much just opened the door to them, and if they make a bunch of noise again, I could genuinely walk away from a sport and team I've followed for over 45 years. And that's really too bad. Anyone know a good curling team?
  20. It happens about as often as we have people with penises complaining they identify as a woman and are upset they have to use the men's room. BOTH are ridiculously stupid things that not only do not happen that often, they don't demand legislation one way or another any more than they demand a professional sport to stand in judgement of it. And the latter is where I am trying to draw the line. In other words, why is the only argument on this subject from the NFL that transgenders should do what they want, and if you don't like, you (state of Texas) will pay the consequences? Why not just make a third bathroom stall? Why is THAT not an option? Why is the NFL NOT insisting that every stadium designate bathrooms that are transgender specific? Wouldn't that be the most logical way to address the issue for everyone instead of only taking a position that requires you to do nothing but take a position? But no. That would be too difficult. A simple threat from the NFL will suffice, thank you.
  21. One week and virtually no one remembers because we have a backlog of circus acts to catch up on. But then, I thought Hillary in a landslide...
  22. Yeah, but look at that view!
  23. Maybe she should try country music.
  24. Especially if you take time on the weekend to season and vacuum up some meats and stick them in the freezer. How great is it to have a fresh, clean meal with nominal effort during the week?
  25. So, alternately, if a majority of the NFL's customers don't want transgenders/transexuals in the stadium bathrooms with their sons and daughters, the NFL is okay to ban the practice? I'm not trying to be a dick. I'm just trying to better understand. Generally speaking, I agree with this. But I don't see where there is money in this particular topic, quite honestly. According to a an Adweek/Harris poll, approximately 6% of the population goes to stadiums to watch football games. Transgender accounts for less than .5% of the entire US population. Over 2 million attend stadiums. Meaning, statistically, about 100,000 are transgender. Where could the money possibly come from with those kinds of numbers?
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