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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. How many historians did that survey include, and when you're done ansewring that question, please explain how that many historians is equal to "the majority of American Citizens"? Listen...not everyone is as stupid as the American leftists.
  2. I didn't originate the Obama comparison. I was simply and exclusively responding to this statement: Regardless, the Obama lies will stay in the fabric of this country for years. Trump lying about the electoral college will be forgotten by Monday.
  3. First, Barack Obama sent out his National Security Advisor Susan Rice to spend an entire Sunday making the news show rounds, and follow-up interviews for weeks, on behalf of the president she served, to tell the world Benghazi was caused by a Youtube video. We all know now this was a lie...delivered on behalf of the Obama...to the world. Next, you can try to change the discussion by thinking a Bush Bad reference makes sense, but the simple truth remains: Trump lies that have you in meltdown mode are absolutely nowhere as bad as the Obama lies you prefer to apparently ignore. This doesn't make Trump's lies better, and I have no doubt Trump will find a way to be an international disgrace. But please...don't get too frantic yet. Pace yourself. You have four years to melt down. Take your time.
  4. Wow. That sounds like something Trump would do!!! [/tiberiusstupidity]
  5. This just in: Trump WH denies AP report that he plans to start beating your wife. Hey AP, if you want people to believe your contention that Trump is batschitt loony, don't make his case for him that you're the one making things up.
  6. When Trump lies in order to cover up the death of a US ambassador, or to pass a law that forces you to buy a health insurance plan you can't afford just so he can launder billions of dollars to his friends, let me know. Trump is a brash fool, and what we're watching is embarrassing on many levels, but if you somehow think his lies are worse than Obama because Obama is no longer president, you're a lot bigger dumbass than everyone makes you out to be.
  7. LAUSD students and teachers were urged not to participate. Families where both parents are working do NOT like it when you kill a school day for a reason that makes sense to only a select few.
  8. I've been on the road the past day, and just heard about some "day without immigrants" protest taking place today. I was watching CBS News Channel 4 for Los Angeles in the lobby, and they interviewed a business owner who closed his doors for the day to stand in solidarity with immigrants. The guy owns a money-gram store, which essentially exists in LA almost exclusively for illegals to send money home. In what way is closing your store that services immigrants a way to make a point about how important immigrants are? I swear, you leftists are some of the absolute dumbest people I've ever encountered.
  9. So far, it looks like the answer is Hammurabi.
  10. Obamacare death spiral continues: Humana is out.
  11. Well, I've been working on this with him for an hour, so I'd like to see him bring it home.
  12. The question was never whether it was strictly Abrahamic. Joe argued that morality did not originate from something 'mystical,' but it rather evolved. I'm trying to understand from where he believes it originally evolved. We've so far worked our way back to Hammurabi. What I am curious about now (from Joe's perspective, mind you) is where did Hammurabi come to know and understand what is and isn't moral? So far the answer has been either "he evolved" or "from his parents." Just trying to work our way back to its physical, real origin since "mystical" has been removed as an option. Joe? Where did Hammurabi come to understand what is and isn't moral?
  13. According to the NYT, it was intercepted On the other hand, the third paragraph says it didn't happen. Must be great to be the NYT. They're like the gator of news publications.
  14. So Hammurabi is the person who decided, for everyone, what is and isn't moral? Who told him? His parents?
  15. And what prompted those with basic, barbaric thinking to decide that their thinking was basic and barbaric and not moral? You said it was not something "mystical" that made this happen, which means you believe it must be something physical and real that gives everyone this sense of morality, right? So what would that physical, real thing be?
  16. Again...evolved from what, exactly?
  17. Evolved from what, exactly?
  18. And how did their parents know? Before you answer that, consider that we can go on and on with "Taught by their parents" followed by "And how did their parents know?" So how did anyone first learn or come to understand what is and is not moral?
  19. Meltdown continues. Sally Kohn: Impeach Trump, Make Hillary President.
  20. I'll have to find a link, but there was something of a big fudge in the way the Obama WH counted what it considered to be "deported." I don't remember the specifics right now, but it was somewhat along the line of imply/infer on which Obama spent years tight-rope walking, like, for example, his amazing reference to the number of jobs he "saved and created."
  21. Let's talk dirty to the animals! (NSFW for the young'uns)
  22. That doesn't explain how they know when they act badly. It just says that they do. According to who?
  23. Where does morality come from? What is it about humans that makes them instinctively understand what is and isn't moral? And if there is no one thing, then who is to say that what you find morally correct is, in fact, morally correct for everyone? Is there maybe a book you read that outlines for you what is and isn't moral?
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