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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. A 27-year veteran for Whittier PD was murdered yesterday by an LA gang member who was granted early parole because of the Prop 57. His early release came because of Jerry Brown's plan to make CA safer by giving prisoners an early release incentive to be better people. The shooter killed two people, including the cop, and a third cop is in the hospital. We were watching the news last night, and surprisingly, the Whittier PD chief said in the press conference that the state better get its head out of the sand with its early release program. Local public ration station 89.3 KPCC released a story today explaining that, despite having two cops shot, and two people killed by the recently paroled LA gang member, this is no evidence that early release makes CA less safe.
  2. Every time I see a ruling by the 9th Circuit, I'm reminded of an old Dennis Miller bit from years ago that started, "In other news today, an Amtrak train heading....aaahhh, phuckit. You know what happened."
  3. He'll undoubtedly be back later complaining about how Russia hacked the election.
  4. Quoted for truth:
  5. Don't fool yourself. Watching people like you puke yourselves over every little thing Trump does is MORE than good enough for his supporters...and even for many of us non-Trump supporters. You guys need to stream and charge for this schittshow because it is "must see TV."
  6. Would you say you talked to a plethora of Trump voters?
  7. This is one of the most ridiculous posts I've seen from you, Nut, and that ain't no small achievement. How did you find out that the 78,500 voters that won him WI, MI and PA didn't sign up for economic austerity? How do you know they want to get to work on building infrastructure and rebuilding the mfg. sector? Oh, wait!!! Did you do one of your amazing polls? Is that how you found out? Tell us, oh, swami! How did you glean all that incredible information? We'll wait.
  8. That's too bad because it's genuinely one of the better shows, both from a writing and performance standpoint. I ended up watching it inadvertently as it was something my wife would watch while I'm cooking dinner. I got pulled in because of the different layers. Plus, you gotta hand it to Mandy Moore, who is just terrific. Chrissy Metz and Sterling Brown kill it as well. I have no problem admitting any of that, but then again I don't give a crap what anyone thinks about me or my viewing habits.
  9. He gets my approval, mostly because of the Gorsuch nod, partly because he truly is keeping some key promises he made, but especially because he has the far left snowflakes schitting purple Twinkies every time he opens his mouth. You flailing leftists make every morning Christmas morning.
  10. No, no. The right is all over him, too. Rightfully so. But the left primed the pump for quick, firedrill distribution, which is what they're very good at.
  11. The left never, ever likes it when you don't stick to the group you've been assigned to. They have the most impressive distribution channels for misinformation, so the moment you make a comment that is open for misinterpretation, they are able to totally misinterpret it so wide and so fast, that whatever you issue to correct yourself is lost in the hubbub. Now he's a pedophile. I can't imagine being an active black or gay conservative in this country because they left absolutely hates you to the extent that they will do everything they can to bring your down.
  12. But they both rely on shock value to keep attention on them. The bigger difference is that Milo's schtick is a product being sold, and Dunham is an actress who just runs her mouth.
  13. She's not my type. I prefer bigger jumblies...like the girl from Crazy Ex Girlfriend.
  14. Milo is actually offensive in a Lena Dunham kind of way, and I tune him out at all opportunities. I was more interested in the unbelievably lazy thinking that suggests "as goes Milo, so goes the Republican party." It's particularly ironic having gator-like analogy coming from the person who wishes everyone would ignore gator because of his moronic posts.
  15. Well, if he went to Pedophile Island with Bill Clinton and Jeffrey Epstein, that would be moving way to the left, no? And hey...Milo is a hack, and any thinking person knows he no more represents Republicans than Elizabeth Warren represents Democrats.
  16. Is that what he did? He cast it as a suburb of Aleppo? Really? Or, maybe, y'know, it's possible...maybe....you're embellishing out the piehole for the sake of falling into a media frenzy that pisses itself every time Trump misspeaks. Pace yourself, BF. You got four years of this to go.
  17. Wifey started this recently and had me watch two episodes last night. Had tears streaming for an hour. Some ridiculously funny stuff.
  18. I think it may be time to bring back the "Dinner's On Me, Smartass!" Competition. I'm not even done eating Valentine's Day candy, and we're already 5-11!
  19. You know, I never understand these kinds of comments. Am I the only one who remembers how fired up most people were when Rex rolled out that truck? Or when he pressed to build a bully? Or when he jumped around sidelines after the first time he beat the Jets? Anyone remember how much fun that was? No. It seems like whenever someone leaves the team, we need to pick a number to piss on them. Makes no sense.
  20. One of the more interesting parts of all of this is how much light it throws on the hypocrisy of the left. People like PastaJoe and Gator insist that the election was rigged and Hillary lost the election because of the FBI. It was wrong, and an abuse of power, they argue...before quickly extolling the selfless virtue of an intelligence community that tries to bring down a US president they don't like.
  21. I genuinely don't know that I have a favorite war movie in the sense of "Man, I'd throw this movie on any day." What I know is two movies screwed up the part of me who grew up in a podunk town where everything I learned about history was in a school text book. Saving Private Ryan and Deer Hunter. It's impossible for me to imagine what it would be like if we had to relive either of those points in history with today's 20-somethings.
  22. All deceptively wrapped in the guise of "It's for the children."
  23. Based on the last eight years, I believe the answer is "Wait for them to quit looking for work and then tell everyone how you lowered the unemployment rate."
  24. Because it threatens to destroy the money laundering scheme between Democrats and teacher's unions that is set to ensure that all teachers and taxpayers are forced to pick up the tab for lifestyles of the union bosses and election campaigns for the Democrats.
  25. Listen, Chuckles...if you posted the link to illustrate this... ...then why would make the comment below about the link? Answer: Because you think people are stupid enough to believe that the polled historians are what you specifically referred to as "the majority of Americans." That you actualy need this explained to you -- TWICE, no less -- should be your primary source of embarrassment for the day.
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