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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. It probably would have helped if they, y'know, read the bill before they passed it. At least they were smart enough to exempt themselves from the law.
  2. That girl doing the reporting looks like she's afraid she'll get cooties just from talking to these people. What a depressing piece.
  3. Wow. That sounds like what Trump is doing to illegal immigrants and homos! Coincidence? I think not!
  4. Yeah, who didn't see that coming....
  5. The mannequin thing happens a lot here. I've seen many cars parked at the grocery store, etc., with a mannequin in the passenger seat. Lonely people here.
  6. Oh, man. This is bad. Looks like Siri and Alexa and Cortana promote sexual harassment because they don't stand up to you when you tell them to suck your dick.
  7. No. But people I follow on Twitter re-tweet her stuff to make fun of her.
  8. That wasn't on the test so I don't remember it. I do remember the episode where Opie's friend explained how he didn't need to work for his allowance, and then he showed Opie how to hold is breath and throw a tantrum. Andy never took the bait.
  9. A lot of people don't realize this, but I lived in NC for over six years and was surprised to find out that getting a driver's license required you to accurately answer 29 out of 30 questions about the Andy Griffith Show on your DMV test. It took me three times, but I was able to pass once I got a bootleg copy of the episode where Aunt Bee made homemade pickles that were terrible. It simply never dawned on me that Andy would switch the pickles to something store-bought. I thought, "Okay, Would Opie do that? Maybe. Barney? Definitely. But never Andy." Lesson learned.
  10. Chelsea is doing her best on Twitter, but it turns out she's more Hillary than Bill and that's not a compliment.
  11. He doesn't really get to do anything other than what he's told to do by the people with the money. What we watched happen with the DNC in the last election is not going to be fixed by any one person until you change the Soros factor and Hillary realizes she's incapable of running any more. I think the left thinks they DO have a bench in people like Warren, Booker and, maybe, the pink shoes girl who got trounced in Texas (Wendy Davis?} Frankly, I think they're all WAY too left to do any better than Hillary. Otherwise, you are correct. The fact that they couldn't move away from Pelosi in the House tells you all you need to know about the left's prospects.
  12. I doubt it because I'm told the kiosks are so advanced, you don't even press buttons. You just tell the machine what you want, and it processes your order using the very latest voicemail-to-text translators.
  13. Slightly off topic as it's not a SJW thing, but we watched Sully this weekend, and while I admittedly truly enjoyed the movie, I walked away thinking "Does Sully know about this plot?"
  14. NSFW...but you already know that.
  15. Meryl Streep looks like she's going to jump onto the state as Captain Social Justice Warrior to give another heroic speech about Trump. "I know you're watching a schittshow right now...but how about that Trump guy, amirite?"
  16. I think we can tap into the surplus from the bullet train account.
  17. Remembering those in the entertainment business who died in the past year is always an important segment, unless your photo is in the segment while you're still alive.
  18. Consider the two messages gator gives you en route to his next Rover payment: one day he is here to yell "It's still alive and 20 million are being helped!" and the next day he's he to yell "The GOP owns this mess now!" People that stupid will never know self-awareness because they're simply too lazy.
  19. I skipped the Angry White Man's Awards Show last night, but caught up on the hilarity that usually follows people too self-important to fix their eyes on something other than the simple task in front of them. The video clip making the rounds of the mayhem will provide memes and jokes for the next few days. But don't believe for a moment they won't revisit whatever anti-Trump messages are making headlines today from last night's self-indulgence fest. That would require self-awareness, and let's be honest...when have you ever seen rich, angry, far left elitists ever have self-awareness?
  20. Gator is three posts away from next month's Rover payment.
  21. You what I find funny about this? You have an underage child who is not old enough to decide for himself/herself to take conversion drugs, but is encouraged and supported by his parents to do so. Liberals cheer this underage child being subjected to conversion by his parents. But if the underage child were gay and confused and the parents subjected him/her to conversion to heterosexuality, the liberals would be lighting limos on fire in protest. You will be made to care.
  22. Dear Leftists, Thank you for your generous contribution. Sincerely, Trump/Pence 2020
  23. Oh, you mean assault guns.
  24. First of all, you make it sound like it he didn't fail at it, he wouldn't have done it. The only difference between him and Trump is Trump got away with it. In all fairness, anyone who even remotely follows CNN know they are, without question, after Trump. It's all they do. Every day. All day. I can't say if I were in that situation I wouldn't tell them to go phuck themselves.... Second...and this is really the most ridiculous and egregious comment from you: Anyone who believes this will believe anything they're told. It's ridiculously lazy and embarrassingly wrong. America doesn't twice elect a black man only to quickly become angry, confused and unproductive over their decision. Think for yourself and life will be more real.
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