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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. You mean Grand Master Johnnyp56? Not to worry. Nutbags like him get tossed quickly here. At his current pace he won't make it to Monday. We'll suffer a bad football team. We'll suffer a bad coach. But we won't suffer a pimple-faced teen-age know-it-all basement dweller who's certain the 800 people telling him to pipe down have got him all wrong. The board's been around too long for fools like him to wreck it.
  2. I've never tried elk, but I'll do a 130 for medium rare steak before it gets seared, so I suspect you want that temperature closer to 145 or so. How does elk compare to cow? Are there different sections you can eat (i.e. porterhouse, filet, etc.) and is it considered tougher or leaner than cow?
  3. And where people with nothing better to do go every few months to stand in judgement of people discussing things they are unable to discuss themselves. Wow. The copy/paste brigade is in full swing! Some has a Rover payment coming due.
  4. Heck, it's not like Hillary tried to get the Ukraine to sabotage Trump.... Oh, wait. That article is from the far right publication "Politico." You know the difference between Trump and Hillary? HIllary lost. Badly.
  5. I won't believe it until it's confirmed by John Clayton!
  6. This board and a lot of its members have been around for a very, very long time, Johnny. Some of the best camp reports come from posters here. Some of the best All 22 evaluations come from posters here. In fact, some of the better scoops come from some posters here. Perhaps you could take a moment to recognize that maybe, just maybe, you're not the special snowflake you make yourself out to be, and you'll take a few days to get a feel for this place instead of assuming you have some unique, special insight to the Bills. Seek first to understand, then to be understood. Give it a try. Because when you get banned from this site, it won't be because the Bills are trying to silence you. It'll be because you've proven yourself to be a douchebag.
  7. Unless you can't and you are simply not intuitive and thoughtful enough as a football fan to be anything other than another lazy drone with no original thoughts or contributions. In which case, find gator. He's could be your soulmate.
  8. He should change his username to Mentos because you can tell he's going to be the fresh maker. JohnnyB...this message board tolerates a lot, but one thing it doesn't tolerate very well is new folks unable to use the Search function. Upper right corner. The thing that says "Search..." It's your buddy. It's your pal. Don't be afraid.
  9. And she got the job SHE was applying for.
  10. I'm gonna guess it was probalbly #3.
  11. California has something similar and you'd be surprised how many women here completely misinterpret the term "let your yard grow wild."
  12. Or more like "Biden 2020: I'm Not Partisan. I Go Both Ways!"
  13. Actually the most upset person has to be Hillary, who was too corrupt and incompetent to even WIN the White House. But I digress. Please continue. Though I am curious...what kind of whine goes with today's meltdown?
  14. This should be his campaign poster...
  15. With all the stupid stuff the left is yelling about these days, it's nice to get this heartwarming story of a man, his family, his heritage, his liberty, his hookers, his booze, his strip clubs and his affairs.
  16. Great repeal; of an absolutely embarrassing feel-good ban meant to be nothing more than a chance to raise campaign funds from tree-huggers. Ban of lead ammunition on wildlife refuges overturned.
  17. Are you what the left refers to as 'dreamers?'
  18. Session chooses to recuse himself from any investigations in the POTUS campaigns.
  19. Or C) he answered honestly, that he did not meet with the Russian ambassador to discuss the election campaign, which is the context in which the questions were asked and answered.
  20. This is the part that the PastaJoes of the world can't seem to grasp in even its simplest terms. They argue the issue wasn't that he met with the ambassador, but that he lied about the meeting. But he didn't lie about the meeting because they didn't ask only if he met with the ambassador, but if he met with the ambassador specifically to discuss the political campaign, and the answer is no. There is no lie there. But of course, attention to detail was never the strong suite of the left. I''m surprised they didn't try to impeach Trump after finding out he eats his well-done steak with ketchup.
  21. You mean like Hillary? And Clapper? THAT kind of lying under oath that the left likes to ignore? I'm not one for justifying bad behavior by pointing out other bad behavior, but I sure the hell am one to point out the complete and embarrassing hypocrisy that you seem to wallow in on a regular basis. Stay focused, hypocrite.
  22. Hey, is that a photo of Claire McCaskill with the Russian Ambassador? How awkward. She said she'd never done it.
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