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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. When the country starts to suddenly realize that the far left ideology magnified in places like Chicago and Detroit is bad for everyone except the people in charge, opposition rises, and when opposition rises, it's easier to label and accuse people of racism, as it shuts up most of the opposition immediately. One of the more important, small events of the past few years that went pretty much unreported was the fact that the neighbor of the San Bernardino terrorists saw suspicious activity at their house, but they did nothing specifically because they were afraid they were going to be called racists. That's the left wing end game. Everybody shut up!
  2. You're chopping the wrong tree. baskin is one of those "I used to be a Rebublican until the party left me so now I'm a Socialist Progressive who believes only the government has the answer for everything. Oh, and IKEA!!!" He'll ask you questions like "Where is the GOP plan?" and then when you provide him links to whatever plan his questioning, he comes back to yell, "That's no plan!" until he disappears for a week or so, and then returns and yells something like "Every industrialized country provides 'free' health care to its people and typically at half what it costs Americans," but then when you ask for more details, he runs away for another week before he returns to yell "Where's the GOP plan?" He's like Harry Reid, except he has two eyes and no one has accused baskin of diddlin' around with little boys.
  3. And still a larger crowd than Hillary could draw. Ever.
  4. Does anyone remember back when the left was falsely accusing Sessions about lying under oath about some Russian meeting or something? It seems like that was...what? Seven or eight months ago? Maybe longer?
  5. The only thing he brought awareness to is the fact that he remains a crappy quarterback. Otherwise, hearing about black oppression from a black guy paid millions to throw a ball is not genuine. It's marketing.
  6. We don't even respond in writing to the left about Russia. We just post this: And this:
  7. It's worth noting that BringBackFergy was born a Bills fan, but he identifies as a 23-year-old Cuban cis-gender Patriots* fan. So don't offend him. I mean her. I mean it.
  8. I think you're still going to see a lot of dumbasses like the chick who whined her way out of a job at Yelp by writing an open letter to the CEO, bitching about her compensation. Some will get it, but many have just been too coddled their entire lives to understand they simply don't deserve anything other than what they're worth. One day it will hit them, but it'll be too late, at least for them.
  9. Still waiting for someone to recommend a whine to go with this meltdown.
  10. Obama's plan to set up shop in DC to take down Trump has one problem: Trump has no off button. Obama is used to people cowering for fear of being called a racist. Trump doesn't give a schitt and will be more than happy to grab headline after headline with ridiculous accusations against Obama until Obama learnts to STFU and go play golf.
  11. How do we NOT know Hillary didn't pay the guy? I don't any evidence of her NOT paying the guy. There should be an investigation.* *Applying left wing logic to stuff is fun!
  12. Dear leftists, Thank you for continuing to go full retard. Keep screaming. Keep burning things. Keep injuring people. Your contributions are greatly appreciated. Sincerely, Trump/Pence 2020
  13. Hell, Hillary probably paid the kid to do it.
  14. With news that bad, this must be where gator pivots away from "Obamacare is still alive and working!" and returns to his "The GOP owns it."
  15. You're trying to qualify some things and explain away others. I'm not explaining effects of institutional racism. I'm giving you simple truths. The reality is that if more blacks stayed married (hell, forget stayed married...GOT married and stayed married) and stayed in school and actively looked for work, they absolutely WOULD get ahead. How can you suggest otherwise? The stats of kids with diplomas versus kid with no diploma are everywhere. Your Monopoly concept, while appreciated, is equally flawed because you're starting both players at Go in the ready position. We don't start in the ready position. We are prepared for the ready position by the people who birth us. There is not a single option for living that is available for a white baby that is not available for a black baby. Period. There is food. There is shelter. There is government support should they falter. There are countless churches at the ready to help anyone with a problem. There are public schools which both of those babies can grow up and attend. Same school. Same time. Same food program. Same curriculum. Same teachers. Same bus. Same everything. By the time they are not longer babies and entering junior high, what racism is keeping that black child from making to the ready position? What racism is getting that black girl pregnant but the white girl moving forward? None. There is a parent, single or otherwise, and the success of that child is directly tied to the parent who chose to bring that child into the world and get it to the ready position. The white man didn't keep that kid down. Their parent did. The sooner we STOP blaming racism and START teaching more parents about self-responsibility and self-accountability, the sooner you will see those numbers go down. And the parents must teach their children that having children is something you do AFTER you reach the ready position, not before. But please think wider because life has never started on the Go spot at the ready position. Once they get there, the only person allowing them to not move in a forward position is themselves. And lastly, "mediocre negros" are more than unfortunate words. These are specifically chosen by educated blacks to shame other blacks who refuse to think like them. It has NOTHING to do with conservatives and EVERYTHING to do with the far left, which loves to label and shame anyone who opposes them. We can pick that topic up at another time., Welcome to the board. Good to have you here.
  16. Anyone know what kind of whine pairs well with this meltdown?
  17. Funny. We think the most common thing you see when people disagree about white privilege is that it's a ridiculous SJW canard that pisses all over every single minority who has carved a successful life for themselves. Let me know how white privilege accounts for 78% of all black children being born out of wedlock -- one of the biggest contributors to their poverty. Let me know how white privilege accounts for 52% of black males dropping out of high school and foregoing a diploma -- the other big contributor to their poverty. You don't have a definition of white privilege that fixes those two massive problems facing blacks today. In fact, even when successful black men and women point this out, what happens? The left attacks. Uncle Tom! Get back on the porch, monkey! Or what was that recent one? Mediocre Negros? Yeah. White privilege is the problem.
  18. If you did more than spit in to the PPP ocean, you'd know the answers. But as it is, since your presence here is really nothing more than a quick visit to chat nonsense and pass the time until it's time for dinner and you disappear for a few months, I'll let you go, too.
  19. I genuinely a lot of minority friends who think the white privilege thing is embarrassing and damaging to minorities as well as whites. Should I tell them they just don't understand the issue?
  20. Who was also a complete incompetent who surrounded himself with crooks, thieves and cronies. I must have missed your outrage the past eight years with all of that, as well as how upset you were to find out Obama's AG had a private meeting with Bill Clinton while 'investigating' Hillary and no one on the left asked her to resign or recuse herself. Maybe you were posting your outrage under a different name. Yeah. I'm sure that was it.
  21. Same here. I never saw that coming.
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