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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. If they delay this game because ONE player is sick, then I'll start supplying the pitchforks.
  2. Oh, please. It's 2020. What kind of chucklehead gets mono?
  3. And the injury was probably something like an ingrown hair or hangnail.
  4. In all fairness, baseball really isn't even a sport so much as a bunch of guys standing around, seeing who can throw a ball better than everyone else. How tough is it to stand in a grass field by yourself for 44 days?
  5. I'm always surprised to find out some fans have literally no idea how much money the NFL generates. Goodell will have a guy pushing a cart yelling "Bring out your dead" long before he shuts down the season.
  6. Thank you for adhering to proper grammatical guidelines when referencing anything from NE."
  7. The upsides to sitting Darnold are (1) Flacco actually gives them a better chance of at least winning a few games to keep out of the first draft pick and (2) it justifies the Jets keeping Gase around another year since he couldn't really show his stuff with his franchise QB on the bench. Josh learned a lot sitting because of an injury, and you could argue that Darnold will do the same. In fact, I would argue it's imperative the Jets give Gase and Darnold another year together, just to make sure they are given every chance to succeed. I'd even sign Gase to a long-term deal to ensure he goes forward with confidence. They just need more time together and everything will work out.
  8. Steven Smith chewed him a new bunghole last night post-game on the NFL Channel. He was red hot with some of those late hits. You'd think for all the hard hits they make, someone would have been able to beat a team that gave up three picks.
  9. Anyone suggesting NY is in play needs psychiatric care.
  10. I suspect in general you are correct. He just doesn't gravitate toward any of that stuff at his new school. But at least he doesn't cheer the death of cops.
  11. The only thing I know about you from this website -- undeniable truths from your own posts -- is that you cheer the murder of cops and hope the president dies from the virus. I don't care if you fix tricycles for poor children in your spare time. Your heart is black and soul is empty and you are a schittstain of a human for even thinking that typing those thoughts has any value.
  12. Thanks, but kudos go to my wife who saw something special and dug a bit deeper. He's something of a geek, which is great because he's much more interested in, say, building a guitar than, say, hanging with schittstains who cheer on the deaths of cops.
  13. Faith-based was a choice, not a requirement. But we were able to completely avoid Common Core, which was our primary concern with the CA public school system. Turns out being bored in school is typically a sign that your child is in too low of a class. Another reason we pulled our child out of public school. We were able to get him into advanced classes. He's a 10th grader in a charter school now, but all his advanced home school classes carried over, so he's in a number of senior-level classes a college level class. Congrats on raising a great kid. Imagine raising a child like BullBuchanan who, today, is only able to explain that he wants to see the president of the United States die from a virus. Oh. I forgot. You're Antifa. Or BLM. Or some other schittstain group that promotes the murder of cops and cheers for the death of POTUS,
  14. The upside to your posting is you are not afraid to post what every Dem and leftist thinks right now. Oh, sure, Rachel Maddow said something nice. But you, sir, are the real deal. You show what the left wants: Trump to die from this virus. Well done. You're a gutless, embarrassing, pussified, schittstain of a human being, but at least you're true to your party.
  15. That's possibly because you're assuming that home schooling means the child is always home. We home schooled my son for three years, and I fought with my wife for the very reason you're discussing above. Turns out, that's simply not true, and is more often brought up by the unions in an effort to do away with home schooling. In CA, you still need to be involved in an approved curriculum. These are offered by accredited home schooling groups who not only provide some classroom instruction, but social activities like dances, etc., as well. The key is that you are able to tailor the curriculum to your child's learning abilities, while also being able to have options like, for example, faith-based lesson plans. Yes, a good portion of schooling takes place at home, but it still occurs with other students in classrooms and study group and the idea of no socializing is a myth.
  16. The only people I ever see cheering for someone's death are leftists. They cheer when POTUS gets the bug, they cheer when the virus numbers go up, they cheer when Scalise get's shot by a Bernie Bro. They cheer deaths whenever it is politically expedient for them. No one is being fooled here.
  17. Seriously. And she's just representative of the left today. #prayforTrump is trending on Twitter, and it's filled with leftists praying for Trump to die. Just brutal.
  18. Jennifer Rubin, finding her happy place amongst the leftists.
  19. Biden isn't IN office. Why do you want him to GTFO?
  20. Damn, leftists. Way to let the hate flow. I'm not sure how people live their daily lives filled with such vile hate.
  21. Exactly. I want to win a Super Bowl the ACCEPTED way. By cheating.
  22. The odd thing for me last night was how he could toss some tight passes, hitting Crowder in stride for a decent gain, and then turn around two plays later and completely FUBAR a very simple 5-yard out. At one point they were in the red zone and everything he threw looked like Happy Gilmore trying to get out of a sand trap...like he was just winging it for the sake of winging it since nothing else was working. I'm not savvy enough to know if this is because Darnold is simply not good enough or if his coaching is screwing him up. I suspect it's somewhere in the middle, in which case it feels like the idea of keeping BAD coaches for the sake of consistency has all the logic of staying with an abusive husband because yes, you're wearing a sling and are afraid to speak, but at least the bills are paid.
  23. They better gut the place before they do.
  24. Noticed the same thing, especially on the Broncos side. EDIT: Okay. Maybe just on the Broncos side.
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