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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. It's what plants crave.
  2. No. It happened in the UK so they're quick to call it terrorism. If it happened here, we'd be reading about how the suspect had LBGT apps on his phone, and was clearly not a terrorist but a confused homosexual who liked to shout "Allahu Akbar!" whenever he swiped left.
  3. I just saw that email, and I have to admit it's kind of intriguing, but I don't need a better bag. Foodsaver works very well.
  4. If only there was a way I could grow, gather and store my own food inexpensively.
  5. I'm not puzzling over the percentage. I'm puzzling over how anyone at anytime for any reason would find it necessary to not only come up with those numbers, but use them for any reason in any discussion. If your big point for the week is "Trump plays more golf than Obama," then perhaps we all have a better understanding why someone decided to shut down BBMB.
  6. I genuinely don't know of a single time the federal government got involved in anything that led to lower prices for the average American. Perhaps one day it will act on our behalf. But most certainly not in our lifetimes.
  7. Maybe they still think Hillary is president.
  8. First of all, it's tough for me to digest the idea that single payer is something preferred by an independent, but to be fair on this point, the extreme nuts from both sides of the aisles make it difficult for anyone to say "I am a Republican" or "I am a Democrat," because it's almost always followed with, "Except on these things I lean left/right." So at this point, who knows what it really means to be independent beyond "I'm definitely not D or R." But single payer is the opposite of independent. Second of all, this country can not afford to move to a single payer until we first solve the money-sucking issue of government dependency. We need to cut off the freebie supply line to pretty much everyone. We have to set up a ridiculously high bar for any type of government handout, and spend a year or two weeding everyone out. No more 99 weeks of unemployment. No more free room and board and phones. No more extra cash because you had your fifth baby from your fourth boyfriend. Gravy train must be closed off except for the ridiculously poor and incapable. We have WAY too many people living off the government, and because it's a generational thing, it has to be cut sharp and hard. This will never happen because the people who hand out the freebies to the takers do so with the understanding that if they are elected out of office, the takers are on their own. But to add another layer of massive government dependence on top of the layer that is already destroying the strength of our country is irresponsible, and ridiculously stupid.
  9. So to recap, it's not fair or sustainable for people to experience premium hikes to cover people who don't have insurance. And the answer is to make people experience premium hikes and reduced coverage so we can cover people with an unsustainable program created and run by the federal government? Sheesh. If that's changing the status quo...
  10. Yeah, I'll be sure to take advice about the greater American political landscape from a person who actually thinks a point is to be made by counting the average number of days the presidents play golf. Wait. Let me guess. You were just kidding.
  11. NOW you're counting golf days? NOW? I can't wait to hear how outraged you'll be when you read a story about how Trump forced a wedding to be canceled so he could play golf at the course where the wedding was taking place. I'll bet you'll be furious, won't you, you freaking liberal dumbass.
  12. I can't speak for meazza, but I'm acting as if the FBI said Russia hacked the DNC when YOU keep saying Russia hacked the presidential election. Those are two TOTALLY different things. So let me ask again: HOW did Russia hack the presidential election? Did they tamper with voting machines? Did they buy off people who counted the votes? HOW did Russia "hack the presidential election?" And did you have a problem when the Obama administration used the IRS to target and shut down conservative groups?
  13. Odd. That link you posted says they hacked the DNC. It doesn't say anything about hacking the election. Can you provide a link that backs your claim? Did they hack into voting machines? How did this "hacking the election" thing happen? We'll wait.
  14. Yes. That's exactly what I wrote. Seriously. Is there a part of you that doesn't consider a day complete without someone calling you a dumbass, because sometimes it just seems like you're begging for it.
  15. They can find Trump guilty of treason and embarrassingly hauled away in nothing more than a onesie he borrowed from Pajama Boy, and there will never be a moment when I don't consider the current liberal meltdown the funniest political thing I've watched in my lifetime. A good portion of the comedy comes from hypocrisy, which the left has decided they will embrace at all levels. But it also comes from the benefit of hindsight. I spent probably the first four years of the Obama WH sounding precisely as the left sounds today. I was angry and disappointed at the highest levels of partisan corruption, and was certain...absolutely certain...that someone's head would roll. And guess what? It never did. Do you know why? Because I forgot that even if you make a young, impressionable intern shove a cigar up her vagina while sucking your dick, we'll STILL let you be president. So my advice to you is start doing what the right started doing: taking the fight to the local ballot boxes until you leave the other side with nothing more than...you guessed it...control over the Greater Macungie Utilities Commission...and Detroit.
  16. Then you've been missing some great work by Lindsey Stirling.
  17. That's not treason you smell. It's liberal meltdown. Kinda smells like treason, but with more pronounced use of curry and cumin. I particularly liked Maxine Waters tweet today: "Get Ready For Impeachment." Seriously. Best meltdown ever.
  18. So what you're really saying is...
  19. Happy to do it if it were in my power. Perhaps they wouldn't have to spend all that money if they didn't have to defend themselves from wealthy groups stupid enough to push a false narrative that 97% of an unknown group agree on something they can't prove. I'd say that would be pretty impressive if the planet was created, y'know, 20 years ago.
  20. For the new members here, it saves you a lot of time if, every time you see PastaJoe post something about Trump, you think of this as you're reading it.
  21. That's somewhat understandable because the principles I want in my elected officials tend much closer to constitutional conservative, self-accountability, self-responsibility, much smaller government, etc. So by definition, the closest I've ever come to hearing/seeing a useful Democrat has been limited to Joe Trippe and Kirsten Powers. The Harry Reids, Nancy Pelosis, Chuck Shumers, Wasserman Schultzs have turned the Democrats into nothing more than a punch line to a bad joke. Unfortunately, the DNC comprises people who simply do everything they're told (which is how ACA got through) regardless of the outcome. Trump is no conservative. He's not even a half-way decent Republican. He's a leftist nutbag surrounded by opportunist nutbags. So far he's done the one thing I had hoped he would do: pick a rock-solid supreme court nominee. If he can do it again after RBG completes her metamorphosis to a raisin, then I'm good. Otherwise, the only value he brings to the table is the way he makes leftists crap purple twinkies in a swimming pool every time he opens his mouth.
  22. I never mentioned unions. If you want to convince me about global warming cooling climate change, it starts by removing the billions of dollars blindly handed over to "scientific groups" who are more than happy to (1) say whatever they need to say for more money and (2) give a chunk of that money to the congressman these "scientists" got elected in order to allot them the billions they need to agree on something. There's actually more evidence to suggest that 3 out of 4 dentists recommend Trident gum to their patients who chew gum.
  23. One man's science is another man's money-laundering scheme.
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