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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. That was like watching an episode of Punky Brewster produced by The Onion.
  2. In the words of our mindless liberal posters...is that a drip, drip, drip I'm hearing?
  3. Was that before or after she took sniper fire?
  4. Proof? Link? And by proof and link, I mean something other than a HuffPost op-ed or DailyKos column. Bring us the bill, and bring us the authors. Names. Dates. Let's see it.
  5. And let's not forget...the GOP had no reason to refuse to help draft the law since it was created by The Heritage Foundation and mimicked Romneycare.
  6. NOW you care about lost emails? NOW?????
  7. Consider for a moment that you're posing that question to someone who thinks the only reason Obamacare sucks is because the GOP refused to help draft the law..
  8. NOW you care about a president lying? NOW?
  9. We changed our Facebook avatars! What more do you want?!? Je suis Ben Franklin!
  10. It's kind of like "Oh boy, here comes George Soros..." but without cops being attacked and limos set on fire and traffic disrupted and homeless people taking a dump on police cars.
  11. Tell us. What is it that you expect to happen?
  12. Just threw two of these in the bath after they spent the day in cold water. Will ice them down Friday a.m. and smoke them Saturday. Never did pastrami so I'm looking forward to this. Gonna have to pick up some Jewish rye and make pastrami rubens on Sunday.
  13. In case anyone needed the cheat sheet on how to report a shooting:
  14. You think Obama's a Christian? That's good. I needed a laugh today and you came through.
  15. All of them? Why?
  16. Let's hope Schiff shows that evidence immediately. The current meltdown is getting a little stale, and the best shock to the system would be watching the left go batschitt crazy when they realize they're about to make a Christian the next POTUS.
  17. Link? No. Wait. Nevermind. I'll take your word for it.
  18. Damn, Inonesco. I took part in a reading of Rhinoceros in college and I'm still not sure what the hell was going on.
  19. Like, maybe, fundraising off it?
  20. I usually only hear that phrase in the "Hot for Teacher" stories.
  21. Sorry to bump an old thread, but we have good news. Variety Magazine will be giving a lifetime achievement award to Rear Admiral Chelsea Clinton* *title courtesy of DC Tom.
  22. Imagine if he had a pen. And a phone.
  23. What do Hillary Clinton and Russia have in common? Both allegedly interfered in last year's presidential campaign, to the detriment of Hillary Clinton and the benefit of Donald Trump. Guess which one really cost Hillary the election? Hint:
  24. Ooooh, I get it. It makes more sense now. So when you say the Russians "hacked the election," it's not that you're being dishonest...it's that you think people are stupid enough to believe your dishonesty. Thanks for clearing that up.
  25. If the last eight years taught us anything, it's that terrorism is caused by global warming cooling climate change, and the only way to combat terrorism is to try harder to be nice to everyone so they don't have a reason to attack us.
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