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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. That's ridiculous. O'Reilly is a condescending pig. It took me a while to figure it out because I liked the format of his show, and he gave you the false sense of being balanced. Probably one of the most level-headed leftists is Kirsten Powers and one reason I stopped listening to his show was because of the way he treated her. I'm surprised she didn't jump ship sooner. That said, Pence's position is the correct position for a number of reasons, not the least of which is that there is always someone out there waiting to land a haymaker on you to discredit or sue you. Find me a father today who drives the female babysitter home at night and I'll find you a fool.
  2. Reptillicus was absolutely hysterical. The scene where the creature eats a cartoon drawing father from the farm house was, quite possibly, the best special effects ever. My son and I were laughing our heads off.
  3. It's not difficult to be the most popular Senator in America if your entire plan is to pop out of ice cream cartons promising free stuff!
  4. Mother rapers! Father stabbers! FATHER rapers! Right there on the Group W bench.
  5. Eight years of Barry taking his family on separate vacations every other weekend, but NOW the left is counting the money? Is it any wonder all they're left in charge of are Detroit and the Greater Macungie Utilities Commission.
  6. John Wawrow used to use almost the exact type of reasoning for posting the precise same way that you do...no punctuation, poor grammar, incoherent logic...all blamed on the fact that he did all of that for his job and didn't feel the need to do it here because 'Merica or something. It was a little better when you just blamed your broken keyboard, John...errrrr....meathead..
  7. It's weird. It's like he'd been a Democrat his entire life until this past year or something.
  8. Today I learned that something made of python -- like, say, boots -- can not be shipped to California.
  9. Dear Harry Reid and Entire Progressive Left, Thank you for the Gorsuch confirmation. Absolutely, positively could NOT have done it without you. Sincerely, Everyone you hate.
  10. I read today this was the biggest Atlanta collapse since...well...February.
  11. That's funny. Have you seen what passes for liberal substance these days? Here's a hint:
  12. You're trying to explain something to a person who actually repeats the ridiculous trope that the GOP wrote Obamacare. There should be no surprise the only thing he has to write today is "Seven years and this is all you've got?" That's not to say it's not completely true. It's just a handier way to identify those unable to think for themselves.
  13. I completely agree. They'll take their lumps in the media, but the last time a bunch of elected sheep passed a **** bill because they were unable to think for themselves, they woke up in charge of, well, you know.... This won't hurt the right NEAR as much as the left hopes. It'll just take time for their whining to pass.
  14. I never promised you anything. And unlike a mindless SoProg such as yourself, I'm happy to see the GOP not forcing their partymembers to do something they were not elected to do. If your party did that, we wouldn't watching Obamacare collapse and leave millions uninsured. Hey, while you're here doing nothing, can you go back and find the documentation that backs your claim that the GOP wrote Obamacare in the first place? We'll wait here. Thanks. You'll have to forgive baskin. As a life-long progressive, original thought fails him, so he goes with the old "I'm rubber, you're glue..." bit.
  15. I agree. I enjoy this as well. Gotta give Ryan credit for owning the failure. No individual blame. Just "We couldn't get it done." Very refreshing.
  16. Completely agree. The egg will sit on their faces for a week, Trump will tweet something about Anthony Weiner, and everyone will chase the new squirrel.
  17. Why, it's almost like Trump has been a Dem his entire life. Weird.
  18. The makeup of the GOP has changed dramatically in the last seven years, but I appreciate everyone copy/pasting this talking point. Frankly, I'm glad to see there are people still willing to buck the GOP system. You'd never find that kind of spine on the left. Ever.
  19. Looks like the bill is off the table for now. I respect and appreciate the problem with this, but the silver lining for me is that it's nice to see some people with a spine. The left caved to pass ACA faster than a Barack Obama red line in the dirt, and they have Macungie to show for it.
  20. What would I meltdown over? I didn't vote for Trump. I didn't vote for Hillary. I fully braced for a Hillary presidency, and instead I get to watch people like you irrationally complain about every, tiny, itty bitty thing that comes out of Trumps mouth with absolutely, positively NO regard for how ridiculously hypocritical you all have become. If laughing my ever-loving ass off while watching you whiny ass bitches throw a hissy fit every day is your idea of a meltdown, then count me in.
  21. Now that Obama is no longer president, can the company return to just being referred to as Canada Corporation?
  22. Fixed it for you.
  23. Anyone who knows Kamala Harris knows she cares little for the rule of law. It started when she went with DOJ into the house of David Daleiden to confiscate his undercover Planned Parenthood videos. It's essentially how she got the WH to back her Senate run for Boxer's seat. She's a complete pig of a human.
  24. Poor Chelsea. NYT: Just Like Her Mom, Chelsea Clinton Can't Get A Break. You see, she didn't get a lifetime achievement award. She got an achievement award from Variety in conjunction with the Lifetime TV channel. And punctuation was wrong. So...really...it's just too bad for Chelsea.
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