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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. So you're arguing that even bumbling fans could trip themselves into the playoffs over the past 17 years simply by the law of averages. Which I interpret as meaning the Bills intentionally sabotaged every season to not make the playoffs. Is that what you're saying?
  2. Better question: if so, why in the holy hell are you spending time on a freaking message board?
  3. And once again we realize the Bills would a much better team if only the owner let message board fans run the front office. Dammit, Pegs! These people can complete full sentences! And even log in properly! Why aren't you putting them in charge of your GM search?!?!? Sweet fancy Moses, you people are nuts.
  4. Finally...a state that makes CA property taxes look tame. I had no idea they were that bad in NY.
  5. It's genuinely embarrassing on multiple levels. I mean, could you imagine the outrage if our elected congressional officials chose to segregate themselves based exclusively on the color of their skin? No one would stand for it!
  6. In an effort to celebrate how far we have come as a country to end racism and ensure everyone knows grouping people based exclusively on the color of their skin is wrong, Harvard will have a graduation ceremony that is blacks only. It's only a matter of time before the SJWs demand that blacks have their own water fountains.
  7. The only way that could work is if the law demands that even the politicians have to be part of the program. The very moment DC exempted themselves from ACA was the moment thinking people realized how bad their law was going to be.
  8. I think we're actually further along on this than anyone cares to admit. Yes, the world needs ditch-diggers, but the problem here is not just the technology, but the apathy of the young. The industry in which I live is desperate for young talent, but pretty much the entire industry has come to realize that those being interviewed at entry level have a horrible misconception of what an entry level salary and benefits should look like. They show no desire to work their way up, and would rather not work than compromise their false perceptions. We as a country give them, then, what they need to stand pat, and here comes your pathway to large segments of the country who find it easier to live off the government handouts than make a self-accountable path for themselves however necessary.
  9. Little known fact that you can do the same thing with Trump and Kevin Bacon. True story.
  10. I'm not certain this is more about emotion, but the left will forever push ideas that defy logic. Preserve wildlife while destroying private property? Sounds like a leftist plan if ever I heard one. California is the leader in this kind of stupidity. It's illegal for me to buy a pair of python skin boots and have it shipped to the state because of how the python is treated...and you can't get pate' in some parts of the state because of how the goose is treated... But let an illegal immigrant gun down an innocent woman or kill someone on the highway because of drunk driving, and we let them walk away under sanctuary laws. How anyone can openly admit to being a leftist is beyond me.
  11. I believe that is what the left refers to as an assault glue gun.
  12. You recommend a plan that you admit is not really a plan at all, and then need me to show you the math on why it's no plan at all? Sometimes it's better to just sit back and be quiet.
  13. Which one? 2%? Or whatever? Because I'm doing my budget for the next year, and if this needs to go into the whatever column, then I'll need to shift funds from my who knows account and transfer it to my anybody's guess account. But otherwise...helluva plan you've got there. Helluva plan.
  14. If you only do one thing: Go to Bob's.
  15. I don't know anything about the player and I sure the hell will never pretend that I'm smart enough to determine, today, how good ANY of these picks will be in the future. But I sure get lots of chuckles reading the people who do. I mean LOTS of chuckles. Draft day is my second favorite day of the off season on this board. Right after the day the schedules are released.
  16. In all fairness, I can count a couple of victories over NE if only we had a punt returner who was not Leodis McKelvin.
  17. Something I'll never understand: all you guys who know more than the Bills and could have done better...why are you all sitting here on a Thursday night posting on a random message board for a bad football team? Why aren't you in the War Room in Philly? We need you geniuses, dammit!
  18. This is the only thing you need to take away from this thread, except be nicer than Tom would. Call the prospective employer and nicely tell him to withdraw your name. If he asks why, tell him he knows why and just leave it at that. That was a crappy thing to do.
  19. Bills brass saw the schedule when it was released and realized, "Hell, we ain't winnin' four games this year anyway. Might as well let him go!" True story.
  20. If you read my post and took away "angry and defensive," perhaps you should take a break from your pessimistic predictions for a failed "brain" trust and focus on reading comprehension. Tell me...when you say the Pegulas need to start running the team like winning organizations, what specifically are you referring to? What should they be doing that they're not doing? What are the winning organizations doing that the Bills aren't doing? Build us a champion. Tell us how.
  21. Then why weigh on this? If fact, why are you even here? So far as I can tell, you're here to either make others miserable, or you're plotting a self-important return in eight months to an obscure website dedicated to people who play a game so you can jump out of a cake and yell "I told you so!" Neither of those sound very appealing, but, y'know...carry on.
  22. So to be clear...you'd feel better if the Bills "brain" trust went into the season believing they are NOT making the playoffs? If you genuinely are smarter than the "brain" trust and KNOW they're not making the playoffs, tell me...WITHF are you doing at this website?
  23. Ah, yes, one of my favorite times of the year. There is nothing more successful feeding both the eternal optimists AND the always-grumbling nancyboys like the release of the Bills schedule.
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