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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. To give the Democrats time to find a candidate who isn't clearly suffering from dementia.
  2. Good point. It's not like the left spends every moment joyfully telling everyone the total number of people Trump killed with the virus.
  3. Can you leave just ONE thread alone so the adults can have a conversation without you flying in with yet another unrelated, unhinged Trump comment?
  4. Is there literally NO ONE in the Democratic party who can see what a white hot mess this guy is?
  5. It's got to be frustrating to be a leftist with Biden on the ticket. Trump comes off an Axios interview that gave the left plenty to scream about, so naturally they roll out Biden to remind everyone that Trump may be crazy, but at least he ain't Biden.
  6. But...but...Trumpy Trump Trumpity Trump!
  7. This is the time when BIllstime explains that no one would be worried about the long term effects if only Trump followed Cuomo's lead and sent everyone to certain death in the nursing homes. More deaths means less people with long term effects! Leftist logic! It's all the rage!
  8. What's funny is folks like him have zero self-awareness. They simply are unable to grasp how ridiculous they sound when their very first reaction to pretty much everything is "Trump Trump Trump." Trump broke these people and they don't even realize it.
  9. If only more states followed the Cuomo and the NYC Death March, we wouldn't be in this situation!
  10. I just read a leftist post in the Schools thread claiming Trump is responsible for a second-grader getting the virus in an Atlanta school. Trump forced that school to open against the school's wishes, and then he drove to the girl's house to pick her up, drove her to school, removed her mask and pushed her into a crowded school. And then he left the school to play a round of golf. True story. Unhinged doesn't even work to describe them any more.
  11. Given how desperate the left is for open borders, it doesn't take a genius to realize where they sit when it comes to human trafficking. Open borders makes it so much easier for the coyotes to bring in the left their product. Now, I realize that the left will scream about that being a wild statement, but when you take a moment to simply consider the role leaky borders play in trafficking, even your most skeptical person would agree it's critical to plug the borders and track who's trying to get in. This is why the left never condones human trafficking...they just yell about what the Trumps are trying to do to stop it.
  12. Actually, the sole purpose of the LIncoln Project is to look like they're trying to stop the reelection of Donald Trump while grabbing tens of millions of liberal dollars so the guys who started Lincoln Project can get out of the massive debt they're in.
  13. Last time I saw a blast that big, I was watching MSNBC on election night 2016.
  14. So since you took issue with my post, does that mean you agree with Cuomo that the US should lock the entire country down right now?
  15. Okay. Was just making an observation. Enjoy the melt down. Try not to hurt yourself.
  16. I was wrong about you. Trump doesn't get you uhinged. DR does. I can't believe I missed it, but your post above pretty much seals it. He simply posts something from Twitter, and you get SO unhinged by his presence that you have to post your throw-away comment above. Give the internet a break, brother. You could use a little 'me' time to get your senses back.
  17. It's weird how that 'fireworks' story was quick to come out. That blast was devastating. In fact, it was a lot of things...but fireworks was definitely not one of them. The video is incredible.
  18. This explains why Cuomo is suddenly pushing to start over from scratch with 100% mandatory US lockdowns for 90 days. I mean, if we should listen to anyone about how to handle Covid, we know Cuomo is the guy.
  19. That is very accurate. Their demands have been distributed in writing. So when your average leftist tries to argue for shutting down schools, remember what they REALLY want...and it has nothing to do with anyone's safety.
  20. Liberals: Less than 1% voter fraud cases? What's the big deal? It's minuscule. Also liberals: Less than 1% deaths from COVID? Close the schools! Shutdown the country! Cancel everything! Nobody move!
  21. I would not support anyone who wanted to delay the election without a justifiable reason, and Covid is not a justifiable reason any more than it's a justifiable reason to keep people on lockdown. Now answer me this: do you think Biden should debate Trump, or do you believe Biden should not debate Trump for fear of showing the world his dementia?
  22. Pretty funny how you're thought process resembles that of a third-grader. I only support Trump for two reasons, and only two reasons: Supreme Court seats and watching the way he makes people like yourself puke tapioca every time he so much as says "Good morning." A front row seat to a leftist meltdown is more fun than I would have guessed. That said, I didn't vote for him in 2016 and I'm still on fence about him now. What I do know is that, once again, I find it ridiculous that Trump and Biden are the best we, as a country, could come up with. It should tell you more about each party than you are actually capable of understanding. Now, back to your third-grade question; I am not in support of delaying the election, and I think his statement was an unforced error, as is usually the case with him and Twitter. I AM in support of voter ID...one person, one vote...and if you can stand in line to get groceries, you can stand in live to vote. It's just that simple, which is likely why it's lost on you.
  23. Maybe pedos are okay to Kemp if they're Democrats. Just like Kemp surely is part of the #believeallwomen crowd...until you bring up Tara Reade. Then it changes to #believeallwomenonlyiftheaccusedisarepublican. Just like Kemp surely would protect every building and road named after Robert Byrd. Independent thought it sort of lost on him.
  24. You know, one of the reasons you find people here tossing your pre-school rhetoric around like a rag doll is for statements like the one above. Even a slightly honest broker of the truth admits that most every person on this board who likes or supports Trump does not do so blindly. Most have repeatedly been critical of him for his odd perception of the truth at times. In fact, even a slightly honest broker of the truth admits that ALL politicians are like this, regardless of where they fall on the political spectrum. You, on the other hand, are simply one of those mindless, thoughtless Keith Olbermann disciples who believes that your side is always right and always pure, and anyone who disagrees with you is wrong and needs to be criticized into silence It's why the only people who take stock in your posts are the Tibs and Billstimes of the board. Try harder. Think for yourself. It's not too difficult if you truly believe yourself to be right.
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