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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. Wow. What an Islamophobe. She should be kicked out of office. Everyone knows what the world needs is love, no borders and the desire to co-exist.
  2. We as in the 'federal taxpayer' we. Plus, I've begun my exit plan from CA. Trying to do it methodically, but it has to be before they rescind Prop 13 or selling my house will be very difficult.
  3. Free college. Free health insurance. I'd encourage that stupidity all day long if I didn't know we'll end up paying the tab when NYS files for bankruptcy.
  4. According to our governor, we're note traitors. We're freeloaders. That's right. The people who pay taxes to a give free food, shelter, education and cellphones to millions of illegal immigrants...we're the freeloaders. That's the party of gatorman.
  5. I'm sure California will figure out a way to get this done. Much like the success they had with its $64B bullet train that will be ready to in, oh, say, another 18 years or so. Just need to tax the freeloaders a little more.
  6. Tim Graham with hindsight is so prescient.
  7. We interrupt this latest Trump meltdown headline to pay attention to as many as 20 people killed at an Ariana Grande concert in the UK due to a explosion suspected to be an act of terrorism. We'll be sure to melt down about Trump with fresh new headlines as soon as we can stop reporting about actual news.
  8. This just in: The Hill shares article from far-left website which argues that not only was Weiner set up, but, hey, she was closer to 17 than 15, and sexting with a 16 year old in NC is perfectly legal, so what's the big deal? Yeah, yeah, so Weiner admitted he thought she was 15 and still tried his best to go full pedophile, but that's not the story. He's the victim here! Original article here.
  9. They're unhinged in CA. Recently Jerry Brown was here referring to right-leaning residents as "freeloaders" because we're against his next tax increase.
  10. That's odd. I really thought Anthony and Huma having a baby right after he got caught the first time would have saved their marriage. Wonder why that plan didn't work.
  11. When you're out of original ideas...just turn to MAD Magazine, who is kinda pissed that TIME stole their idea and design.
  12. Actually, I would like to see Mueller do with Trump what Comey did with Hillary. Mueller could explain that there is clear evidence Trump violated a number of statutes, and in fact acted with extreme carelessness, and further explain how it's very likely that there was collusion with Russia. But, y'know, we really can't say he did it intentionally, so we're going to drop the whole thing. I'd actually pay to watch the left digest that press conference. They'd be schitting purple Twinkies from San Francisco to Macungie.
  13. I believe they're in the midst of contract negotiations. Or at least that is what I get from Timmah Graham's twitter account, which is often commenting how TBN doesn't pay anyone what they're worth. Often I remind him that people who aren't being paid what they're worth can just go get a job that WILL pay them what they're worth, but he ignores me, which is better than his usual gig of telling his critics to "go hump your fist."
  14. Interesting contrast posted today by IowaHawkBlog...one of the more thoughtful social media posters.
  15. The most annoying trend you see from people like Sully and Timmah! Graham any more is their need to insert themselves into their articles. It's no longer a story about the Bills, but rather a story about them talking about the Bills. Timmah posted an article early this week that was written specifically to get people to say one of two things: either "Timmah doesn't know what he's talking about" or "You just don't understand Timmah." He's like the Donald Trump of sports writers. You know what he's supposed to be doing, but then the words come out, you shake your head and wonder "How long does the body survive after that ego is put to death?"
  16. If it's this big and this important and this bad...any idea why Comey sat on it until two weeks after he was fired? Incompetence?
  17. Late to this discussion, but in the event that no one addresses this, the above comment tells all. You were hired by them in a deceitful manner. Regardless of your other options, working for a company that would treat a new employee like this speaks volumes about what kind of leadership and integrity there is at this company. Are you okay with it? Stay. You'll be in good company and can accept all future surprises. Are you not okay with it? Plan your exit. Frankly, you're only objection to the new job seems to be traffic and that it ends in eight months. Beyond traffic, the only difference between the two jobs is at least you know when one of them ends, and it sounds like a part of your getting extended is based on your ability to perform. Do you doubt your ability? Put another way: companies who are purposefully deceitful to their employees rely on employees too afraid to do anything but obey. They have employees by the short-n-curlies. Is that you?
  18. Okay, notfernuthin', but is your reading comprehension SO bad that you need clarification on his simple question?
  19. I'm kinda curious: if Trump really tried to get Comey to stop investigating Flynn, isn't that the kind of thing Comey should have brought to everyone's attention when it happened? And hey...hysterical nutbags in peak meltdown...this isn't an attempt to defend Trump. It just seems to me that it's not the kind of thing your FBI chief would sit on.
  20. I believe the Democrats refer to this as "winning."
  21. Pretty much anyone who pays attention to politics in social media is mocking her to the core. I am simply joining in because, let's be honest, most leftists believe she's right. And that's because most leftists are as stupid as she is. The left wants a scalp. They're simply too stupid to think this through. As is evidenced by their latest email campaign:
  22. This is perfect. According to Rosie O'Donnell.... The only things missing are question marks and "PROFIT!!!" Summer of Meltdown is best summer of all.
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