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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. The contest deadline was midnight last night, and if you were even remotely as intelligent as you pretend to be about history, you'd remember I always lock the contest thread after the deadline has passed so people can't change their picks as the season gets closer. Unfortunately, you're so upset that I mock Timmah! Graham that you can't even think straight. But let's be honest; no one who defends Timmah!! Graham to this extent will ever be mistaken for someone who can think for themselves, anyway.
  2. If you think I do this to poke fun at fans for their pessimism, then you misread my post you quoted. Read it again. I started this because of the number of people who would confidently declare the team's wins/losses the day the schedule came out. Before the draft. Before the roster cuts. Before camp. Before injuries. All they required to assuredly know the pending result of the upcoming season was who the BIlls were playing and when they were playing them. That's what Christmas is all about, Charlie Brown. HEY MODS...can you lock this thread for me? My only option in Topic Moderation is to delete it.
  3. The left's propensity to lie about stuff, only to follow it with "that was sarcastic" or "I was just joking," is why your party is left with Detroit and Macungie. You remain hypocritical on virtually every topic that is important to you, mostly because your logic beats you into a corner, and the only response you have to the right starts with a lie and ends with either "that was sarcastic" or "I was just joking." Remind us again how many millions of people the GOP has sentenced to death with their health care bill? Oh, wait. Let me guess. Sarcasm.
  4. Y'know, throughout our lives we've been offered lots of advice on what to do if you're sad. Gray skies are gonna clear up...put on a happy face. The sun'll come out tomorrow. I simply remember my favorite things, and then I don't feel so bad. Turns out, one of my favorite things to do when I'm sad is go to my DVR and replay my recordings of CNN and MSNBC reporting the results of that election night. It really does turn that frown upside down.
  5. The upside to these videos is they help us to flush out potential employees.
  6. Hard to know which is more telling: that you call people idiots while yelling "I told you so" about EJ, referring to another human as "worthless garbage" because he couldn't excel at a professional sport, or that you somehow find it useful to not only point all of this this out, but simultaneously find it just so sad to watch. What, oh what, would these insignificant people do without your expansive knowledge and empathy?
  7. Pool closes midnight tonight (Macungie Standard Time). Ensure you get your picks before you miss what some are calling the single-most impactful contest ever to grace American soil since Chuck Barris pitted The Unknown Comic against Gene, Gene the Dancing Machine.
  8. No. As Just Jack pointed out, one year it got pretty deep into the season, but back then it was a single prize for one winner, and the prize was a gift certificate to the restaurant of your choice. Chef Jim would explain how $500 wouldn't get him past the wine list, and conner would explain that $500 would feed him an entire year at Sizzler. More often than not, the contest was over by Week 4. The main reason I started this was because years ago I was stunned by how many people would throw the season in the crapper exclusively based on the release of the schedule -- five months before the team's roster was even in place. I understand sad-sack down-in-the-dumps woe-is-me pessimism, but man, oh, man...some Bills fans absolutely thrive on it. Which explains why Tim Graham is still employed.
  9. It's been playing in my house and car kind of non-stop. Not me. My son. He's 12, and his musical taste is more vast than anything I could have imagined. We got the soundtrack before we saw the movie, and watching him with his very first listen of"The Chain" by Fleetwood Mac was just amazing. Last night I heard him singing "Brandy" at the top of his lungs in the shower. Makes me smile for hours.
  10. Please link to all the times I promised a GOP HCP. We'll wait. In the meantime, either try to develop original thinking, or just stick to your gatorman username. Having multiple logins saying the same thing over and over gets very boring.
  11. It's been every headline, no matter where I looked...until the Montana GOP'er throttled the reporter.
  12. But that's different because...well...I'm not sure why it's different, but I'm sure Critical Race Theory plays a role.
  13. This is so infuriating. Once again the left lets you know their thoughts on women: You need to shut up, shut down, get an abortion and obey your political masters, you insignificant bitches.
  14. Whenever I think of Wasserman Schultz, I immediately think of the ugly girl in "A League of their Own." Marla Hooch. There's a scene in the movie where they're doing a documentary of the girls, showing each of them up close (like Madonna, etc.) and then they get to Marla and because she's so butt ugly, they show her way out in the field. Makes me think of Wasserman Shultz every time.
  15. Yeah, that was from one of the far left frilly, girly mags like Elle, or Cosmopolitan or DailyKos. Special cover story on her. I remember everyone wondering how much was spent fixing those photos.
  16. Brothers. Sisters. Gather 'round and hear me out. Either you are closing your eyes to a situation you do not wish to acknowledge, or you are not aware of the caliber of disaster indicated by the presence of a football team in your community. You say you're embarrassed by a team that can never make the playoffs? You say you're embarrassed by upper management, middle management, and lower management? You say you can see Pegula buckling his knickerbockers below the knee? You say you're smarter than all of them? Smarter than the Owner? Smarter than the Coach? Smarter than the GM? Brothers. Sisters. I hear your plea. The team would be perfect if only you could call the shots! This team can't even get through the National Anthem without you insisting you can sing it better! In fact, you are sure you could make this team better simply by accident, because the odds say a brilliant person like yourself could field a winner, if for no other reason than because you're nowhere near the level of dumbassery that inhabits OBD. Well, good news is coming your way, and it starts right here, right now, on this very day and for a limited time with exclusive access to the entitled few who are brave enough, smart enough, and dare I say BRILLIANT enough to prove your genius, once and for all, in front of friends, peers and egocentric thin-skinned fist-humping sports writers. Welcome to the return of the often-imitated, never-duplicated "Dinner's On Me, Smartass!" Awesome Mix Vol. 8.2 Competition. All you need to do to win is accurately predict, right now, which games the Bills will win and lose in the upcoming season. Just copy/paste the Bills 2017 Schedule from below and post it in a reply to this thread. Next to each game, predict whether the Bills will win or lose. The only way to win is to guess all games precisely. If you choose correctly, I will donate $150, in your name, to a shelter in your town that feeds the homeless, up to $750 (that would be up to five winners...prioritized by the earliest time-stamped entries...so hurry!) Next, the rules. Read them carefully: All eligible participants must be registered posters of this board as of March 10, 2017. Anyone new to the board after that date is not eligible. You must be a legal resident of the United States to accept the prize, which will be huge. Believe me. Like none other. Best you ever saw. People tell me all the time. Seriously. Regardless of how many winners there are, there are only five $150 prizes, based on time-stamped entries, with the earliest five winning the contest. Winners must pick all Bills wins/losses correctly. You do not receive anything for getting close. This is know as the Millenial Rule. If you can't handle losing, you're welcome to sit in your Mom's basement and cry while surrounded by participation medals, Chipotle wrappers and empty sriracha bottles.. If you are a participant of this contest and at any time during this contest you are caught referring to anything related to the Patriots* without using the required asterisk, or if at any time during the season you are caught defending the Patriots* for their cheating ways, you are disqualified from the contest because there is plenty of room for fun, but no room for idiocy or laziness. They cheated. They get an asterisk. Don't like it? Invent your own freakin' contest; This thread will initially remain open until midnight (Macungie, PA time) this Saturday, May 27th, at which time it will be closed and remain closed unless I feel like randomly opening it for whatever reason floats my boat. Each eligible participant can only put in one entry. If you feel the need to cheat, fine. You have to live with yourself and outsmarting some dude who's just trying to have fun can be your private little accomplishment. If, during the course of the competition, you are banned...welcome to the club. Should making your picks lasts longer than four hours, see your doctor. Non-bills fans and team-swapping whores ARE eligible to participate, but in order to qualify, you must make one joke -- good or bad -- about Tim Graham, because let's face it; there are no bad Tim Graham jokes...just bad Tim Graham articles. I can change the rules to accommodate loopholes I may have overlooked, but the core of the contest remains true. Sunday, Sept 10 - Bills vs. Jets Sunday, Sept 17 - Bills @ Panthers Sunday, Sept. 24 - Bills vs. Broncos Sunday, Oct 1 - Bills @ Falcons Sunday, Oct 8 - Bills @ Bengals Sunday, Oct 22 - Bills vs. Buccaneers Sunday, Oct 29 - Bills vs. Raiders Thursday, Nov 2 - Bills @ Jets Sunday, Nov 12 - Bills vs. Saints Sunday, Nov 19 - Bills @ Chargers Sunday, Nov 26 - Bills @ Chefs Sunday, Dec 3 - Bills vs. Patriots* Sunday, Dec 10 - Bills vs. Colts Sunday, Dec 17 - Bills vs Fish Sunday, Dec 24 - Bills @ Patriots* Sunday, Dec 31 - Bills @ Fish
  17. We DO have Universal Health Care. Or, at least, Universal Health Insurance. She can keep her coverage. She can keep her doctor. That's what she was promised? Remember? However, she chose not to participate, which is against the law and results in a fine (which I'm told is also a tax) that she is supposed to pay to ensure everyone gets coverage at a lower rate. So in the end, she was let down by both the Affordable Care Act, and her own choices.
  18. Looks like Wall-E made it to Broadway.
  19. Or just to go Katy Perry's house. Assuming you can climb the massive gate at the front and then overtake her armed security guards. Other than that she should be totally accessible.
  20. Ummm...we have Universal Health Care. It's called the Affordable Care Act. And regarding your sister: what is her deductible?
  21. Do we even need nails? I mean, sometimes builders leave them on the ground, and then animals step on them, and they get lead poisoning. It's not right. Nails should be made of rubber, so every time an animal steps on them or someone puts them in a bomb, they just bounce off everything. Yeah. That's it. Rubber nails. Goodbye, terrorism. Not gonna miss you.
  22. The simple answer seems to escape you for some odd reason, but try to consider that they happen more frequently not because of us, but because it can. I was one of those people who paid little attention to anything global or political prior to 9/11 to the extent that when it was quickly announced that it was Al Qaeda and some dude named Osama Bin Laden, my first response was "Who the hell are they?" 9/11 happened because it could, and someone finally pulled it off. Once that door was opened, then the phuckbags realized they could do pretty much anything...and here we are. If only our leaders were more concerned with the safety of its citizens than they are thinking the answer is open borders and more love...but no. We need to open the borders, and let ANYONE in, because that's what a compassionate person does just before they get blown to phucking bits.
  23. It's like watching JP Losman be critical of Trent Edwards. Hey Hill...grab your Geritol, change your Depends, go play with your grandchildren and leave governing to the grownups, mmmkay?
  24. He was once challenged by a Bills fan about something he stated during a game, and his response was literally "You don't even follow me. Go hump your fist." He truly is the Donald Trump of sports writers. Skin so thin he should have a reservoir tip.
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