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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. Have you ever had a job interview with a large company, walk away thinking "Wow, this place completely has its act together," only to take the job and four months in realize what a clusterphuck of a mess the company really is? That's CA. The state is broke, the kids are horribly uneducated because of the need to accommodate kids who can't speak the language, the gangs are back in the major cities, and the homeless problem is so bad they're literally just setting up cardboard tent cities along the highways. But hey...that bullet train is gonna kick ass when it's done.
  2. There are two issues we would still need to address because I'm not sure replacing one program with another will address these issues on their own: 1) Dependence on your federal handout is excessively generational. If this was about helping just those who fell on difficult times in spite of their efforts, that's one thing. But many welfare recipients are taught how to game the system with little effort by family and circle of friends. And they learned from their family and friends. These are not people who are simply having a bad year. This is their way of life because it has been the way of life for the past few generations. No idea how to disrupt that cycle, but it's very real. 2) Abuse is going to happen regardless of the program because the program requires people to oversee a giant bundle of cash. Regardless of how means-testing takes place, those in charge of distribution are part of the weakest link because corruption is always in lockstep with large bundles of cash. That said, it's easy to point out these issues and much more difficult to determine the best way to address them. Being cut from the 'give a hand up, not a handout' cloth, it's difficult to opine on this topic because any steps for self-accountability are usually met with the left's well-orchestrated global scream of "You want to steal food from babies and kill them!!!"
  3. That Daou comment has to be one of the most idiotic comments to come out of a political pie-hole in a long time. Yet thousands of leftists cheer, like and retweet this stupidity.
  4. The simple fact that the left has turned global warming cooling climate change into yet another money-laundering scheme is all ANYONE needs to know about this topic.. If we really are going to destroy this planet in the next 100 years, I have no problem blaming the left for this situation because they ONLY care about this topic to launder taxpayer funds. Period. Just like unions. Just like "foundations." Money first. Money last. That's the DNC in a nutshell.
  5. LA Times big headline today about how CA is leading the pack to stick to the agreement in spite of Trump. I'm thinking, "So, just to be clear, the state of CA is going to throw in the billions upon billions of dollars that the US was in for? Is that the plan? Because that's what I'm hearing."
  6. That's different. You see, the money Brown is bringing is is going to get laundered through his contractors for his re-election campaign, and the $90M Lee is spending gets laundered for his compaign. It's easier to keep track that way.
  7. As well as (1) those who think it's real because 'scientists" say so ' and (2) those who think Bill Nye is, actually, a science guy.
  8. This has to do with the subject matter in what way? Are coal miners intentionally doing something putrid and disgusting, and then blaming other people when they are called out by the world?
  9. Once again we see how the far left has precisely zero ability to grasp the concept of self-accountability. Something is always someone else's fault. Always. The biggest surprise is that she thinks her career is now over. NOW you think it's over, Kathy?
  10. From one of the people I enjoy most on Twitter: David Burge (Iowahawkblog): It must be murder having to always repaint your End-of-World sandwich board...
  11. The only thing more embarrassing than the flood of stupidity that comes from Trump would be waking up every morning to the realization that you had millions in laundered funds from foreign countries and still couldn't beat him in a presidential election if he spotted you 3 million votes.
  12. Laugh all you want. A thinking person...that is, a person who practices independent thought and doesn't simply repeat what they're told to repeat ...knows (1) that McConnell was saying what any rational competitor says after an ass-beating and (2) Obama told the GOP to go phuck themselves right after he was elected. Both are simple truths that thinking people understand. Obama poisoned the bipartisan well immediately. Because he's an entitled douchebag. Much like the current POTUS. Two entitled thin-skinned, insecure, moronic douchebags from the same cloth. Simple as that.
  13. The same reason you have a White House ceremony announcing that the US is IN with Obama and an EO. Because it's a big gesture designed to piss of the other side of the aisle. The difference is that the GOP gets upset, but the left and the media doesn't just get upset. It pisses itself, pukes itself and schitts itself..all together...at the same time...almost like it's a coordinated effort or something. Damn you people are gullible.
  14. So what? All you're saying is what I am saying: it was never ratified. Want it ratified? Get a Democrat in the WH and win control of the House and Senate, and there you go! Oh, wait. You had that. Pissed it away. This world would be so much easier to live in if Democrats could ever...just once...grasp the concept of self-accountability. But no. Russia. Wikileaks. Comey. Bad data. Broke DNC. Couldn't pass the climate agreement. Boo-freaking-hoo.
  15. There is no debate. It was never ratified. All it got was Barry's signature. That's not an agreement. It's an autograph. YOu want to argue he did it under EO? Trump can just un-EO the EO. What the hell is wrong with everyone on this?
  16. THERE. WAS. NO. AGREEMENT. Why the hell are you sheep so unbelievably blind to this fact?
  17. The new teenager in charge of France just told American companies that if you value innovation, you can call France your new homeland. Best. Meltdown. Ever. Continues.
  18. Trump must have made the right call because this is what far left Twitter is like right now.
  19. See MELTDOWN; Best Ever; Life of a liberal. Chapt.3, pg. 87, para 3.
  20. Wow, that's a pretty dirty city. Is that Detroit or Macungie?
  21. I'm pretty sure President Pence won't do that.
  22. I'm going to suggest neither the author nor the dunce who started this thread have any idea what the hell you're talking about. I'm sure they both think Jonathan Swift is Taylor's dad. Question: if the videos are doctored, why did Kamala Harris invade the videogrpapher's house and destroy everything he had? Why not release the proof of the doctoring? We'll wait for an answer.
  23. Because Obama told them to get on the back of the bus. He told them elections have consequences. He told them he didn't need them because he had a phone and a pen. In a nutshell, he told them to go phuck themselves, and now his party is doing precisely that to themselves because of his failures as a leader leading to a President Trump. But yeah...the GOP...they're the problem.
  24. A woman of the people...a true fighter for middle America.
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