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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. The spectrum of motivation already in play...sans profit? If no one is making a profit, where does the money come from to pay everyone? And if everyone earns the same amount, how do you regulate how people spend their money? Wait. Let me guess. Since everyone is earning the same amount of money, then everything they buy must cost the same. A pound of apples is the same as a car. A haircut costs the same as dinner at Nobu. Or wait. Maybe there is no more Nobu...or any sushi at all...because if everyone can't afford it, then no one can afford it. We must only provide what everyone can afford. And we're doing all of this in the same of...what as that again? Ownership? Personal responsibility? Man, I gotta hand it to you. Excellent trolling. Just excellent.
  2. Give them time. They'll be posting Bernie Sanders and Liz Warren videos before the weekend gets here. Bernie and Liz would post sooner, but let's be honest...it's tough to find time to make videos yelling about equal pay and free college when all your time is spent trying to figure out how you're worth millions of dollars with multiple estates when you only earn a Senator's salary.
  3. If I remember correctly, his first game day snaps for the Bills came when Mularkey threw him into the last part of a a Patriots* beatdown, when all was lost. The Pats* tee'd up to bring him down, and I could argue he never recovered.
  4. It has a great positive impact on people incapable of having a greater, positive impact on themselves. I can do FAR more for myself AND others if I am unshackled. You, on the other hand, are convinced you are unable to take care of yourself, and need everyone else to make life better for you. While I'll never understand that kind of thinking, I at least give you credit for accepting and admitting your limited ability to take care of yourself in a manner you find satisfying.
  5. Please tell me you're just making stuff up to troll everyone. Please. In the event you're not, let me break this down in crayola for you: If you pay everyone the same, regardless of what they do, you remove individual incentive, which removes individual production, which removes things like, oh, innovation and excellence. What you are advocating for is a nation that would hope to one day attain mediocrity. In my experience, people who advocate for mediocrity have hit a wall in their own career after realizing Wal-Mart greeter is their career peak. Thank God the country doesn't work this way.
  6. I have no idea what Bill asked Lynch. You are assuming that because I consider myself a conservative, I must have thought that. You'd be wrong. It was stupid and it looks embarrassingly bad for everyone, but nowhere did you see me calling for action to be taken beyond "Don't vote for HIllary because she's a money-laundering pig with no morals." Just because...
  7. Haven't been able to watch, but I'm following on Twitter, and so far all I've seen is that Comey admitted that he leaked a memo, and that everything else the media has been reporting on as it relates to Trump and Russia is completely false. You'd think the left would get tired of so many letdowns. But hey...y'know...Hillary 2020! #I'mwithherbecauseshewon'tgoaway
  8. Nobody increased the gap between the rich and the poor like Barry did. In fact, he should be embarrassed how much his policies hurt the black communities. But no one will speak out on it because, 'y'know, racism or something. Meanwhile, who earned a million dollars last year? Bernie Freaking Sanders.
  9. Assuming they feel like that 'service' is not beneath them, or that they feel they deserve more than the minimum guaranteed income. The problem, of course, is that you're trying to provide work for people who actually don't want to work. Because the basic truth is that if you DO want to work, and are willing to bust your ass, there is plenty of work out there right now. Yes, maybe you need to take two jobs. Even three. And yes, you may have to make sacrifices. But it's there if you really want it. Unfortunately, like anything else that is guaranteed, the left will ultimately hire antifa fools to burn things down until the minimum wage is $30/hour. And then they'll B word about that. Because the entitled will never be happy regardless of what you do.
  10. That's different. Obama is black. So shut up.
  11. Next year's headline is already tee'd up: Evergreen College to cut staff due to 45% enrollment drop.
  12. They'll just 'leak' another 'story' to the media, who can attribute quotes to 'unnamed sources' about how Trump hazed a college kid by holding him down and cutting his hair. Then they'll post things here like "Drip, drip, drip..." as it to insinuate that the made up story 'could' be true because you can't prove that it's not.
  13. I appreciate your stance, but...that ain't gonna happen any time soon.
  14. They were probably reading his memes on the Harvard freshman website.
  15. This is very true. In fact, even people who CAN code can't always code in all languages. It's weird, it takes a certain brain to write advanced code.
  16. I can't tell which is more odd: that the mayor of London seems to care so very little for the safety of the city's people, or that Piers Morgan looks like he ate Al Gore.
  17. I've had a dozen different steaks that are the best I've ever made because, at least to me, there are a lot of factors that go into it, not the least of which is the quality of the meat, but also what's on the side, what am I drinking, how much have I been drinking, what day of the week is it (Saturday night steaks are my favorite steaks). That said, ONE of the best steaks I've ever made is the Caveman Porterhouse with a poblano pepper pan fry. This recipe freaked me out because you're using lump charcoals (NOT brickets) and when they're good and hot, you're throwing a beautiful piece of meat directly on the coals. But damn. I mean, damn. So good, you don't even need the peppers, but you want to make them because you're then throwing the cast iron skillet directly on the coals to cook up the peppers, and there's something a bit primitive about it all that says "Gonna eam me some steak. Stay back. This could get messy."
  18. Did you just ask for a hard prick?
  19. Let me guess: Gurgle. Ramble. PumPkin Pie! Who knows why the sunshine echoes in the night caves! HAH! Or something like that. He makes less sense than a 3 a.m. post from Wawrow.
  20. Upper right corner. Click on your user name. In the dropdown, click on "Manage Ignore Prefs" and input his username in the field at the bottom. While it's a big help, Chef still pretty much responds to everything he types, so you don't really have him on ignore unless you add Chef as well. I once had a thread where one page was almostly exclusively Exiled and gator having a conversation with each other. It was funny seeing a whole page of... "This post is hidden..." "This post is hidden..." "This post is hidden..." "This post is hidden..." "This post is hidden..."
  21. You're talking about a guy who insisted that one reason Europe is so great is because no one in Europe owns a gun, or has ever owned a gun. Ever. In the history of Europe.
  22. Harvard has made it easy to pick on the college, but this story is encouraging, and if you have young children, a great lesson to be learned about the pitfalls of social media. Harvard Rescinds Acceptance Offers to 10 Incoming Freshman For Being Stupid on the Internet
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