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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. They're the most stupid-proof ribs I've ever made. One time I baked them too long and the bones were falling off, making it difficult to grill them. But beyond that, it's easy as hell. I've never modified the recipe because it just works. Since you've never done ribs, just a reminder to remove the thin membrane on the back of the ribs. Plenty of videos show you how, but I've found using a piece of paper tower to grab it works best.
  2. It can do high-heat, but not well enough that I turn to it for burgers, etc. The newer models boast searing capabilities, but the thing is too expensive to upgrade for that reason. Still, it allows me to do more low-and-slow meals that I typically would avoid because of the amount of attention smokers need. In the end, I have four grills in the backyard: Traeger, Weber Kettle (for burgers, dogs, etc), a Master Forge charcoal (more real estate than the Weber for things like this simple, but amazing salt-brick chicken), and a Viking gas grill, which gets limited work when I'm too lazy or really short on time. It's the time of year where I live that you avoid the kitchen at all costs.
  3. Same thing. Fewer letters. I'm a fan of brevity. Thanks.
  4. Only 61%? Everyone thinks upper income Americans don't pay enough in taxes. Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, countless celebrities ALL say they need to pay more in taxes. Yet you can count the number of them that voluntarily pay more taxes on the hand of a bad woodshop teacher. It's like saying "I support the troops." Sounds good...until they need you in the battlefield.
  5. I've never done ribs sous vide, but mostly because of the long bath time. It seems to me if I can bathe them for 24 hours, I can surely smoke them for 6. On the other hand, I have a Traeger, so smoking ribs for 6 hours is not near the attention-craving chore it used to be. When I'm doing it for company, or taking it to someone's house, I almost always turn to this recipe for bourbon-glazed baby backs. You wrap them in an aluminum foil boat with pineapple juice, bake them in the oven for about an hour, and when they're done, you can pack them up, take them with, and just finish them on the grill. Even a day in advance. Two things: (1) you have St. Louis ribs, and I'm not certain how this translates to that recipe and (2) it's something of a sticky Asian sauce, not classic BBQ, but they are devoured wherever I take them.
  6. Ironically, who is being discriminated against by local governments? The Christian bakers.
  7. You know those posts in the comments sections that write stuff like, "My brother just bought a new Land Rover with cash and makes $8000 a week! Ask me how!" This is how they earn the Land Rover payments. They get orders from some left wing nut in CA and told to copy/paste their nonsense everywhere they can. He probably is truly a Bills fan making extra cash, but this is why you've seen Tiberius and baskin inadvertantly copy/paste the exact same posts. He forgets how he's logged in and screws up every once in a while.
  8. The only thing more embarrassing than Trump would be losing a presidential election to him.
  9. Explain to us how the Schiavo case is related to this case.
  10. European Healthcare. The US should definitely follow this model.
  11. This administration couldn't be more fun if Twitter had a way to spit confetti from your phone every time Trump sends a tweet. The media helps everyone elect a life-long Dem reality show star to POTUS, and suddenly you're concerned with respect and decorum? Nice bubble you all live in. Newflash: America doesn't give a crap about how much dignity and respect Trump does or doesn't bring to the office. They don't give a crap what you think about what is or isn't acceptable in the WH. They stopped caring about this years ago when Barry went full-goose bozo to turn the federal government into a weapon against its people, and the media let him alone. Michael Goodwin at NY Post really makes the point of all points this week: Trump is Obama's Legacy. Don't like it? Quityer bitchin' and do something about it.
  12. She's Saul before Paul. Pretty crazy, really, as it's the most obvious of all hypocrisies, and yet no one in her district cares.
  13. Not sure if it's by design, but while the left pisses their pants over Trump tweets and the health care debacle, he's quietly dismantling all the moronic power grabs of the BO WH. You know how you know it's a great idea to rescind this? Because Kamala Harris says it's an assault on our fundamental right to clean water.
  14. Oh, please. I've asked you twice to support your incoherent mind-numblingly ridiculous claims about how everyone delivers health care, and you disappear only to show up and take an moronic shot at B-man. Stick to your Tiberius log in. It makes it easier to filter all the stupidity into one sinkhole.
  15. Hey, tell us again how every other industrialized country delivers health care to its people. Make an ice cream truck? You know, fake the fat kids into thinking it's time for a Good Humor Rocket Pop, and then BLAM! Exercise machine! Here's your damn health care, Rufus!
  16. This POTUS really has your panties in a wad.
  17. Frankly, I thought it was Dress Like Hester Prynne Day.
  18. I won't argue with you about the lack of true effort the GOP has made, and if I were a Republican, it would probably bother me. In fairness, anyone paying attention knew that the longer ACA tentacles had to grab onto something, the more impossible it would be to genuinely repeal and replace it. But no matter how many times you or I or anyone wants to pick on the GOP for their current idiocy, it pales in comparison to the pure money-laundering whoredom the DNC subjected everyone to in order to deliver the abortion you're watching right now. Thanks, Obama.
  19. I appreciate the link, but it really doesn't support baskin's case, and in some cases refutes it. He insists everyone else pays less for health care than the US. Apparently Norway and the Netherlands would beg to differ. But even that's not the problem with his repeated claims. He insists over and over and over that every other industrialized nation in the world delivers better health care for less money than the US. In what manner are these countries delivering health care? He doesn't have an answer, nor does the report you posted, because there is no answer. Countries don't deliver health care. They don't even provide it. They only offer it. It's up the individual to take care of themselves. Eat healthy. Exercise. See doctors for pre-emptive care and health issues. Health care providers can make a phone call every week reminding people that smoking and eating processed foods are bad for them, but no one is banging on the door to pull the cigarettes and HoHos from Tonya's 230-pound 14-year-old son who's skipping school to play Xbox. Baskin will never understand that, because baskin believes that only the government can fix things. He'll never understand that it can't fix Tonya's son until Tonya and her son decide they want to be fixed. That's why liberals lose in this country. Because they can't think for themselves. They can only repeat things they're told.
  20. If you're going to use Bill Nye as a science and climate authority, it only makes sense to use Elmo as an authority on immigration.
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