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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. We'll probably get this thread moved, but what you wrote is mostly untrue. You DO need to believe, with all your heart and all your soul. Romans 10:9 says "if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved." A true Christian knows that lying to people and saying you believe in order to receive their forgiveness doesn't escape what God knows to truly be in your heart. Anyway...Go Bills.
  2. You're probably pissing in the wind. The fact that BLM -- in their own words -- is an admitted Marxist group that wants to do away with the nuclear family is lost on those who think the name of the organization is all that matters. Let Marcellus Wiley break it down for those who aren't fully aware.
  3. There's nothing wrong with it...unless you don't believe in God or Jesus Christ. If you don't, you're less likely to understand what Fromm is trying to say and much more likely to accuse him of hiding behind his religion. If Fromm said "I stand by what I said and I don't care!" then everyone would be clamoring about what a piece of dirt he is and he should be cut. But by admitting he he made a mistake and has learned a better way for the future, people who don't believe in God or Christ still clamor because the better way Fromm found (his faith) is not a viable answer to those people. Fromm's just a Jesus freak.
  4. This is journalism today, sports or otherwise. Sports journalists are a dime a dozen. Pretty much anyone can do it, and often times it's done better by your average team blogger than by someone who puts it on their business card. When what you do for a living can be done by pretty much anyone, you need something to give you some separation. Boldly standing in judgement of those in sports who you interviewed -- owners, managers, coaches, players -- is usually the ticket. You're watching people in a dying profession grasp for anything.
  5. Even the Mongomery County CHO agrees with Trump. Changes course to shut down non-public schools. Everyone is coming together, finally.
  6. Or a "clean' African American. Nice to see everyone suddenly coming together to see Biden's history of racism.
  7. Just in...Schumer finally agrees with Trump as well, and says we must open the schools. Nice to see the left finally coming around to solid reasoning.
  8. Nice to see Cuomo following Trump's lead on this. Good for him. Had to be a bitter pill to swallow, but I have to give Cuomo credit where credit is due.
  9. "Look, we know you're going to lose your business, your livelihood, you'll fire your employees and probably file bankruptcy, but if we can save just one life..."
  10. The left and Tara Reade: When your assaulter is the 'Lesser Evil.'
  11. I just saw something on Twitter than NY is going to open schools. Waiting for verification. Steven Bognar @Bogs4NY BREAKING: Gov Cuomo says NYS schools will be OPEN statewide for in-person learning #nbc4ny
  12. But it's typical leftist rhetoric: if you challenge the left, you must be a Trumpbot. If you don't want to be called a Trumpbot, then shut your piehole. It happens here to @plenzmd1 a lot.
  13. Wait. I thought Trump wanted to ban Tik-Toc because someone made fun of him.
  14. "I'm Joe Biden, and c'mon, man! I approve this message. Go get that old lady!"
  15. I suspect the more Trump speaks, the more clear it will be to Americans how biased the media. All you have to do is ask yourself how the media would react if Trump made those comments. From a media who insists everyone who votes for Trump is a stupid racist, it's not difficult to figure out. It's time for the left to put Biden away and find another candidate.
  16. Who also happens to have a history of racism running through his veins (including and right up to yesterday's racist comment), not to mention a list of women who accuse his of sexual harassment. Other than that, he's just a great guy!
  17. I know better than to prognosticate about a player's fortune in a sport that has so many variables, but far and away THE single largest reason TB has been losing has been quarterback play. Last year I had a connecting flight in Tampa, and while I was in line at the Starbucks I actually turned around and intercepted a Jameis Winston pass. True story. They have a very good OL, great receivers and a very good defense. If you're expecting Brady* to schittthebed this year, I wouldn't hold your breath.
  18. Just wait until the first loss. The "McBeane" snarky posters will be back with aplomb...mark my words.
  19. I think you can put BIllstime down as a "maybe" for his Trump vote.
  20. Just like every Trump voter is a racist! It's science!
  21. There is no world where a leftist like Kemp -- who repeatedly advocates for more government control over everything he does -- understands or cares about personal choices. He's not interested in personal choices. He's interested in the government making choices for him. When you're incapable of independent thought, personal choices are simple impossible. Kemp is Exhibit A.
  22. Which genuinely doesn't make sense. I fully expected to see his decision when I first logged in this morning. I don't live in a world where I play something like this out in hopes my wife feels guilty and changes her mind. That is a completely insane take, but guess some of you have that kind of relationship with your other half. That said, I will reiterate what I saw on Twitter: if Bills fans are going to give Tre grief about opting out, perhaps we're not the best fans in the league as we always claim. This isn't a time to turn your back on a Bills player unless their name is Billy Joe Hobert or Vontae Davis.
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