We're in complete agreement,.
I'm not up for writing an essay, but if you consider for a moment that my arguments against money-laundering are more about truth and less about being a partisan, you may be surprised what at what you really want.
Trump not withstanding, most of these idiots are put in office by other people's money. CA gives me a front-row seat to how things are run, and the state is essentially run by by unions. In many cities and in most every trade in CA, you can not be involved in any project unless you meet union requirements and prevailing wage. Dues are mandatory for most unions. Those dues get pulled from paychecks of tens of thousands of people, and are used to put in office the very people who make the laws demanding union requirements. Jerry Brown makes a living off union donations.
Hate the massive unions (SEIU, etc.)? Hate the K-street lobbyists? Hate the way the money is pushed around to get people elected?
Me too.
Best way to stop it? Shrink the government. Best way to shrink the government? Bring it back to what it was intended to do based on the Constitution. Best people to do that? Conservatives.
Unfortunately, the media ensures that anyone who even suggests they're a conservative are painted as evil BIble-thumpers who want to kill your grandmother. So that's a losing battle.
But the only way to elevate who runs the country is to remove the money, and the fastest way to remove the money is to shrink the size of the government.
Won't happen. Too many people are dependent on it for pretty much everything. But it's a nice idea.