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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. Sheesh. FIrst half of first preseason game with an entirely new coaching staff, and it seems all is lost already. Outstanding.
  2. We throw salt, pepper, a sprig of something like rosemary or thyme, and a couple of slices of lemon, and vacuum that all up beffore frreezing it. You could do different seasons, like one with some Mexican flavors and then do a side of rice cooked in salsa, etc. Something else you could do in the morning and have when you return from work is a turkey breast. From frozen state, the boneless breast can go 6-8 hours in the bath. Sumbitch is good for a couple of meals, and a lunch or two.
  3. I think we all know you're not an alcoholic. Alcoholics go to meetings.
  4. I guess it depends on when your wife gets home, but if you can get her to fill the pot with water and turn on the Anova to the desired temperature, then all you need to do is have individually vacuum-sealed chicken breasts in the freezer. She can drop them in when the Anova hits temperature, and as long as they get a 90-minute bath, they'll be ready to sear when you get home. Here's a ridiculously helpful guide to sous-vide chicken breasts. Way too in depth, but pretty interested nonetheless.
  5. Now, now. Don't make BADOL angry. You won't like it when he's angry.
  6. I have no reason to say this other than speculation, but I kind of expect Cutler to be some version of a new Fitzmagic. He'll be amazing enough in the first half of the season to have everyone excited, and Chicago sportswriters will talk about what a mistake the inept money-grubbing Bears management made letting Gase and Cutler go, right before Cutler returns to throwing multiple picks and being the reason the Fish don't make the playoffs.
  7. Ah, the self-absorbed world of sports journalism, where the only thing more important than reporting on sports is ensuring everyone knows you were the first to report it.
  8. My wife is gluten free, so initially she'd use the sauce with spaghetti squash, but recently we tried Barilla's gluten free penne, and damn if it wasn't close. It's really come a long way, and she'll take it over the squash, which she genuinely loves. We find the penne cooks more reliably than gluten free spaghetti, which is thinner and tends to stick together and turn to mush.
  9. This makes no sense to me. The dude was one of the most amazing running backs of his time. After shattering NFL records, he went on to do commercials for Hertz, before finding his way into the movie world. He created characters in movies like "The Naked Gun" that were absolutely hysterical. He thrilled us and made us laugh over for over twenty years. The dude has ONE bad day and you want to kick him out of Canton?
  10. Should Tasker be in there?
  11. My wife is in charge of TV in my house. If it's not football, it's mostly background noise to me, and one reason is my work and life schedule rarely permit me to stick with shows that require you to stay on top of each episode. That's why I prefer watching The Gong Show.
  12. That's a good question, and to be honest, I overstated my opinion. My disdain is not an intentional thing to prove a point, though I made it sound that way, and that was a mistake. It's somehow just a natural part of how I react to crowds for unexplained reasons. I could no sooner be interested in standing near the Academy Awards red carpet for a peek at celebrities than wait 45 minutes in line to save $3 buying gas at Costco. Lines, crowds, pop culture...they all have become the equivalent of "Get off my lawn." But I should know better because I can easily remember getting up Sunday mornings in the 90s, driving to the Bills Backers bar in Orlando, seeing everyone on the highway and wondering why they ALL weren't following me to what I considered to be the epicenter of the universe that day.
  13. I've seen Cutler run a two-minute drill with the game on the line looking like he's ready for the easy booth life.
  14. Speak for yourself. Some of us have a natural disdain for anything the majority of the world thinks is amazing. In fact, we actually go out of our way not to watch it so we're not associated with people who get all Alex Forrest over a TV show.
  15. If anything, the move (once again) of a Kap thread to the political side of TBD only serves to support the point that Kap-apologists refuse to acknowledge. People don't want his moronic politics in a sport we love to watch. Shut up and play. And if you can't shut up and play, no one will hire you. So thanks to the mods for helping validate the truth: football fans want Kap to shut his piehole because they genuinely don't care about his thoughts.
  16. Good meatballs are unbeatable. I make mine two parts ground beef to one part ground veal and one part ground pork (other ingredients, obviously). Make them large, fry them on the stove and finish them in sauce. I eat them like Adam Sandler in "The Wedding Singer."
  17. You really don't need sauce to cook for 10 hours. Some, yes, like a bolognese. But you can make an amazing spaghetti sauce in just a coupleathree hours and avoid all the processed sugar-filled crap from the store. Here's my gig... Slice up a pound of Italian sausage and saute it over medium high heat in olive oil in a large sauce pan. Cook them well and let them brown the bottom of the pan. When they're done, pull them out and add in one diced onion and one diced head of garlic (just put them together in the Cuisinart. And yeah, the whole head of garlic.) Use the moisture from the onions to scrape up all the brown bits, and after few minutes add an 8 oz can of tomato paste. (Personally I like the concentrated paste in a tube.) Once the past is warmed through with the onions and garlic, add a cup of dry red wine and bring it to a boil to burn off the alcohol while continuing to stir up the ingredients. As the red wine starts to reduce, stir in two to three 28 oz cans of crushed San Marzano tomatoes. This is my go to. While that cooks, brown the ground beef. After 30 minutes, add the sliced sausages and (drained) ground beef into the sauce. Keep low heat and stir frequently for another 60-90 minutes. Just before serving, chiffonade some fresh basil leaves and stir them in.
  18. So it's reported there is no structural damage, and I'm glad Tannyhill is going to be okay because I find it hard to cheer for anyone to get hurt. Admittedly, I'm kinda sorry we won't watch the Fish explain to every single sports reporter in the world why they don't want to sign Kaepernick. I'm sure his girlfriend's recent tweet suggesting the Ravens owner is a racist and Ray Lewis as his house slave won't hold things up anywhere.
  19. It's almost like sports reporters are making up stories to make their byline relevant.
  20. Any relation to Basketball Jones?
  21. I'll take "Things Kaepernick has been unable to do lately" for $100, Alex. So not only does he not win, but he brings a team-wide distraction to every, single game. We also fight so when someone like Kaepernick takes a knee in protest on company time, we can also choose to not hire him due to the distraction he causes.
  22. Gee, the guy who signs the checks doesn't want a schittshow at the office. How odd.
  23. As far as I'm concerned, it's as simple as this: (1) he's not very good in spite of cherry-picked stats, and (2) the SJWs who comprise the sports reporting world will ensure there are cameras and mics in the face of all his teammates and coaches, every week, for every game, asking them how they feel about a topic that has NOTHING to do with the sport for which they are paid to play. No team wants that distraction. Not one. And let's be fair, most football fans don't want that crap on their team either. And no matter how hard ESPN and NFL.com act perplexed about his unemployment, thinking people know their motives are self-serving. They need Kap on a team so they have a schittstorm to write about and a SJW cause to hold up.
  24. I'll never understand the incredible mystique of the 300-yard games for quarterbacks. You know who had a lot of games in the high 200- to low-300-yard range? Fitzpatrick and Bledsoe. There are a handful of things that concern me about Taylor. The number of 300-yard games he's had isn't even on my radar.
  25. Don't sweat it. Things will be better once we cut Ragland and put out the RT dumpster fire.
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