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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. I swear some of you people are completely unhinged.
  2. Oh, wait. Now Peterman's no good? Damn, you McDermott! You've had WEEKS to fix this. You suck!
  3. McDermott SUCKS! We're not even at the half of his third preseason game and we KNOW he sucks!!!
  4. Peterman incomplete to Zay!! McDermott sucks again! We're losing to Ryan Freaking Mallett!!!!
  5. Peterman to Zay! McDermott doesn't suck anymore!!!
  6. By three points!!! In the first quarter of a preseason game!!! Some of you people are completely unhinged.
  7. Third preseason game and McDermott sucks!
  8. Gee, the whiny bitches are out early tonight.
  9. While I despise the Patriots* as much as the next Bills fan, anyone who thinks losing Edelman changes their trajectory this year is delusional. They lose Brady for four games last year, and still won it all. Someone else will step in and you'll spend the year listening to how amazing the Patrtios* are to not miss a beat.
  10. I'm getting a better understanding of why the Bills shut down BBMB.
  11. Who knows what'll happen when Tim Graham gets involved. He already thinks Kaep = Ali.
  12. Is everyone jumping on Jim Brown for his comments too?
  13. We're sobbing over them because it's not fair. The only requirements to be an American is to show up here. That's it. You should just be able to come and do as you please because it's your natural human right. [/Democratseverywhere] What I don't understand about that story is how did it come to be that of all the people who are here illegally, the people we've decided to throw out have been here for 20 years with no problems? I could drive near the Home Depot and grab you a dozen illegals with criminal records who have been here for five months. Why this family? Why now...after 20 years?
  14. How easy is it to mock leftists these days?
  15. The only way to make California jump is to withhold whatever federal funds they receive. In 2009, Schwarzenegger tried to get union salaries reduced because of how expensive it was becoming to use their labor in the state, and Obama (via the Purple People Beaters [sEIU] told Arnold to drop the plan or get no stimulus money. Arnie (a registered Republican who, in actions, actually makes Trump look like a Republican) dropped it so fast it would make your head spin. Like most politicians, the people running CA demand two things: power and money. They will sell their parents and eat the family pet to keep both.
  16. I appreciate and understand what you're saying, but there will be no well-thought out policy as long as the state of CA continues to openly and unabashedly offer everyone in Mexico free food, free housing, free phones, free health insurance and free education, all wrapped in a promise that you are safe from prosecution for pretty much anything you do. That's California. Straight up. No BS. Until that stops, the only thing that will keep them out is a shitcanned US economy.
  17. When you predicted a Trump presidency would flip everything into a complete schittstorm, I wonder if this was part of what you envisioned as something of a side dish to the storm.
  18. Interestingly, during a preseason game the other night with John Gruden, they were making a big push for getting kids involved in the game again. They talked about the safety element, and how kids today just want to play video games...all the cliches were there...but it was the first time I've watched the NFL actually start to look nervous about their bench. My 12-year-old has an amazing noggin' for math and science and engineering. No way I'm letting it get scrambled on a football field.
  19. Really great to see Abe Vigoda as the referee again. Man, no one could call a game like Vigoda.
  20. The weirdness hasn't started to peak. It's always been there. The only difference is that it has a much bigger megaphone. Virtually all aspects of the media find unprecedented attention for these kinds of stories due to the internet.
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