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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. Congratulations, SJWs. The story that tells your story: Ole Miss student can't find trash can, puts banana peel on tree, ends leadership retreat when black students are triggered. Okay. Just to ensure everyone understands how bad the banana ordeal became, here is a letter to the editor from the woman who found it.
  2. This was kind of my point in a previous thread: how unbelievably mindless and panic-stricken does the left sound when in the midst of this tragedy, all it can do is constantly bring up a Trump speech in Texas or stiletto heels? You've lost all credibility at that point.
  3. Thank you so much for your donation. We plan to put it to excellent use. Sincerely, Trump/Pence 2020 You Dems really need to just lay low for a while. We appreciate your ability to take every situation and make it worse with your embarrassing partisan comments -- and you'll have plenty of time to continue the embarrassments in due time-- but can you at least wait until we're done watching images of old people being rescued on jet skis before you whine about superficial crap like this and stiletto heels?
  4. This just in: CBS News is reporting, in an interview with climate expert and professor Jim Blackburn, that Harvey is "a climate-influenced storm."
  5. Just heard Pat Kirwan, who I consider one of the best talking heads on NFL Sirius, opine on Ragland while I was driving around. He said the problem with Ragland at Buffalo wasn't that he didn't fit the scheme. It's that he didn't fit his uniform. Said he was somewhere between 280-300 when he showed up, which is why he struggled to play effectively at all. He also implied...or, at least, I inferred...that it would take to too long for him to learn everything needed at the NFL level to be a successful middle linebacker. For what it's worth...
  6. From Politico...the meltdown continues...
  7. If you've ever dealt with Geek Squad, you'd know they aren't smart enough to sell water, let alone open a bottle of water.
  8. Totally the same thing. Great call. Tremendous insight. Really. Tremendous. Bigly, even. Keep up the great analysis. Maybe we can talk more about Melania's shoe choice.
  9. Only the left could use a massive disaster like Harvey to urge people to donate to their political action committee under the guise of providing relief to people in need of money, food and shelter. But hey...those stilettos and that hat, amirite?
  10. Where's the asterisk? I don't see the asterisk.
  11. Frankly I had little idea who he was until he jumped in my schitt about something that happened a few years ago in which I wasn't involved. Even after giving him the thread and proving to him I wasn't involved, he just kept telling lies about it, so I just tuned him out because, y'know, I'm not 11 and the board deserves better discourse.
  12. Don't mind BADOL. He hasn't been the same since Fathead rejected his special order life-sized Tim Graham Wall Decal because the skin on the Fathead would be too thin to stick to the wall.
  13. You ever see the movie, with Liam Neeson as Hannibal? Generally, I hate movies of old TV shows, but this was pretty damn funny.
  14. This guy has no idea what he's talking about. I've watched football on TV my whole life, and was pretty good at Tecmo in my day, and I only needed to get halfway through the first quarter of Preseason Game 3 to know McDermott is is a failure, Beane is a fool, and Pegula is a horrible, horrible owner. You'll see. You'll ALL see. Then I will return and say "I told you so." Amen.
  15. Based on last year's effort alone, no one would help the team tank faster than Kaep.
  16. I see this more about wanting to be right about something for the sake of standing around saying "I told you so." Quite possibly the easiest thing to predict in the NFL is failure. Failure in a player. Failure in a coach, a GM, a scheme, or a play. There is so much failure at every level at virtually every team, how difficult is it to see it coming? Not difficult at all. It's easier than trying to predict if Poojer would. Now count, as an example, how many times Tyrod Taylor throws a bad pass, and someone jumps in to a game thread and say something stupid like "I guess now all you TT fanboys are starting see the light, now. If only you listened to me earlier!!!" or "I've seen enough of McDermott to know it's time to move on!" It satisfies some people for some reason.
  17. It's ridiculous to think the Pegulas have any idea what they're doing. They've already proven to make bad choices with Rex, and now McDermott and Beane. Watkins. Darby. Ragland. Do these people even KNOW they're in Arizona? I doubt it. If only Bon Jovi bought the team. We'd totally be winning by now.
  18. I tell ya what...you've only got one note, but you play the living hell out of it. Well done.
  19. Why this simple truth is lost on Bills fans is beyond me. So many people here literally have no idea why a guy who has been with the team since January, and in training camp since only July, has not turned the ship around after 17 years of failure. You have fans calling McDermott a useless coach who needs to be fired during the first quarter of his 3rd preseason game. Yet bring it up, and you're the one who doesn't contribute positively to the board.
  20. I watched him throwing for the Giants recently. He hasn't improved much since the last time I watched him.
  21. Fixed. Should be easier to struggle with now.
  22. So in conclusion, you refuse to pay for season tickets, you refuse to pay for Sunday Ticket...essentially you refuse to have anything to do with this team because the current owners have no clue on how to run the team. So remind us again...why are you here? To get more people to join your exodus?
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