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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. I think people tend to forget that Antifa is just Soros employees doing his bidding. When you eliminate Soros from the equation, you eliminate Antifa. Eliminate Antifa and you eliminate a lot of the angst that seems to exist, and then you realize that most Americans are good, hard-working, decent people who genuinely don't give a rat's asshair what color your skin is or how much your earn.
  2. And that's just at your Thanksgiving dinner table. I think Average Everyday Joe Blow realizes Obama is done, and he has no power , and with all the bloviating from both sides of the aisle, he's just more noise on top of the embarrassing noise we hear every day from the left and right. Truth is, if people really wanted more Barry, they had a chance to get it. They chose no more Barry. He should take the hint.
  3. I genuinely don't remember, in my lifetime, any former president being as vocal post-presidency as Obama intends to be. It's going to be interesting when he suddenly realizes most people just want him to go away.
  4. So to recap, a law that Obama couldn't get passed by his Supermajority Senate is only in its current state because of a disingenuous group of Republicans who didn't pass it either? Sheesh. Maybe you should figure out why 5 Dems voted it down. I'm willing to bet you'll find a more realistic story.
  5. I have a way to get the same results for half the money: Post the names and address of the 50 gangbangers, and offer anyone $15,000 per head to make the gangbangers go away. Problem wll be solved in less than a week.
  6. I guess it's time for the left to start explaining what a dirtbag Franco Harris is... Harris: "Players in my day would have dealt with protesters."
  7. That all sounds very pretty and understandable. Unfortunately, it doesn't square with the fact that after 50+ years of following a football team, you can size up the initial actions of a new head coach and new GM (both from a pretty damn good franchise) -- brought in to fix 17 years of no playoffs -- and tell everyone you can't wait to cheer for their failure. Why would any fan cheer for the failure of the new coach and GM? It makes no sense. I mean, not even as a casual half-assed observation let alone a committed plan for a new football season. But hey...knock yourself out, I guess. Failure certainly is a very easy thing for which to cheer.
  8. As a football fan, in what world does this even remotely make sense? The new owner sucks, the new GM sucks, the new coach sucks...and you now are rooting for the entire thing to fail? Really? Why are you even here? Wait. Let me guess. So every time the team loses, you can spend your Sunday's hanging here saying "I told you so." I guess the big mystery is simply how we'll ever understand how Beane and McDermott got to their positions in the NFL while you, with all the answers, are simply wasting away on a Bills message board.
  9. You'd be surprised what Trump did to a lot of us. On the upside, every time someone accuses us conservatives of being Trump lovers, we get to honestly admit we didn't vote for him.
  10. Yes, but other than that, it's pretty rare. Only with other gays. (Side note: good to see you over here. I know it's short-lived, but you're the last of the logical left-leaning thinkers.)
  11. I don't know if there are a lot more murders, but since the middle of Obama's time to now, I've seen politics have more families spending less time together, people with friends on Facebook getting into ridiculous battles to the point of ending friendships, and I don't know if you've noticed but if someone doesn't take a real stand against Antifa and Alt-Right, a civil war isn't the craziest idea. It won't be north and south, though. It'll be left and right, and it will end quickly because, let's face it, you should never bring a gay couple looking for a wedding cake to a gun fight.
  12. It's telling that of ALL the things you can pick on Trump about, you choose to pick on an act of human kindness.
  13. FInally an answer to the question: "Can you name ONE unemployed quarterback worse than Kaepernick?"
  14. Funny. That's the only cop I've ever heard say that. How do you know the problem is systemic?
  15. Good thing you don't own a Christian bakery.
  16. Everyone is protesting because of one dumbass cop in Georgia?
  17. Equally interesting is the idea that no one wanted to hire him after the 49ers let him go. The 49ers never let him go. He opted out of the last year of his contract. So only one person is responsible for Kaepernick being unemployed this year. And only one person.
  18. I keep hearing this, but could it also be because that was the game where he was named the starter again?
  19. He probably wrote STHU and decided he was angier than that. Sometimes I imagine posters here are a lot like Octavius and Jedediah. "Summon the apparatus!"
  20. So we can put you down as a 'maybe?'
  21. Biden finished the story by explaining Obama offered to give him some of that all-important 3-letter word. C-A-S-H. Cash.
  22. We have a winner. If the author didn't find the need to make this yet another story about something no one really cares about -- while using the opportunity to point out what he considers a bunch of disgusting pigs at OBD -- it wouldn't be a story. It's only a story because the author has to make it a story so people will click the bait and rile each other up while he points out to his bosses how popular his non-story is. Just that simple. You'd all do well not to take his bait.
  23. Something tells me it looked more like this:
  24. Hillary selling VIP book tour tickets for $2000. She really is a voice of the people!
  25. Yeah, okay. You're no Dem.
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