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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. Joe Buck. I've said it before; he tries to make every single play sound like the most epic play in the history of sports, just in case it turns out to be an epic play, and his call can be played back all the time (think Al Michaels "Do you believe in miracles?" type replay). Unfortunately, every play isn't epic and he sounds like an idiot. Oh, and Gruden is my new Howard Cosell. I know it's a schtick, but the dude cracks me up and makes the game fun.
  2. Oh, no. We suck again!
  3. Actually, if Vegas is anything like CA, being white makes you a minority.
  4. I love how he points out that the two officers who grabbed Bennett were minorities. Really looking forward to how this gets played out.
  5. I'd like to discuss odds on how long a hipster with a bunhead lasts in Troy.
  6. Are you from one of the top whitey white trash cities in NY? According to the site, they used used the following white trash metrics: Cities where there are lots of white people Cities where residents are poorer than average Cities where a high number of residents are high school dropouts High drug use Higher than average Payday Loan Outlets and Dollar Stores Violent cities (measured in aggravated assaults) Cities with a high number of residents on welfare Here's your link. Here's your list: Gloversville Utica Jamestown Niagara Falls Buffalo Binghamton Elmira Ronkonkoma Auburn Cortland
  7. Well, I think with Obama you got the first mainstream African American who is articulate and bright and clean. I mean, that's a storybook, man.
  8. We were in a Pittsford college dorm near Thirsty's, for crying out loud. Everyone got along fine. Maybe they felt more comfortable around each other, but to think they all cowered to one part of the floor because the white kids treated them differently is ridiculous. I appreciate your slice of this, but there was never a time I was in college where anyone ever did anything but hang and have a good time with everyone, regardless of skin color. Except the French majors. Everyone hated the French majors.
  9. The cameras know. You know Vegas better than most. Cameras are pretty much everywhere. I'll be surprised if they don't find video from within the building when he first started to run. You may not believe this, but I genuinely hope that the videos prove Bennett out. There is a lot to gain if he's honest but a schittload more to lose if he's not.
  10. I just watched the police report of this account. Let's hear Bennett explain why he ran away. Let's hear him rebut what the LVPD reported. But a note of caution, Bennett. You may want to lay low before you answer these questions. This is Vegas. You can't hail a cab without a camera watching you. If he ran from the police, you can bet there's video.
  11. It's kind a funny because where I grew up, there was one black family. The father was a mechanic at my father's car dealership. He had a son and a daughter. I never saw or experienced anything consider racist from anyone in the 8 years I grew up in that town. Then I went to college in Rochester, and while there were black students everywhere, I never gave it a thought until about two months into my first semester. All the freshman were just randomly assigned roommates. No rhyme or reason. They just put guys with guys, and over the first month or two, you would start making friends and people would start swapping roommates. By the third month, somehow, an entire wing of one dorm became almost exclusively black. No one put them there. No one assigned them there. They just all moved there. On their own. So while I appreciate your idea that some neighborhoods are segregated, you have to ask yourself...who put them there?
  12. It will only mean one thing: the batschitt loon you see today will still be a batschitt loon...he'll just have a D after his name again.
  13. All you need to know is right here: It's going to be a huge story opening week because the longtime ESPN producer will MAKE SURE it's a huge story on opening week. It will continue to be a big story each and every week because the SJW Calvary that is the collective of sports journalists will ensure you see this story.
  14. Maybe the answer is found in this Weekly Standard article: Is Trump Preparing To Leave The Republican Party? WS is a big Trump critic, but of all the things discussed about Trump, this sounds PRECISELY like something he'd do: Leave the party and return to being a Democrat. It would be the trolling of all trollings and a glorious day to watch the news all day long.
  15. This is kinda what I mean about the truth being established now with Bennett, before the actual truth comes out. Evidence ultimately showed what happened with Michael Brown, but it didn't keep Ferguson from burning down because no one was willing to wait for the evidence.
  16. I'm giving the entire event the benefit of the doubt based on the video I watched because that's all I have, other than Bennett's account, and the only thing the video supports in Bennett's account is that he is being arrested by cops in Vegas. And to be clear, I would not be surprised if Bennett's account turns out to be accurate any more than I'd be surprised to find out the whole thing was blown out of proportion. Nothing surprises me any more.
  17. Based on just watching the video, I suspect it's more likely something in the middle. But I can only speculate. I don't pretend to know what police consider appropriate force in a shooting scenario relative to a what a human considers to be inappropriate force. My preference is to wait for all the evidence, which was really the point of my post to whomever JohnBonhamRocks is. He didn't watch the video, but quickly gives Bennett the benefit of the doubt, but not the police. Unfortunately, that prevailing knee-jerk reaction is what we're about to hear from every sports journalist from NY to Tehachapi for every freaking game of the season. And when the evidence comes out, the truth won't matter because the perceived truth is being set right now through speculation by people with the biggest megaphones.
  18. They probably tried, but he bought them all off with a lifetime supply of Barbasol shave cream.
  19. Watch the video. See all the people around while this is happening? There are A LOT of people. You would think someone would be talking about how the cops called him the N word and threatened to blow his effin' head off, no? You seem determined to believe Bennett, but have no interest in any of the evidence that is in front of you. You give Bennett the benefit of the doubt, but not the police. Too bad.
  20. I missed the part of the video where he said he was going to blow his head off. Would hope cops could do their job without civilians threatening to kill cops all the time.
  21. The only thing we know for sure is that every football game is going to suck for the next couple of months. Gonna have to watch the games on mute.
  22. All police should wear body cams. It strikes me as the fastest route to make these incidents stop, and to provide genuine context to all of them.
  23. Obama beats Trump head-to-head because one of Obama's surrogates would find a receipt from one of Trump's hotels buying white bed sheets, and make the case on CNN that they were not for the hotel beds.
  24. Ray Lewis: Ravens were close to signing Kaep, then Kaep's girlfriend said the Ravens were racist, and that was that. This is where the left pulls out Ray Lewis' rap sheet to argue that even though he was part of the Raven's plan to bring in Kaep, his past makes everything he says a moot point because he's a POS garbage human being.
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