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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. No problem thanking Rex for this, though the very mention of his name around here will start a maniacal free-for-all, so do me a favor: if everyone starts bitching about Rex , yell "TYROD!" to make it stop.
  2. A lot of people spend a lot of time talking about all the stupid things this organization has done, but Incognito was one of the smartest plays by anyone. A tremendous under-the-radar pickup that is rewarded not just with Pro Bowl-quality effort, but I suspect he brings a ton of gratitude and loyalty for the second chance to make things right. He's become one of my favorite players.
  3. How funny is this? Coming from the people who want to destroy Mt. Rushmore, they accuse Columbus of... These people are dumb as a brick.
  4. I disagree. She needs to keep talking. She is everything the Democrats represent.
  5. I think you're confusing him with Banacek, but it's a simple mistake to make because they both aired on Wednesday nights.
  6. Little known fact that the Nina was owned by a guy named Juan Nino. Columbus always thought Juan gave the ship a female version of his name because Chris knew Juan liked to dress like a girl when the sailors all came to town. Turns out the name of the boat was just a typo, but Juan never forgave Chris for outing him when he wrote the song "Nino, You're A Fine Girl" so he took his boat back and Chris hated him ever since. True story.
  7. Okay. I get it, Dexter.
  8. In fairness, when you're raised as a leftist, the idea of taking responsibility for your own failures is not even an option for consideration. Her husband used an intern like a humidor and Hillary argued that it was the girl's fault. You expect better of her after the single most embarrassing presidential loss in the history of forever? Yeah. Didn't think so.
  9. The dude who wrote it spent a pretty fare amount of time explaining why his comment was accurate. It started with "I don't mean to offend the countless people who died or who lost a family member on that horrific day, but..." And then it went off the tracks from there. Not to worry, leftists. I'm sure you'll all get it right when Hillary runs again in 2020.
  10. The only upside I can make out of all this leftist stupidity is that they will ultimately protest themselves into a corner where they simply are better off saying nothing at all than risk saying anything that MAY be misinterpreted to the point where they lose their job. LEFTISTS: The world will never be proper until all of us STFU.
  11. When leftists run out of normal ways to promote their name....
  12. Helluva photo I just found from Prescott Rossi. Not digging the "loaf of bread" ball handling, but you get a great capture of the moment a couple of Jets defenders lose their jocks.
  13. Something tells me he's still do her.
  14. "You can have my gun when you pry it from my cold, dead..."
  15. Well, Week 1 is in the books, and 65 of you are moving into Week 2. The contest will get a real trim after this week, as 38 picked the Bills to beat the Panthers and 27 picked them to lose to the Panthers. Best of luck to everyone.
  16. Ya gotta love how the leftist answer to every problem is "Tax someone."
  17. I didn't mean rabid as in rabies. I meant rabid as in "Every time someone mentions Tyrod Taylor, they start screaming about how much he sucks because he's a 7-year vet with hardly any 300 yards games." Annoying as hell, but not very scary.
  18. I'm no Trump fan, but getting rid of Bannon was the truest form of addition by subtraction. Bannon is a bad egg; a self-serving pig bomb-throwing asshat who has essentially done everything possible to wipe his own fat ass with Andrew Breitbart's legacy. Had he stuck to what Brietbart was genuinely about, maybe he'd have more respect...but he is exclusively in it for himself, and his latest foil of going after the GOP establishment carries all the threat of a rabid earthworm.
  19. Who knows what the hell is going to happen this season, but if you watched this game and came away suggesting that in all your time watching the Bills, you've "never felt so ehh after a win," then you need a new logo on your gameday shirt. Some of you folks here need to grow a pair.
  20. I agree, but you need the megaphone to force them to make a choice because the people with the megaphone are the ones who always ask "Do you denouce this behavior." And while they hold all parts of the government, they can't get anywhere near the megaphone.
  21. You know, I appreciate the Tyrod discussions like the next fan, so forgive me for pointing out that if you want to make your point about how much you dislike him, come up with something other than "He's in his seventh year." Technically, you are correct. Logistically, you're using a point that is useless because he sat on a bench for four of those years. You don't progress as QB in the NFL by sitting on a bench during the regular season. Yeah, I get it. It *sounds" like such a solid point against him. But it's not solid. It's lazy. And anyone who knows even a little bit about this game knows it's a ridiculous point to keep bringing up. Few NFL'ers play (actually play, not sit on a bench) in this league for seven seasons and stay on a team if he sucks. Frankly, I'm surprised so many Bills fans don't understand this very simple truth. EDITOR'S NOTE: I'm not arguing one way or another as to what kind of QB he'll be this season. I'm explaining that if you want to make the point that he sucks, come up with a point that makes sense.
  22. Actually, when I want to nap, I turn on the Sirius XM NFL channel when Gil Brandt is on the air.
  23. If anyone wonders why the left is such a mess these days, let this article serve as Exhibit A. Univ. of Ca Suing Trump Administration; Calls DACA Cancellation Unconstitutional. Yes.That's right. UC President Janet Napolitano argues that a president using EO to cancel a previous president's EO is unconstitutional. Welcome back, Janet. We surely missed your take on things.
  24. This coming from the person convinced that only the government can take care of the people fairly, and you must trust the government with all things because you can't trust yourself let alone the people around you. I suspect your only problem with the federal government is it doesn't behave more like Antifa.
  25. Forgive me for not reading through this entire thread, but I read on NFL.com that Brady was pretty pissed after the game because of team attitude, etc. Anyone hear who he was specifically referring to?
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